Archive:Battle Hoe

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A Classic Battle Hoe

The Battle hoe's were first introduced in the Battle of Cresvlits, firstly used by the socialists. They however were ineffective against the technologically advanced weaponry of the Cresvlits army.


Following the regrouping of the Socialist and Democratic forces in the nearby forests, a weapon shortage hit the Socialist army hard. Due to their high numbers, they had a hard time arming the volunteers and as such they needed to find a compromise. This came in the form of the Battle Hoes. Converted gardening tools, this was the perfect compromise and the perfect weapon of the Worker. The first generation saw makeshift battle hoes, with reinforced heads and/or sharpened heads. The concept was amazing, however how they were used was problematic. The Socialists used human wave tactics and the hoes were used as heavy hit weapons, this resulting in giant numbers of casualties. However the Cresvlits Army saw how good the Battle Hoes were, when used effectively.

After the Battle of Cresvlits

A Second Generation Battle Hoe

After the retreat of the Socialists in the forests, many of the Battle Hoes were left on the battle field. The Army took great interest in the discarded weapons, mostly the concept. A converted , cheap, reliable and effective tool, exactly what the army needed. Soon after the end of the civil strife, the second generation of Battle Hoes were born. Much more effective than first generation Battle Hoes, the improvements were many.

Battle Hoes
. First Generation Battle Hoes Second Generation Battle Hoes
Head Reinforced heads with lead, sharped and durable Reinforced steel heads/Other strong materials heads, much more sharp and much more durable
Base Normal Base, same as normal hoes Reinforced Steel base(able to use the butt for pacification or in two move combos)
Handle Normal Handle, made out of wood Normal Handle, reinforced steel/other materials at the head to avoid the cutting of the head
Vanity Its a normal hoe Sharper head, able to break most helmets, More variants, usable in most situations, Used with effective tactics.

As Cresvlits needed them to be used effectively, the General Staff devised Hit and Run tactics for the Hoes and when in direct combat the were specialists in crushing skulls, being able to punch through most helmets used. However they became redundant as more improvements were needed.

The Third Generation

The Legendary "Krause" held by King Leuvis the Ist

The best and last generation at the moment of writing, it improved the many logistical problems that the second generation had. These improvements came at a time of need, when a turn in Prospitian Politics happened. There were also more variations of the weapon.

Firstly, the biggest change was the process of production of the Battle Hoes. With the entry of Bistritza into the Kingdom, a mountain based town, materials were much more easier to be obtained and as such a blacksmith was established, however the main production base remained in, the old Cresvlits, Donslau. The heads were now made out of cast iron, removing the need of molding, as the iron/other material was molten down and put in a mold, then cooled in cold spring water. This effectively removed a lot of the waiting, not only that, but also a lot of the handle was made of cast iron as well.

List of Improvements
. Third Generation Battle Hoes
Head Made out of Cast Iron/ Obsidian/ Gold(ceremonial purposes)
Body Mostly made out of Cast Iron
Base Made out of Cast Iron/ Obsidian/ Gold(ceremonial purposes), serves the same purpose as the Second Generation Battle Hoes
Handle Made out of wood, sometimes has textiles for comfort/ utility