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A declining culture, who originates from another culture outside of Alathra, Zeleniae. The culture is that of unity, brotherhood, and of the people, it's kin having survived poverty and other severe cataclysms that hit them along their path to where they are now.
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=== WIP (the rest is WIP, and this page is a work in progress) ===
[[Category:Alathra Lore Archive]]

Revision as of 08:12, 6 April 2024

A declining culture, who originates from another culture outside of Alathra, Zeleniae. The culture is that of unity, brotherhood, and of the people, it's kin having survived poverty and other severe cataclysms that hit them along their path to where they are now.


Zeleniae, being a proto-culture, is the starting base of Cresvlitsin. This culture comes from Voievodat Zelenie, a long lost country, left to burn in the embers of civil strife, rebellion and anarchy. The faithful and those loyal to the last Voievode, Petru the IVth "The Lost", left the country in hopes of rebuilding somewhere else. As they moved onwards, the Zelenian's had to handle a lot of attacks from bandits and wary locals, their migration being a slow and rocky one. In one encounter, however, the scope of this migration was changed.

The Last of Them and The Birth of a Legend

As the story goes, when they arrived in a small village of Tremik, they were awaited by the royal army of a nearby kingdom. Harden by the long travels, but extremely tired and worn down, the Zeleniae didn't expect the ambush, and what resulted was a slaughter. During the ensuing fight, two guards of Petru the IVth, Donslau and Serafik, died heroically trying to save Petru the IVth. However, even their brave sacrifice was in vain, as the Voievode didn't make it alive. The encounter, fortunately, was a victory for the Zelenians, but it was one with heavy loses.

The Birth of a New Peoples

Without a leader, and no goal in sight, the migration is put in a halt. With a disorganized mass, on the brink of collapse, they needed a new leader. The Leader came in the form of the son of Petru the IVth, Ioachim the Ist (or Joachim the Ist internationally). He was charismatic, but inexperienced. Yet he saved them. He took charge, and lead them to a more better place, on an open plain on Prospit. There they settled, and named their small village Cresvlits. Around them flew two rivers, one to the Rich Mesa in the South and one to the sea, giving life to a once peaceful plain. They were named both Serafik and Donslau, who gave their lives for their Voievode, their sacrifice never forgotten. With this, Voievodat Cresvlitsae was born, and a new kin, the Cresvlitsin, from the ashes of the Zeleiae, formed.

The Early days of Cresvlits

Where Zeleniae failed, Cresvlits succeeded, or at least originally. The small town slowly developed in a metropolis, becoming a new light for the continent, torn 2 years prior by the Prospitian Revolution. It was the single trade route on land that tied the south to the north. The fledging nation appeared on the international stage, with new, fresh ideas, and got the attention of one of the super-powers, the Arcadian Altenate. The Voievodat also hosted the Prospit Conference, where most of the Continent met and discussed the future. It flourished and blossomed under the leadership of Joachim the Ist, with the nation slowly becoming a super-power on it own for a small period. It however came all down, when tragedy struck.

The Cresvlits Crisis

One faithful day, Joachim was assassinated, and soon the whole Voievodat came crashing down. More assassinations, backroom fights and secret deals where done, fragmenting the council and destroying the nation. Initially, 3 factions formed, The Socialist Army, The GSC and The Council.

The Socialist Army

Led by Reikard Yurinkov, a staunch socialist, from a peasant background, the army opposed The Council and The GSC, hoping to create a Socialist State, where the workers of the world could rejoice. It had an impressive amount of men, but barely no equipment. They resorted to converting tools, giving birth to the Battle Hoes.

The GSC or the General Staff Cresvlitsae

The Proper Army of Cresvlits, severely underdeveloped and underpowered, it broke off in the hopes to establish a military junta under General Alexandru Bârlog. They opposed both The Council and The Socialist Army, but after some underhand deals, they allied themselves with The Council. Even though underdeveloped, they had access to modern equipment. They however, didn't have the manpower to face the socialists

The Council

What remained of the central leadership of the Voievodat, it was the legitimate government of Cresvlits. They were originally led by Michael Horzeltzs, he was couped by Leuvis George Krieger. Opposing the Socialist Army, they manage to ally the Army through some underhand deals and promises. Their forces were comprised by peacekeeping forces and police officers, they didn't have much of a fighting force.

