Archive:Arcadian Altanate: Difference between revisions

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|leader_name1 = [[Game Glider SKG|Glider Fraemani]]
|leader_title2 = Prime Minister
|leader_name2 = [[Lord Tilly of AngolmoisRaistron|Lord TillyAurvengr]] (ARPRP)
|sovereignty_type = Establishment
|established_event1 = Declaration of the Altanate
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|[[Pitru Punstraia]] ([[IAmTheSenate13]])
|Pitru Punstraia
|[[Game Glider SKG|Glider Fraemani]]
|Province of the Atolia Islands
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|Province of Kogongu
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|[[Game Glider SKG|Glider Fraemani (Game_Glider_SKG)]]
|[[Lopov]]|Lopov Ficar]] (Ausgint)
|Province of Dura
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|[[Raistron|Aurvengr]] (Raistron)
|Flat of Moria (Stampymax)
|Aurvengr (Raistron)
|Province of Icesteel
|[[Kais Termina]]
|Specz Arcanes (Its_Specz)
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[[File:ARP Logo.png|thumb|170x170px|The Logo of the Arcadian Reform Party]]
[[File:Arcadian Senate Nov. 2021 Election.png|left|thumb|312x312px|<nowiki>Holy Senate of Arcadia | Top Seats - Government, Bottom Seats - Opposition, Center Seat - Prime Minister | Green - ARP, Yellow - B.A.L.L Party, Purple - RP </nowiki>]]
The Altanate has had many political parties over its political history. Two out of the current sixeight registered parties have been present since the beginning of political parties in Arcadia. The Betterment of Arcadian Life and Liberty or B.A.L.L Party, is led by TTVgoodnoodle808, mayor of [[Kais Termina]]. The B.A.L.L Party was previously led by Haij Tumal, the former mayor of Odestra Deova, who sparked a national crisis when he attempted to secede from the Altanate on November 25, 2021. The other, the Arcadian Reform Party or ARP, is led by Altan Glider Fraemani. The other six registered parties are younger to various degrees.
The other four out of the six egistered parties are much newer. The Roast Party (RP), led by Aurvengr (Raistron) of Bal Duran has its stronghold in Raistron's native Dura Province, and made an unsuccessful bid for Prime Minister in the December Elections with their candidate JiraiyaFan, who in the end lost to Tilly of Angolmois. The party has since rebounded in the January Elections, taking the senate seat of Wahat Almarjan with the victory of former Altan Pitru Punstraia and the Prime Ministership with the landslide victory of Aurvengr. The Mario Party, led by Senator Plato of Teufort Province and created during the December Elections, is a newer and quite small party, currently counting Plato as its single member. The Three-Tailed Arcadia Party is led by Anton (pipacs), Mayor of Odestra Deova, and is mainly a joke party. Finally, theThe Demos Kratos Party, led by Karl_the_Door of Gint, is a young party advocating for the continued democratization and liberalization of Arcadian society. The New Arcadian Party (NAP), founded by former Prime Minister Tilly of Angolmois (Ang0lmois), advocates for ideals of democratization and the abolishment of Arcadia's theocratic governance. Finally, the Moriean Industralist Party (MIP) has established itself in Moriean City, Dura Province, focusing mainly on the interests of the exiled Morian people.
Currently, the ARP, B.A.L.L Party, Roast Party, and Mario Party each hold one seat in the Holy Senate. The senate seat of the Province of the Atolia Islands is currently vacantheld due toby a lownon-Atolian, population of active playersTylxrMD, butwho awas specialappointed electionby isthe plannedAltan to take place whenfill the provincepreviously receivesvacant a larger active playerbaseseat. The senate seat of the Province of Wahat Almarjan is alsowas vacant, dueon to the resignationaccount of Senatorlow Glider Fraemani to become Altan of Arcadiapopulation.
==== Political History ====
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The Altanate was originally quite isolationist, holding a policy of no diplomatic relations upon its founding. In the coming months after her founding, however, Arcadia would come to abandon this foolish policy and establish strong ties with several nations. The Altan appointed trusted Mumba and old friend Game Glider to the position of High Ambassador, a crucial diplomatic position that Glider has held to this day. The first diplomatic agreement was reached with Atolia Island in late-July, and the international relations of the Altanate would only multiply from there.
As tensions began to increase across Alathra in mid-August, Arcadia met with their southern neighbor [[Republic Of Lydoneia|Lydoneia]] to address the perceived threats of [[Acquendavia|Acqeundavia]] and [[Elyria]]. Soon after, on August 18, 2021, the Altanate entered into a defensive and economic agreement with [[Pyrrhus|Pyrrhia]] and the [[Fossore Republic|Fossores Republic]] respectively. The next day, August 19th, saw Arcadia join the Altathran Entente, a coalition of six nations committed to containing Elyria. The Altanate also issued its first declaration of war on this day, together with all the members of the Alathran Entente, against Elyria, beginning the [[Great Alathran War]]. The conflict went poorly for Arcadia, its forces along with the rest of the Entente were decimated on the first day of battle, August 20th. Negotiations were swiftly opened with Elyria, with the kings of Peachfield providing generous terms in form of moderate reparations and the return of none of the armor lost in the war. While her allies in the Fossores Republic, Pyrrhia, the [[Kingdoms of Arith]], and the [[Federation of Arith]] all collapsed or became dormant, Arcadia pulled through.
On August 31, 2021, Arcadia annexed its inactive ally Kogongu. This would be a major factor in the diplomatic rise of Arcadia, as the nation has become better known amongst the people of Alathra, and attracted allies old and new. Lydoneia stayed a firm ally of Arcadia, while relations with Elyria were repaired. The Lethonians have agreed to protect Arcadia if any nation were to attack the nation's holdings on Koganon, providing a powerful defensive ally on Arcadia's home contienent. In mid-September, an alliance was agreed upon between Arcadia and the recently reestablished [[U.S.A]], specifically in response to the Aemsa Crisis. In early October, during his term as the first Prime Minister of Arcadia, [[ClanofwadaC30]], appointed the first official diplomats other than Game Glider, including [[Lopov|Lopov of Gint]], who secured the Altanate a mutual defense pact with the powerful [[Encavia|Kingdom of Encavia]], and [[Hateummall|Haij Tumal]] of Odestra Deova, who helped mediate and reason with King Theodmer of Estea during the Styx Crisis.
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*[[Kaer Nevura]]
*[[Kais Moriean|Moriean City]]
