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The land Arcadia rests on was largely empty up until the formation of Wahat Almarjan and Atolia Island, the peninsula and the island were mainly used by fishermen as a resting ground, it has also been said that the area was popular amongst Kogongi younglings looking for a place to swim.
Arcadia itself began originally with it's capital city: Wahat Almarjan. The town formed in early April of 2021 as apart of [[Kogongu]] and was largely stagnant in terms of development, never going far beyond the humble home and farm of its founder, [[IAmTheSenate13]], there was also another resident known as Pmak who was homeless. The founder, IAmTheSenate13 had come from Arith after his homeland of Yuvantiya was ravaged with destruction and had made an agreement with the Kogongi that allowed him to settle on their lands. After after roughly 2 months of inactivity as well as some internal down falls within Kogongu, [[Game Glider SKG]] opted to join Wahat Almarjan in order to help develop it and form a new nation alongside Senate and Pmak. The three residents would all be visited in their dreams by one of the three gods of the Mufijo Faith, Senate by Afi - God of the Sun, Pmak by Jorb - God of the Moon, and Glider by Xamu - God of the Land. The gods bestowed the divine title of Mumba upon them, and tasked them to found a great nation from which to preach and spread the Mufijo faith. This nation would come to be known as Arcadia, and the oldest follower out of the three, Senate, would be centeredchosen aroundto theirlead religion,it theas faithits ofAltan [[Mufijo|Mufijo(Akin to a Caliph or Prince-Bishop).]]
[[File:Altanhouse.png|left|thumb|The humble abode of the Altan, the first building ever constructed in Wahat Almarjan. ]]
From there, the three began to build up their nation and develop their capital city. They also began to build up better gear so that they could more easily build structures and defend themselves. On August 11, 2021, Ausgint, a native Kogongi form the Cotona Forests south of Wahat, joined the Altanate after founding his own settlement known as Gint. From then on, he would become a wealthy, well-equipped, and influential resident of Arcadia, who donated much of his wealth to the nation to help it grow. Around the time of August 15th, after roughly a week of good relations, the nation of Atolia Island opted to join the Altanate and became the fledglingsgrowing nation's secondthird city. Atolia would go on to become the industrial heartland of the nation, producing stacks upon stacks of various goods that it would sell in its widely used general store, allowing the residents there to become considerably rich. The islanders would also go on to build a number of different notable structures including the Tower of Atolia, the Atolian underwater Market, as well as the Trans-Atolian-Wahati tunnel which was a joint effort between the two towns.
== Geography ==