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=== The "Hrebenčuk" Doctrine ===
=== The "Hrebenčuk" Doctrine ===
Using the terrain around the Kingdom was necessary for the Army, as it had thick forest to the north, to the west a river line and then more forests and to the south the old Acquindavian mountains. This presented the small nation with much protection and with an opportunity. Why not use the natural terrain against our enemies. As such the "Haiducs" Doctrine was built on the guerilla warfare doctrine. Avoiding open confrontation against enemies, attacking them in the forests, while they were moving and/or while they were stopping for a rest, in small groups of 3-4 soldiers. The Gen. 3 Hoes were incredibly fast, and deadly, if the enemy wasn't prepared and, as such, the tactic proved useful and effective.
Using the terrain around the Kingdom was necessary for the Army, as it had thick forest to the north, to the west a river line and then more forests and to the south the old Acquindavian mountains. This presented the small nation with much protection and with an opportunity. Why not use the natural terrain against our enemies. As such the "Hrebenčuk" Doctrine was built on the guerilla warfare doctrine. Avoiding open confrontation against enemies, attacking them in the forests, while they were moving and/or while they were stopping for a rest, in small groups of 3-4 soldiers. The Gen. 3 Hoes were incredibly fast, and deadly, if the enemy wasn't prepared and, as such, the tactic proved useful and effective.

=== The "Valerian" Doctrine ===
=== The "Valerian" Doctrine ===
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Even a more common sight on the battlefield, these short hoes, proved to be effective in the hands of conscripts and cadets. Wielded in combination with a shield, these battle hoes were perfect in open combat. Fast and small, yet packing nearly the same punch as a double handed version, they were amazing in CQC. In duels, they were used either in akimbo version or rarely in single version. If used in the single version, they were always accompanied with another weapon, or, if not, the warrior would use fast and light attacks to wear down the opponent.
Even a more common sight on the battlefield, these short hoes, proved to be effective in the hands of conscripts and cadets. Wielded in combination with a shield, these battle hoes were perfect in open combat. Fast and small, yet packing nearly the same punch as a double handed version, they were amazing in CQC. In duels, they were used either in akimbo version or rarely in single version. If used in the single version, they were always accompanied with another weapon, or, if not, the warrior would use fast and light attacks to wear down the opponent.

=== Engineer Battle Hoe ===
Smaller than a Double Handed Battle Hoe, bigger than a One Handed Battle Hoe, used by battle engineers. These Battle Hoes are exceptional tools at digging and creating dug outs, while also being exceptional at plowing. They rarely find usage in offensive battles, but in defensive they are nearly abused. In Duels they are only used accompanied by another weapon.

=== Ceremonial Battle Hoe ===
A Double Handed Battle Hoe, made out of gold, exclusively used for ceremonial purposes. They are still sharp and usable in combat, however they never have been used as such. They are generally given to Generals, High Position Individuals, Heroes or as gifts from the Kingdom. They were never used in duels

=== The Unknown/Prototype/Myth Battle Hoes ===

==== The Double Headed Double Handed/One Handed Battle Hoe ====
A prototype battle hoe, it was rejected due to its lethality, removing one of the single blunt parts of the battle hoe, making pacification or capture much more harder. However, it saw usage in duels.

==== The Multitool Battle Hoe ====
A makeshift battle hoe, used in the Battle of Cresvlits. Severely underpowered and ineffective, it combined a sword, axe and hoe into one weapon. The Battle hoe was never touched by the army, and never saw usage after the Battle of Cresvlits.

==== The Maltrov Model Battle Hoe ====
A Gen. 2 Battle Hoe, intended to be sold on the world market. Scrapped due to it removing many of the improvements of the Gen. 2 Battle Hoes and completely flopping on the world market.

==== The Staindall Battle Hoe ====
A Gen. 3 Battle Hoe, heavily modified by Armand Staindall. The Battle Hoe had its head coated in coal, that if ignited could set the enemy on fire, used obsidian for the handle and was a much more stronger Battle Hoe in general. Its, however, unknown where it is, at the moment of writting.

== "Krause" The Legendary Battle Hoe ==