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This are some vanity updates, added some more text, some new categories and overhauled some stuff. This is part 1 of the Contest Update.
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The Battle Hoe is a mostly Cresvlitsin based weapon, with its origins in Hoes, gardening tools commonly used by the peasantry. First used by the Socialist army during the Cresvlitsin Crisis, it was adapted and soon adopted by the Cresvlitsin army as its weapon of choice, due to it fitting into the Cresvlitsin plans. Ever since then, it became the symbol of Cresvlitsin presence, wherever the Battle Hoe was.
The Battle hoe's were first introduced in the Battle of Cresvlits, firstly used by the socialists. They however were ineffective against the technologically advanced weaponry of the Cresvlits army.
[[File:Iron Battle Hoe.png|alt=Image of a Gen 3. Battle Hoe|thumb|A Double Handed Gen. 3 Battle Hoe (Drawn by [[Izzy Blu]])]]
[[File:Iron Battle Hoe.png|alt=Image of a Gen 3. Battle Hoe|thumb|A Double Handed Gen. 3 Battle Hoe (Drawn by [[Izzy Blu]])]]

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== After the Battle of Cresvlits ==
== After the Battle of Cresvlits ==
After the retreat of the Socialists in the forests, many of the Battle Hoes were left on the battle field. The Army took great interest in the discarded weapons, mostly the concept. A converted , cheap, reliable and effective tool, exactly what the army needed. Soon after the end of the civil strife, the second generation of Battle Hoes were born. Much more effective than first generation Battle Hoes, the improvements were many.
After the retreat of the Socialists in the forests, many of the Battle Hoes were left on the battle field. The Army took great interest in the discarded weapons, mostly the concept. A converted, cheap, reliable and effective tool, exactly what the army needed. Soon after the end of the civil strife, the second generation of Battle Hoes were born. Much more effective than first generation Battle Hoes, many improvements were made, such as an reinforced steel head and sharper tips.
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== After Cresvlits ==
== After Cresvlits ==
With the nation in shambles, many exiles fled with the [[Leuvis George Krieger|Old King]] to the [[Coldfront]] Icebergs, where they made small communities. As they weren't integrated as a culture within the [[Arcadian Altanate|Arcadian Altenate]], only when [[Eldia]] broke free, did the Cresvlitsin reuse the Battle Hoes, specifically the 3rd Generation ones. As [[Eldia|Eldian]] State reorganized themselves, the Cresvlitsin created the C.B.E.C. (The Cresvlitsin Battle Engineer Core), support companies and units, made for defense, being able to build defenses, forts, and other necessary field buildings in hours/days. They were mostly made up of former Cresvlitsin soldiers or reserve personnel, and they act as the main defense force of [[Eldia]]. The "Valerian" Doctrine is preserved, just slightly changed due to the more harsher terrain of [[Eldia]], however the "Hrebenčuk" Doctrine suffered massive changes, as the Cresvlitsin acted in attack as storm-troops, using their massive knowledge of defense to break through their opponents.
With the nation in shambles, many exiles fled with the [[Leuvis George Krieger|Old King]] to the [[Coldfront]] Icebergs, where they made small communities. As they weren't integrated as a culture within the [[Arcadian Altanate|Arcadian Altenate]], only when [[Eldia]] broke free, did the Cresvlitsin reuse the Battle Hoes, specifically the 3rd Generation ones. As [[Eldia|Eldian]] State reorganized themselves, the Cresvlitsin created the C.B.E.C. (The Cresvlitsin Battle Engineer Core), support companies and units, made for defense, being able to build defenses, forts, and other necessary field buildings in hours/days. They were mostly made up of former Cresvlitsin soldiers or reserve personnel, and they act as the main defense force of [[Eldia]]. The "Valerian" Doctrine is preserved, just slightly changed due to the more harsher terrain of [[Eldia]], however the "Hrebenčuk" Doctrine suffered massive changes, as the Cresvlitsin acted in attack as storm-troops, using their massive knowledge of defense to break through their opponents.

== In Folklore/Internationally ==

=== In Folklore ===
Seen as a traditional Cresvlitsin weapon, many of the heroes in folklore stories are armed with them, defeating unbelievable foes, such as dragons and orcs. Kids in Donslau play with makeshift Battle Hoes, pretending to be such heroes, and at one point, even the villains begun using such weaponry against the valiant heroes. The sight of a Battle Hoe brings happiness and relief to many Cresvlitsin, as the Battle Hoes are exclusively used by them, since their own kin are around to help, giving of a sentiment of security. Many people regard this as noble weapons and the mere sight of them is a blessing. They are also regarded as the peoples weapon, used to defend and exact the will of the Cresvlitsin, another reason why they are held in high regard.

