Archive:Duchy of Koralas

From Alathra Wiki
Revision as of 19:31, 3 September 2022 by BrieRepublic (talk | contribs) (Fixed obvious errors)


The Duchy of Koralas or simply, Koralas is a nation just south of the town, Pyke. It is comprised of the main island, Jūra Island. It is currently a small developing nation with a small population, and little foreign influence. The government is comprised of two duchess'/dukes and one arch duchess/duke. The only current resident and acting leader/arch duchess of the nation is BrieRepublic.


The nation was founded on September 1st, 2022 by the player BrieRepublic, It became a dominion of Ashina on the same day after a deal was struck by BrieRepublic and Shepsicle for Ashina's support in exchange for subjugation.