Archive:Battle Hoe: Difference between revisions

Added some new text, redone images (removed all irl ones) and some general improvements
(a lot)
(Added some new text, redone images (removed all irl ones) and some general improvements)
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[[File:Battle Hoe.jpg|thumb|218x218px|A Classic Battle Hoe]]
The Battle hoe's were first introduced in the Battle of Cresvlits, firstly used by the socialists. They however were ineffective against the technologically advanced weaponry of the Cresvlits army.
[[File:Iron Battle Hoe.png|alt=Image of a Gen 3. Battle Hoe|thumb|A Double Handed Gen. 3 Battle Hoe (Drawn by IzzyBlueJay)]]
== Origins ==
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== After the Battle of Cresvlits ==
[[File:A Second Generation Battle Hoe.jpg|thumb|A Second Generation Battle Hoe]]
After the retreat of the Socialists in the forests, many of the Battle Hoes were left on the battle field. The Army took great interest in the discarded weapons, mostly the concept. A converted , cheap, reliable and effective tool, exactly what the army needed. Soon after the end of the civil strife, the second generation of Battle Hoes were born. Much more effective than first generation Battle Hoes, the improvements were many.
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== The Third Generation ==
[[File:The Legendary Battle Hoe "Krause".png|left|thumb|The Legendary "Krause" held by King Leuvis the Ist|391x391px]]
The best and last generation at the moment of writing, it improved the many logistical problems that the second generation had. These improvements came at a time of need, when a turn in prospitianProspitian politics happened. There were also more variations of the weapon.
Firstly, the biggest change was the process of production of the Battle Hoes. With the entry of Bistritza into the Kingdom, a mountain based town, materials were much more easier to be obtained and as such a blacksmith was established, however the main production base remained in, the old Cresvlits, Donslau. The heads were now made out of cast iron, removing the need of molding, as the iron/other material was molten down and put in a mold, then cooled in cold spring water. This effectively removed a lot of the waiting, not only that, but also a lot of the handle was made of cast iron as well.
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|A hollow body so it has much more higher ergonomics, many more variants introduced, an even more sharper head, better tactics
== After Cresvlits ==
With the nation in shambles, many exiles fled with the [[Leuvis George Krieger|Old King]] to the [[Coldfront]] Icebergs, where they made small communities. As they weren't integrated as a culture within the [[Arcadian Altanate|Arcadian Altenate]], only when [[Eldia]] broke free, did the Cresvlitsin reuse the Battle Hoes, specifically the 3rd Generation ones. As [[Eldia|Eldian]] State reorganized themselves, the Cresvlitsin created the C.B.E.C. (The Cresvlitsin Battle Engineer Core), support companies and units, made for defense, being able to build defenses, forts, and other necessary field buildings in hours/days. They were mostly made up of former Cresvlitsin soldiers or reserve personnel, and they act as the main defense force of [[Eldia]]. The "Valerian" Doctrine is preserved, just slightly changed due to the more harsher terrain of [[Eldia]], however the "Hrebenčuk" Doctrine suffered massive changes, as the Cresvlitsin acted in attack as storm-troops, using their massive knowledge of defense to break through their opponents.
== Tactics ==
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=== The "Hrebenčuk" Doctrine ===
[[File:Netherite Battle Hoe.png|alt=Image of a Gen 3. Battle Hoe(made out of Netherite)|thumb|A Double Handed Gen. 3 Battle Hoe made out of Netherite (drawn by IzzyBlueJay)]]
Using the terrain around the Kingdom was necessary for the Army, as it had thick forest to the north, to the west a river line and then more forests and to the south the old Acquindavian mountains. This presented the small nation with much protection and with an opportunity. Why not use the natural terrain against our enemies. As such the "Hrebenčuk" Doctrine was built on the guerilla warfare doctrine. Avoiding open confrontation against enemies, attacking them in the forests, while they were moving and/or while they were stopping for a rest, in small groups of 3-4 soldiers. The Gen. 3 Hoes were incredibly fast, and deadly, if the enemy wasn't prepared and, as such, the tactic proved useful and effective (This is currently outdated since the [[The Kingdom of Cresvlits|Kingdom of Cresvlits]] is no more).
=== The "Valerian" Doctrine ===
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=== Engineer Battle Hoe ===
Smaller than a Double Handed Battle Hoe, bigger than a One Handed Battle Hoe, used by battle engineers. These Battle Hoes are exceptional tools at digging and creating dug outs, while also being exceptional at plowing. They rarely find usage in offensive battles, but in defensive they are nearly abused. In Duels they are only used accompanied by another weapon.
[[File:CBEC Recruitment Poster Alternate.png|thumb|464x464px|CBEC Recruitment Poster (drawn by [[Dragoooooooon]])]]
=== Ceremonial Battle Hoe ===
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==== The Staindall Battle Hoe ====
A Gen. 3 Battle Hoe, heavily modified by Armand Staindall. The Battle Hoe had its head coated in coal, that if ignited could set the enemy on fire, used obsidian for the handle and was a much more stronger Battle Hoe in general. Its, however, unknown where it is, at the moment of writting.
==== The Gen. 4 Battle Hoe ====
Currently in development, it wishes to harden the Tip, while making it more sharper, as an adaptation to the harsh environment. As of writing this, the testing is minimal as more pressing issues are addressed, and the military of Eldia is being reformed.
== "Krause" The Legendary Battle Hoe ==
