Arith is a continent located in north-west Alathra, surrounded by 2 gulfs and the middle sea. Arith is the largest continent, spanning approximately 6000 blocks.

The Continent Of Arith. The bottom left outreach of land is the northernmost tip of New Anglia.


Arith is characterized by a relatively undiversified continental geography, compared to other areas in Alathra. South-east Arith contains a large old-growth forest running between Redwood and Ellesmere, bordering the sea and some arctic conditions. The forest is made up of oak, birch, dark oak, and spruce. The rest of the south-east is largely expansive flatlands, containing very little highland. In the middle of Alathra lies Mount Xeno, the largest peak in Arith, and the source of all its fresh water. North-west Arith contains a very large boreal forest, a great "belt" of flora stretching west to east, taking up more than half of the continent. This forested area is very diverse however, containing oak, birch, dark oak, spruce, swamps and mangrove oak, and savanna and acacia trees. The appearance of Arith's mesa biomes remain a mystery, one in the far north and one in the east.