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On June 14 at 7:51 PM EST, Chancellor Cody29797 declared war on the Kingdom of God.
Joining the Ashina-led alliance along with Fare-Sesso, the F.C.A. mustered 5 soldiers: Chancellor Cody29797 and GreatLemi of HighTide, Prime Minister spiceymonkey1349 and Sir austinzhu of Uhovia, and Lord BentoSet of Evergreen. After gathering with the Ashina forces, they were designated as the South-Western Battalion and were tasked with patrollingadvancing theup Vatican City's southern slope of Vatican City whilewith the main bodyrest of the alliancemain army manned an outpost on the eastern slope and moved in to take the city.
On June 14 at 10:30 PM EST, the Southwestern Battalion moved in with the alliance army and tookmarched up theirthe positionshill to Vatican City. However, when the members of the Kingdom of God failed to show up for the battle, the Southwestern Battalion regrouped with the rest of the alliance army at the southern gate of the city. Gradually, boredom set in amongst the ranks.
Hoping to break the boredom, one Battalion member from Uhovia, Sir austinzhu, dueled with Grandpa_Boob of Ashina, losing the fight but entertaining the alliance troops. The Battalion also partook in the fight against the three Giants that were spawned by Zedd as a challenge. Eventually, the Southwestern Battalion vacated the battlefield, leaving Ashina to claim Vatican City.
The Ashina-Vatican War marked the FCA's first armed conflict as well as its entrance into the wider stage of Alathran politics. From then on, the FCA took on a larger role in peacekeeping as well as international relations, especially with its initial joining of the AUTP and resolution of the Rome-Redwood Dispute.
===The AUTP===
In the wake of the Ashina-Vatican War, Chancellor Cody29797 was approached by Mayor Crowe of Braudwell with an offer to join the Alathran Union of Township Peace (AUTP), a worldwide trade organization that promised to prevent future wars and to encourage international trade. Hoping to promote peace and to expand the FCA's trade, Cody29797 agreed to join and attend a press conference in New Ashina City with Mayor Crowe, King Shepsicle, Lady Cottage_Goblin, and King RaptorJ6 that night at 8:30 EST.
