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====The Battle at Amnis Creek====
{{Image frame|content=[[File:PoppiesAtAmnisCreek.png|350px]]|caption=Poppy field at the site of the battle.|thumb}}
The first major conflict occured at an unexpected location. A group of apostles were spotted moving up the eastern road, a direction which had not been expected to be attacked from due the presence of other towns and an outpost at the crossing of the creek. However, the figures covered by cloaks marched forward nonetheless. Guards at the outpost closed the gate, and warned them to halt, but were immediately attacked with crossbows and were forced to hold back on the defensive.
Fortunately, the city had an infantry unit stationed nearby. These forces marched immediately, crossing the creek at another point, and came around the rear of the apostles to encircle them. The cultists were caught in-between the outpost and the bridge, and the Lunarian forces slowly circles them, attempting to pick off stragglers as to minimize causalities with direct confrontation. The cultists, aware of their imminent demise, immediately charged the bridge, and took control of it easily as the reinforcements were completely caught off-guard. They proceeded to set fire to the bridge and moved to it's east side, waiting for it to crumble and fall apart. As it fell apart, chanting could be heard from the apostles, in a dialect not able to be understood. They then charged the infantry forces, but to little avail, as the well organised infantry severely outmatched the tenacious, but ultimately untrained “monks”. They were slaughtered left and right, and accounts of the gruesome massacre are still locatable to this day.
The cultists, despite the extremely unlikely chance of victory, did not surrender. They continued to fight viciously, to the last man, and refused to give themselves up. Those unable to fight reportedly either killing themselves or having one of their brothers-in-arms mercy kill them, refusing to have themselves captured or tortured. The aftermath of the battlefield was a sea of blood, the grass stained for days after. The field around where the battle took place became littered with roses and tulipspoppies, andwhich it iswere believed theyto werehave been planted by locals in remembrance of the lives lost defending the creek.
However, in accordance with [[#Teachings|Imphiel's Teachings]], the victory was not gloated other than a single small banquet, and the order instead returned to the focus of keeping it's people safe.