Archive:Izzy Blu

Revision as of 20:50, 27 February 2022 by IzzyBlueJay (talk | contribs)
Izzy Blu (IzzyBlueJay)
Photo of IzzyBlueJay
Other namesThe Bartender, 'That fellow with the odd hands.'
OccupationBartender, Architect, & Explorer
Known forFounding Cyanus, an eastward trade town in Sakan'to on the road between three major cities.
Height155 cm (5 ft 1 in)

From Alathra Wiki

IzzyBlueJay, or just Izzy Blu, is the founder & mayor of a developing trade town called Cyanus. They're known for being on the shorter side & having an insatiable curiosity, matched only by their equally strong cowardice. This sort of personality does lead to some not enjoying being around them, but everyone does eventually get along after a few drinks.


Early Life

Though a few folks, especially around the tavern & Exploration Club, tell where they think Izzy came from, ask them in person & they can't tell you. Izzy can only really recall as far back when they were about eight, playing around with other random kids in the village of Dalleton. They know that they aren't 100% human, & always knew that in childhood as well. The forearms, hands & cheeks on their body are blue hued, feel like the rubber of doctor's gloves & are squishy to the touch. Most townsfolk settled on the fact that Izzy may have just been a fey or fiend they let join in one day, a few thought their blue hue & resemblance to a sea slug made them oceanic in origin, & some thought it was a pretty painful-looking skin condition. After a childhood of lakeside views & failing to ride boats correctly, Izzy went off in search of adventure, marking the beginning of a trend of them not realizing the dangers of blind curiousity.

Notable Event: The Founding of Cyanus

As an adult, Izzy went around the area on the back of a mule, looking for a chance to experience grand adventure. What they didn't expect to see a few months in, was a crowd of other travellers, merchants, & pilgrims, all stuck on a road. Every one of the carts were smashed apart, & scraps of goods were scattered meters away. The group was obviously mugged by ransacks. Izzy couldn't exactly do nothing about them, & despite their nerves, they made a stand in a nearby flower field to give out water to them. Water filtration was something most people learned to perform by the lake, but some of the travellers got the wrong idea & thought Izzy was a bartender.

Puffer Ale, shown here, is drunken by some sailors & fishermen to help performance in the water. (Renamed water breathing potion)

Several days went by of Izzy giving out fish & water, & it was not long before exhaustion hit. One man in the crowd suggested Izzy make some alcohol for themselves to ease the tiredness, but they responded saying that they can't make drinks. The bloke then decided to sit Izzy down & teach them himself how to do it, & settled on showing them a Puffer Ale recipe. The first batch didn't do much help, as Izzy forgot to remove & clean the pufferfish's liver before making the Ale, making them horridly sick & high for an afternoon. Luckily, they got the hang of it second try & was sharing water, fish, & now ale to the group.

One dilemma was still hammered in everyone's mind (& it wasn't them getting hammered over the ale), how to get home? One would immediately suggest to send out one or a few to get help for the rest, but everyone came from different places. It would take months to deliver them all back home to Oakland, Bogtown, Atolia, or further. Some even came from countries outside of Prospit. Izzy settled on trying to make a few homes for the travellers, making them out of cobble & dark oak with a lot of help from the more competent builders in the group. After a long few months, people just decided that they'd rather stay in this new settlement over taking the long journey home, so Izzy ended up becoming an odd mayor for these folks, as well as others who decided to come & stay.

Notable Event: Finding a Watery Ruin

While Izzy knew that being a mayor would require a lot of work, they had a habit of getting side-tracked. One one of these occasions, they stumbled into an odd sight whilst wandering the flower fields. A building in the sky, overflowing with water. Izzy upon seeing this decided, instead of wondering about what may have caused that damage, decided to immediately swim up to the ominous destroyed building. The features inside were shredded to bits, but it looked almost like a workshop. The walls were laced with prismarine shining in the sun. After a while of looking about, Izzy quickly sketched a bit of the landscape on a spare book page & fled back to town before nightfall.

The sketch created of a part of the ruin. It's noticeably rushed & innacurate.

So far, no one had a clue as to what this building was. This still puzzles them to this day.

Political Beliefs

In summary; they have absolutely no clue. Their mayorship wasn't gained by democracy, bribery, or tyranny, but rather by assisting a group of people in need & winding up as the biggest support for the town. They don't even call themselves the mayor. Izzy just runs a bar in town & does whatever is needed to not accidentally let Cyanus go to ruin. (Though Izzy's hometown of Dalleton is a Constitutional Monarchy, they have no will to establish an assembly of any kind or to marry.)


Izzy has a belief in the faithlow of Dallet, but not as heavily as others. They still believe the major aspects like helping those in need & to keep birds away from the town or themselves, but are much more loose on the relations to magic. Magic can be sold, performed or used as defense in Cyanus, as long as it isn't used against others. Izzy themself works in alchemy, but isn't opposed to classic magic as well for utility (ie. Illusion, Abjuration, Divination, etc.).