=== Internationally ===
With the creation of the CBEC, and [[Leuvis George Krieger|Leuvis's]] international diplomat carrer, the Battle Hoes have taken center-stage in many diplomatic affairs, appearing in the hands of guards and security personnel of the Diplomatic missions, making small appearances in [[Haven]], [[Dalleton]] and in [[Solar Pyrrhus]]. This limited exposure is due to the lack of a market version of the Battle Hoe, many high ranking individuals suggesting to make a international model, but the discussion is still in the air, since the Gen. 4 Battle Hoes are being slowly developed, as there are many other developments requiring a bigger involvement from the CBEC.

== Current Usage ==
Currently the main forces using the Battle Hoes reside in the St. Joachim Archipelago, totaling around 1000 Battle Hoes in service, with more in reserve. These are the current forces of the CBEC, who have been stationed and have been working around the country, building infrastructure and fortifications at a rapid pace. However, they are not the single one's using them. Back in Donslau, the main garrison there, still uses Battle Hoes, however in a small number, that being of around 100-200 Battle Hoes in service. They have also made their way to [[Kais Termina]], with the former Cresvlitsin nobles residing there.

== Tactics ==
== Tactics ==
Following the introduction of the generation 3 Battle hoes, the tactics of the Kingdom changed in order to favor the use of this weapons. The tactics came at a time when the Kingdom was fighting a weapon/army shortage with many believing that joining the army could be a death sentence. [[File:Netherite Battle Hoe.png|alt=Image of a Gen 3. Battle Hoe(made out of Netherite)|thumb|A Double Handed Gen. 3 Battle Hoe made out of Netherite (drawn by [[Izzy Blu]])]]
Following the introduction of the generation 3 Battle hoes, the tactics of the Kingdom changed in order to favor the use of this weapons. The tactics came at a time when the Kingdom was fighting a weapon/army shortage with many believing that joining the army could be a death sentence. [[File:Netherite Battle Hoe.png|alt=Image of a Gen 3. Battle Hoe(made out of Netherite)|thumb|A Double Handed Gen. 3 Battle Hoe made out of Netherite (drawn by [[Izzy Blu]])]]
=== The "Hrebenčuk" Doctrine ===
=== The "Hrebenčuk" Doctrine ===
Using the terrain around the Kingdom was necessary for the Army, as it had thick forest to the north, to the west a river line and then more forests and to the south the old Acquindavian mountains. This presented the small nation with much protection and with an opportunity. Why not use the natural terrain against our enemies. As such the "Hrebenčuk" Doctrine was built on the guerilla warfare doctrine. Avoiding open confrontation against enemies, attacking them in the forests, while they were moving and/or while they were stopping for a rest, in small groups of 3-4 soldiers. The Gen. 3 Hoes were incredibly fast, and deadly, if the enemy wasn't prepared and, as such, the tactic proved useful and effective (This is currently outdated since the [[The Kingdom of Cresvlits|Kingdom of Cresvlits]] is no more).
Using the terrain around the Kingdom was necessary for the Army, as it had thick forest to the north, to the west a river line and then more forests and to the south the old Acquindavian mountains. This presented the small nation with much protection and with an opportunity. Why not use the natural terrain against our enemies. As such the "Hrebenčuk" Doctrine was built on the guerilla warfare doctrine. Avoiding open confrontation against enemies, attacking them in the forests, while they were moving and/or while they were stopping for a rest, in small groups of 3-4 soldiers. The Gen. 3 Hoes were incredibly fast, and deadly, if the enemy wasn't prepared and, as such, the tactic proved useful and effective. This tactic, however, was lost to time. With the dissolution of the [[The Kingdom of Cresvlits|Kingdom]], and mass migration of the Cresvlitsin, the tactic became outdated, and as Sir Mathew Hrebenčuk died during a hunt, the tactic was left back home in Donslau.

