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Following the introduction of the generation 3 Battle hoes, the tactics of the Kingdom changed in order to favor the use of this weapons. The tactics came at a time when the Kingdom was fighting a weapon/army shortage with many believing that joining the army could be a death sentence.
=== The "HaiducsHrebenčuk" Doctrine ===
[[File:Haiduc.jpg|thumb|A haiduc]]Using the terrain around the Kingdom was necessary for the Army, as it had thick forest to the north, to the west a river line and then more forests and to the south the old Acquindavian mountains. This presented the small nation with much protection and with an opportunity. Why not use the natural terrain against our enemies. As such the "Haiducs" Doctrine was built on the guerilla warfare doctrine. Avoiding open confrontation against enemies, attacking them in the forests, while they were moving and/or while they were stopingstopping for a rest, in small groups of 3-4 soldiers. The Gen. 3 Hoes were incredibly fast, and deadly, if the enemy wasn't prepared and, as such, the tactic proved useful and effective.
==== Haiduc ====
Haiduc is the Romanian equivalent of Robin Hood. They existed during the transition from the medieval ages to modern times, as many of them had guns. They lived in forests and used to attack the rich and fight the police force at that time. They were rebels fighting against the rule of the Ottoman Empire. One revolt they were known for was the 1821 national revolution in Wallachia, led by Tudor Vladimirescu.
=== The "Valerian" Doctrine ===