The Battle of Cresvlits

With the sides formed, the Battle begun, taking place just outside the city. As the battle progressed, both sides took heavy casualties, but the Socialists quickly begun to retreat in the forests, a disastrous move which will cost them a decisive defeat. With that the Battle was over, and the new Voievode Leuvis the Ist Krieger "The Old King" came to power. However this Cresvlits was not the same. A change in thinking affected the small state.

The Late days of Cresvlits

Soon, 2 towns popped up in the south, made out of mostly refugees from the Battle that took place. Bistritza and Eforie Nord were born, and soon they were integrated into the fold. With the Crisis over, nothing was the same. The state modernized, abandoning the way of the old, becoming a Kingdom. The conflict left unhealable scars, for it was the first time that Brother took arms against Brother, with the intent for one to be superior. Unbelievable until then, ever since the Cresvlitsin have been religiously loyal to their leaders, listening to their every order. Yet, even thought the conflict rebirthed the nation, it still ended its peak, with the Kingdom slowly falling down.

A King of the People

With the apparent scars of the war slowly fading away, reintegration efforts were underway to bring back the two towns. These efforts culminated into the ascendance of Leuvis Krieger the Ist into Kinghood, greatly expanding the influence he held across the continent of Prospit. He continued on the path that Cresvlits always was going, now modernizing the army, as part of the deals he made with the GSC. However, it was not the same.

The Political Intrigue

With the internal affairs in order, the Kingdom focused on rebranding itself and soon turned the cultural unity, and brotherhood the people had, into an ideology. The Egalitarian Socialism, was the counterweigh of Folksocialism. More moderate and more mainstream then Folksocialism, it tied into the archaic belief that the state was the parent and the people its children. On some other notes, a proper alliance with Arcadia was signed and Leuvis also oversaw the entry of Cresvlits into the P.P.I., a defense organization made by both Arcadia and Lydoneia, to protect Prospit from unifying under Fare-Sesso, at that time known as Fare-Unire.

The Downfall

The Golden Era was gone, and what was once is now etched in the past. The Glory days of Cresvlits were fading away. The economy slowly fell, and the people slowly moved away, and they rebelled also. The sad state of affairs hit the Kingdom hard. So hard in fact, Leuvis had to take desperate measures. With the ongoing economic crisis, Leuvis disbanded the Kingdom, in their constituent Countships, the once might nation, now in ruin. Leuvis left to Coldfront, in Arcadia, and many came with him settling on the icebergs in the Area.

The Lost and Forgotten

With the many Cresvlitsin leaving, Donslau, once Creslvits, remains a reminder for all, of how a nation can fall. A split in the Culture happened, the remaining becoming part of Sakan'to and those who fled somehow keeping their cultural identity intact. what remains of Cresvlits now resides on Icebergs, still lead by their Old King, Leuvis, with a fierce and undying loyalty.

The Culture

Even though the culture aspect hasn't been talked about much until now, its tightly tied with the History of Zeleniae and Cresvlits, the nations who were made up of native Cresvlitsin.

Together for Prosperity

One of Seven core beliefs of the Creslvitsin is "All are flawed and all are imperfect. To fix this we must stay united and help each other, understanding one another, and evolving and thriving together." From here came their sense of brotherhood and cooperation. They helped each other as brothers, and saw the rewards. And even now, those that live with them, see them as homely and helping, never shying away from lending their knowledge or hand in this unforgiving world. This also stems from their misfortunes and poverty, most of the Creslvitsin kin being farmers and peasants.

Our Fatherland

The Second of the Seven core beliefs of the Cresvlitsin is "For the Voievode we give all. For the Fatherland we give all. For the State we give all." This comes from their undying loyalty to their brothers translating to an undying loyalty to the State. To the Cresvlitsin the State acts as a surrogate Father, making sure all have something to eat and drink, work to do, and a future within the small confines of their community. That's why, even though disgraced, they still follow their Old King, Leuvis Kriger, willing to die for him. This also comes from the Battle of Cresvlits, where, since the state didn't rule, brother fought against brother. This belief also stands at the base of Egalitarian Socialism.

The Third of the Seven core beliefs of the Cresvlitsin is "In the unknown, the worse we could find is death. So do not fear it, but embrace it, as you embrace your mother, your children" This comes from their religiously belief in their state and kin, and as such they do not fear anything but their death. Even then, they believe that death is nothing more than part of life, and that if it happens it happens. They are not natural-born explorers. They are sedentary, just merely not afraid of the black hole, that might be an interdimensional warm hole to hell, or of what's inside their mailbox(a pipe-bomb).

WIP (the rest is WIP, and this page is a work in progress)