Archive:Isvik: Difference between revisions

(updated various segments to include more lore)
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==== Skalds ====
Skalds are poetic writings in books that usually involve alliteration, rhythm and sometimes even singing and laughing, rather than rhyming. Skalds carry stories of Isvik's myths. Some examples include: ''Skald 2: Findrsång'' which is about the Isvikings' journey, fleeing their ancestral homeland to their current stead, including the below excerpt with translation into Common in brackets:'''''F'''ara til eastern riges, ('''F'''are to eastern realms,)''
'''''F'''ar þru sæ of scars. ('''f'''ar through the Sea of Scars.)''
'''''L'''ænd on de fourþ mearc, ('''L'''and on the fourth continent,)''
'''''F'''ara til eastern riges,''
'''''F'''ar þru sæ of scars.''
'''''L'''ænd on de fourþ mearc,''
'''''L'''if nytt, ye begetan.''
Translated into Common:
'''''F'''are to eastern realms,''
'''''f'''ar through the Sea of Scars.''
'''L'''and on the fourth continent,
A new '''l'''ife you will beget.
'''''L'''if nytt, ye begetan. (A new '''l'''ife you will beget.)''
==== Sagas ====
The saga are chronicles that record more detailed stories to serve as record keeping, historiography and propaganda. The main difference between skalds and sagas are that the former is often written in the ancestral tongue, while the sagas are written in the common tongue.
