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===Dark age of Praetora===
==== The Fall ====
With the burning of the Praetora, Imphiel and many other Praetaran deities fell into obscurity. Whilst some texts to vaguely refer to the mythos being practiced throughout the dark ages, it is not clear how widespread or influential it was. Pillaging and plunder was still rampant, and the former Praetora had fractured into many nations, all fighting for control.
Not much else is known of this period, as few artefacts of knowledge can be found pertaining to the time, but it is well known it was a time of pure chaos and mayhem. Due to the deities' powers depending on their following, almost all deities dropped off the planet, having near to no influence during these times.
However, during this time, it should be noted that there were small pockets of strong resistance to the downfall of Praetora. These primarily were the religious strongholds and sites which were predominantly inhabited by zealots, which refused to give up the ways of the old. However, due to being completely surrounded by aggressive Heathenry, each fell one by one, the relics and monuments being ripped down with them. The only known city to last through this era without any major destruction was Luna, which still suffered major casualities, however was vehemently defended due to the extreme importance of '''The Gate'''.
==== The Rise ====
following, almost all deities dropped off the planet, having near to no influence during these times.
Whilst almost every deity became all but forgotten, a notable acception was Amphus, deity of war. It is unknown why or how, because Amphus was unbound from '''The Gate''' and freely roamed the Earth. It is believed that in some part, he resides in the spirits of those who fell to chaos and violence, as they would often act out unfettered attacks regardless of who. This lead to the mistrust of the Apostles of Amphus, who invigorated by the bloodshed of the world, fell to chaos rather than attempting to control and maintain the proper use of aggression. In their madness, they split off from the rest of the Praetaran practices, and were outcast by the few remaining figures, in the extend possible for the time. {{Image frame|width=250|content=[[File:BurningOfEsteura.jpg|250px]]|caption=An artist's depiction of the burning of Esteura, during the dark age of Praetora.|thumb}}
{{Image frame|width=250|content=[[File:BurningOfEsteura.jpg|250px]]|caption=An artist's depiction of the burning of Esteura, during the dark age of Praetora.|thumb}}
===Resurgence of the Remnant===
The next notable period was hundreds of years later, and is known as the '''Resurgence of Luna''' Remnants of the Praetaran beliefs gathered in the [[City of the Moon, Luna]]. The gate became more active, and several deities reformed, but as lesser forms of themselves. Many did not last, but a few remained. Imphiel was one of the strongest of these, as his teachings had picked up a large following due to his message of humility and modesty in a time of hatred and bloodthirsty carnage. (Another notable deity that returned during this event being [[Luna]].)