=== The "Valerian" Doctrine ===
=== The "Valerian" Doctrine ===
Though the Hoes proved effective in offensive battles, being able to tear down defenses, they would find usage in the defense as well. Still being a hoe, and as such a good gardening tool, it could still plow the land. This in combination with some water, created mud, effectively slowing down most enemy advances. The "Valerian" Doctrine based on that fact alone. Using the Battle Hoes, the land was made into mud and when the enemy came, they got stuck in the mud, them being at the mercy of the army's arrows/cannons. This however could be easily prevented if the land was either sand/stone, but the Cresvlitsin Plains and most of Prospit being fertile soil, resulted in this tactic becoming a favorite amongst the defense generals of the Kingdom.
Though the Hoes proved effective in offensive battles, being able to tear down defenses, they would find usage in the defense as well. Still being a hoe, and as such a good gardening tool, it could still plow the land. This in combination with some water, created mud, effectively slowing down most enemy advances. The "Valerian" Doctrine based on that fact alone. Using the Battle Hoes, the land was made into mud and when the enemy came, they got stuck in the mud, them being at the mercy of the army's arrows/cannons. This however could be easily prevented if the land was either sand/stone, but the Cresvlitsin Plains and most of Prospit being fertile soil, resulted in this tactic becoming a favorite amongst the defense generals of the Kingdom. With the Kingdom gone, the tactic risked to disappear as well, but due to Rohl Valerian still being alive, and working with Armand Staindall to remake a better doctrine, the "Valerian" Doctrine became an integral part of the "Staindall" Doctrine, where it was adapted to the new scenery.

=== The "Staindall" Doctrine ===
=== The "Staindall" Doctrine ===
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==== The "Frozen Seas" Part ====
==== The "Frozen Seas" Part ====
After [[The Kingdom of Cresvlits|Cresvlits]], the Cresvlitisn found their new home on the Icebergs of the Frozen Sea. With this, plus the international view Armand had for the CBEC, tactics had to be drafted for some sort of an amphibious attack doctrine. This necessity and the defense capability of the Cresvlitsin, made them the perfect candidates to be those who would land first on foreign beaches and secure the beach head. This type of tactic is experimental and very hard to sustain, due to naval superiority has to be kept in order for it to be effective.
After [[The Kingdom of Cresvlits|Cresvlits]], the Cresvlitisn found their new home on the Icebergs of the Frozen Sea. With this, plus the international view Armand had for the CBEC, tactics had to be drafted for some sort of an amphibious attack doctrine. This necessity and the defense capability of the Cresvlitsin, made them the perfect candidates to be those who would land first on foreign beaches and secure the beach head. This type of tactic is experimental and very hard to sustain, due to naval superiority has to be kept in order for it to be effective.

== In Combat ==
As the Doctrines provide an overall take on how the Battle Hoes are used, in CQC they are special. They act as Quarterstaffs, however, due to their heads, they have some small differences. The basic attack pattern is the same as plowing the land, delivering a lethal blow directly to the head, in most situations piercing through helmets. If countered, the general consensus is, that due to the piercing capabilities of the Battle Hoes, managing to land a hit with the head could result into lethality. This knowledge is combined with Quarterstaff moves and combos to throw the enemy off balance, and/or open a hole in the opponents defense and to land a successful strike.

== Variations ==
== Variations ==
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==== The Maltrov Model Battle Hoe ====
==== The Maltrov Model Battle Hoe ====
A Gen. 2 Battle Hoe, intended to be sold on the world market. Scrapped due to it removing many of the improvements of the Gen. 2 Battle Hoes and completely flopping on the world market.
A Gen. 2 Battle Hoe, intended to be sold on the world market. Scrapped due to it removing many of the improvements of the Gen. 2 Battle Hoes and completely flopping.

==== The Staindall Battle Hoe ====
A Gen. 3 Battle Hoe, heavily modified by Armand Staindall. The Battle Hoe had its head coated in coal, that if ignited could set the enemy on fire, used obsidian for the handle and was a much more stronger Battle Hoe in general. Its, however, unknown where it is, at the moment of writting.

==== The Gen. 4 Battle Hoe ====
==== The Gen. 4 Battle Hoe ====
Currently in development, it wishes to harden the Tip, while making it more sharper, as an adaptation to the harsh environment of [[Eldia]]. As of writing this, the testing is minimal as more pressing issues are addressed, and the military of Eldia is being reformed.
Currently in development, it's and extensive overhaul of the Battle Hoe, keeping the original intention and design alive, but taking it in a new direction. The progress is slow and steady, as the CBEC is constructing simultaneously their HQ, Hightower and many other small infrastructural projects across Legion territory.

''"The Future of the Battle Hoes is bright, as the current developments show. It's just a question of how good will they turn out and how much dedication will they receive. The future of a possible international market model, also hangs on this success, as we might see some interesting ideas being brought up for that purpose. Godspeed Cresvlitsin, we are all with you!"'' -Unknown Observer

== "Krause" The Legendary Battle Hoe ==
== The Legendary Battle Hoes ==