Archive:Arcadian Altanate: Difference between revisions

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[[File:Glider.png|left|thumb|239x239px|Glider I, Altan of Arcadia since January 1, 2022]]
[[File:Count of Tilly.jpg|thumb|220x220px|Lord Tilly of Angolmois, Prime Minister of Arcadia since December 20, 2021]]
The Altanate is theocratic state, organized as a parliamentary constitutional monarchy. The Altan, a position akin to a prince-bishop or caliph, is the supreme religious and executive authority in the nation, acting as head of state. The Altan's powers are heavily limited, and is bounded by the Arcadian Constitution to act as a near figurehead monarch. Despite this, the Altan still retains heavy influence in state affairs, as well as some vestiges of real power in governance. The Altan also must approve elected Prime Ministers and bills passed by the Senate. If either is vetoed, the Senate may convene and override the Altan with a 5/6 majority vote. In addition, the Altan may act on state matetrs with royal edicts, which do not require senatorial approval, but may be dismissed by the Holy Senate with a 5/6 majority vote. The Altan also must be from thea PunstraiaMufijo Clan. The position of Altan is currently occupied by Glider Fraemani (Game_Glider_SKG), who has held the title since the abdication of the first Altan of Arcadia, Pitru Punstraia (IAmTheSenate13), on January 1, 2022.
Directly subordinate to the Altan are the Electors, who sit on the Council of Electors. Those on the council are trusted higher-ups in the Arcadian government, and are members of the Punstraia Clan, the family from which the Altan heads and descends from. The Electors, upon the death, incapacitation, or abdication of the Altan, are tasked with convening to elect a new Altan from amongst themselves. According to the Holy Book of the Mufijo Faith, the Mufijoreon, anyone who wishes to rule with the approval of the Gods must be a member of a Mufijo clan (such as the Punstraia). Because anyone who is an Elector is a member of the Punstraia Clan, they are eligible to be the next Altan, and are also divinely approved in the eyes of the religion that they now head. Electors may be added or removed from the Council at the Altan's pleasure.
The Prime Minister of Arcadia is a directly elected office, voted on by the people in every General Election. The Prime Minister is the head of government in Arcadia, acting as the executive branch. The Prime Minister deals with all matters of state, both foreign and domestic. They administrate the national government of Arcadia, with counsel form the Altan, introduce legislation toe Holy Senate, conduct diplomacy with foreign nations, and serve the people of Arcadia. The Prime Minister may also appoint a cabinet of advisors and officials to fulfill certain tasks and goals. Notable cabinet positions include a High Ambassador, General of the ARDF, and Admiral of the Arcadian Navy. Prime Ministerial terms last for three weeks, and terms cannot be served concurrently. The position of Prime Minister is currently occupied by [[Lord Tilly of Angolmois|Lord Tilly of Winterhallow]], who was elected to the position on December 20, 2021.
The Holy Senate is consisted of several senators, with one elected from each province, who act as the legislative body for Arcadia. Senators propose bills, and may pass them after obtaining a 3/5 simple majority. Upon approval by the Altan, the bill is enacted into law. As previously mentioned, if the Altan is to veto a law, the Senate may override him with a 4/5 majority vote. Senatorial terms last for three weeks, and all senate seats are up for grabs during each general election.
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The Altanate has had many political parties over its political history. Two out of the current six registered parties have been present since the beginning of political parties in Arcadia. The Betterment of Arcadian Life and Liberty or B.A.L.L Party, is led by TTVgoodnoodle808, mayor of [[Kais Termina]]. The B.A.L.L Party was previously led by Haij Tumal, the former mayor of Odestra Deova, who sparked a national crisis when he attempted to secede from the Altanate on November 25, 2021. The other, the Arcadian Reform Party or ARP, is led by Altan Glider Fraemani.
The other twofour out of the foursix registeredegistered parties are much newer. The Roast Party (RP), led by Aurvengr (Raistron) of Bal Duran has its stronghold in Raistron's native Dura Province, and made an unsuccessful bid for Prime Minister with their candidate JiraiyaFan, who in the end lost to Tilly of Angolmois. The Mario Party, led by Senator Plato of Teufort Province and created during the December Elections, is a newer and quite small party, currently counting Plato as its single member. The Three-Tailed Arcadia Party is led by Anton (pipacs), Mayor of Odestra Deova, and is mainly a joke party. Finally, the Demos Kratos Party, led by Karl_the_Door of Gint, is a young party advocating for the continued democratization of Arcadian society.
Currently, the ARP, B.A.L.L Party, Roast Party, and Mario Party each hold one seat in the Holy Senate. The senate seat of the Province of the Atolia Islands is currently vacant due to a low population of active players, but a special election is planned to take place when the province receives a larger active playerbase. The senate seat of the Province of Wahat Almarjan is also vacant, due to the resignation of Senator Glider Fraemani to become Altan of Arcadia.
==== Political History ====
The Arcadian Altanate has a complex political history. It has had fourmany major formscustoms of governance inthroughout its tenure of sovereignty, which scholars have divided into several eras.
Arcadia was originally an oligarchic and absolute monarchy under the Altan and his first two subjects: the Mumbas. This period, known as the Mumbocratic Era, was characterized by several features, chief among them being the lack of democratic institutions due to the small population in the Altanate. Other features of this era included the warlike nature of the Altanate; most clearly shown in its short participation in the Great Alathran War, an infrastructure and land area deficiency, and a heavy focus on transcribing religious texts.
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This first Senate, however, proved to be quite bloated and inefficient, prompting an administrative and governmental reform in late September - early October. This next period became known as the Provincial Era, with Arcadia being divided into several provinces, each of which would elect one senator to represent them in the Holy Senate and have a governor appointed by the Altan. The Senate would retain many of its previous powers, but would also have the ability to elect a prime minister. This prime minister would serve as a secondary executive, indirectly elected by the people. The prime minister originally served for a term of only two weeks, but upon the announcement of the election of the Second Session of the Holy Senate on October 11, 2021, the Altan declared that the next session of the Senate would have a duration of 1 month. The first elections to this new, more efficient Senate took place in early October. In a high-stakes senate vote of 2-1, leader of the Arcadian Reform Party, [[ClanofwadaC30]], became the first Prime Minister of Arcadia.
Then, in mid November of 2021, further reforms were made to the election rules. The Prime Minister became a position elected by a nationwide vote, not just the Senate. In addition, for the first time, the Altan defined the basic duties of the Prime Minister and Senators. Governor, High Ambassador, and Mumba Game_Glider_SKG was voted in as the first directly elected Prime Minister of the Altanate on November 20, 2021. This current era of governance has become, known as the Reformation Era, comingtakes from theits name offrom Prime Minister Glider's political party, the Arcadian Reform Party.
While it was completed by Altan Pitru in late November, the constitution of the Altanate was not officially ratified until mid-December of 2021. This ratification formally put in place the current political situation in Arcadia, characterized by a heavy emphasis on democracy and official definitions for roles in the government. Unsurprisingly, scholars have titled this ongoing era of governance as the Constitutional Era.
===Foreign Relations===
[[File:Meetinglw.png|thumb|A meeting taking place between major figures of both Arcadia and Lydoneia in Haven, discussing the impending threats of Elyria and Acquendavia|left|290x290px]]
