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{{Infobox person
== Overview ==
| name = '''''Jurgs'''''
The Jurgs (pronounced YURGS) are an human ethnic group and subrace of humans native to northern Moria.
| Location = ''Northern Moria''
| demonym = ''Jurgen''
== Settlements ==
The following settlements have a majority Jurgen population.
* Inuitis
The Jurgs are an human ethnic group native to northern Moria.
* Siberia
* Nunakuluannukput
* Biblioaltius
* Cythamuir
* Goulrich
* Camp Null
* Volkstad
* Unnamed Village
The following settlements have a notable minority Jurgen population.
* RinoimiskeePyyn
* Greenfrost
* Holle
* Winterwell
== Culture ==
Jurgs typically live in isolated villages in the forests and tundras of northern Moria. Many Jurgs will live in their home villages for their entire lives. Jurgen society is communal, with resources and skill being shared freely. Greed and intemperance are typically looked down upon. Those who live in the villages typically abhor war and violence, and prefer to avoid contact with outsiders. Jurgs havehunt alsoand littlefarm interestoff inthe technologylocal terrain and loathekeep a limited network of trade urbanamongst placesthemselves.
Some Jurgs will choose a different lifestyle once they come of age. A new clan of young Jurgs will form and leave the village, living nomadically for several years. Over this time they will practice combat and fight off brigands, outsiders, and illagers who threaten their people. Jurgen warrior bands will never fight other Jurgs unless absolutely necessary. Eventually, the clan will find a place to settle and build a new village.
Reverence of nature is a vital part of their culture. Jurgs believe that those who scar and distort the earth's face shall be cursed by the gods and are destined to suffer.
Reverence of nature is a vital part of their culture. It is considered unnatural and wrong to revere any man. Jurgs believe that those who scar and distort the earth's face shall be cursed by the gods and are destined to suffer. Jurgs have also little interest in technology and loathe urban places.
Details of the Jurgen religion are a closely kept secret. The names and number of the gods in their Pantheon is unknown to anyone outside of their High Shamans. Tradition holds that the Pantheon created Moria and its lifeforms independently from the rest of Alathra, meaning that Jurgen religion does not usually challenge the beliefs of other religions.
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In Jurgen religion, the ''Pantheon'' created Moria and all life on it. The gods wish for harmony in nature, and will fight to keep man from harming it. This, according to the Jurgs, is why civilization on Moria always fails. In order for man to create a powerful state, he must abandon his respect for nature and instead attempt to dominate it. In his desire to conquer nature, man offends the gods and invokes their wrath.
In Jurgen folklore, the Giants are said to be the cursed, weakened forms of a race called the Titans. The Titans were nearly indestructible and brought unspeakable devastation to Alathra. No man, beast, or plant was safe from their wrath. The Titans ravaged the earth for millenia before they were finally stopped by the Jurgen shamans. The ancient witch doctors put a curse upon the Titans that would leave them sickly and confused for eternity. It is unclear what magic keeps the Titans in their weakened forms, but the Jurgs pray to the gods that they stay the way they are now.
Before colonization, the Kogongi were a semi-nomadic people. They did not build permanent structures, aside from holy sites, and instead resided in tents, mushrooms and treetops. They lived communally, and shared all food, tools and property. Kogongi even now view property differently than others, often leading to miscommunication with other people in the world. They have no concept of ownership, but instead, one of stewardship. They cannot own the land, because it is a part of them, their history, and their people.
Kogongi hold all nature in high reverence, for this reason. They believe in the inherent value of all life. Mooshrooms especially hold a place in Kogongi culture. Because they teeter between the boundaries of plant and animal, they represent perfect harmony with the universe. For this reason, the killing of a mooshroom is one of the most offensive things one could do.
There are a number of important ceremonies Kogongi practice, including prayers and meditations with the moon cycle. One notable example is the trial of fire. The Kogongi routinely do controlled burns of their sacred forest in order to keep it healthy and prevent overgrowth. During these burns, the adolescent Kogongi run across the fields of Duran in front of the fire, becoming adults once they reach the far side.
Traditionally, the Kogongi are a very spiritual people. However, following cultural genocide at the hands of Acquendavia, much of that tradition has been lost. Knowledge of these practices survive almost entirely through [[Vasya]], her teachings, and her [[The Kaido|writings]]. Kogongi spirituality stems from ancient druidic arts, many of which are present in modern Naism.
Many powers have been associated with the druids of Kogongi. Namori was known for some psychic ability, and Naia is remembered for performing miracles such as holding burning logs, astral projection and creating food out of air. Larenë Koa was said to be able to sense the movements of people miles away through plants. Vasya was unburnt during the trial of fire, despite being caught in the blaze.
Kogongi Druidism focuses on mitigating the suffering inherent with existence through connectivity to the universe, particularly nature. The practitioners believe that suffering comes from personal desire and ignorance of the nature of reality. According to these beliefs, the world and all things in it are impermanent. Existence, however, is not. The Kogongi believe that nothing truly has an end or a beginning. Rather, the nature of the universe is cyclical, ever in a state of change and rebirth. This extends to the people within the universe.<blockquote>All is one, one is nothing, nothing is everything.
-Vana, ancient druidic master</blockquote>The meaning of this quote has been debated for millenia. The common consensus is as follows: Whatever led to the creation of the universe, be it divine creation, random chance, or, as the Kogongi believe, cyclical rebirth and eternal existence, all things were created for the same reason, or rather, by the same reason. Therefore, everything is fundamentally the same, on a cosmic level. Often times, this spiritual path emphasizes transcending the self and returning to the natural state of existence, i.e. change and rebirth. The act of being a self is often wrapped up in ego and in forgetting that you are part of the universe. As such, the Kogongi emphasize peacefulness and humility, making them the polar opposite of the Acquendavians.
Kogongi religion is often practiced through meditation, fasting and song. a number of holy sites are spread across Kogongu, including stone circles, ancient teaching sites and graves. Many Kogongi, in an effort to reduce their ego and increase connection with the world forgo diamond and nephrite armor, preferring iron or nothing instead.
I'll write this later ugh

Latest revision as of 05:53, 6 May 2024


The Jurgs (pronounced YURGS) are an ethnic group and subrace of humans native to northern Moria.


The following settlements have a majority Jurgen population.

  • Inuitis
  • Siberia
  • Nunakuluannukput
  • Biblioaltius
  • Cythamuir
  • Goulrich
  • Camp Null
  • Volkstad
  • Unnamed Village

The following settlements have a notable minority Jurgen population.

  • RinoimiskeePyyn
  • Greenfrost
  • Holle
  • Winterwell


Jurgs typically live in isolated villages in the forests and tundras of northern Moria. Many Jurgs will live in their home villages for their entire lives. Jurgen society is communal, with resources and skill being shared freely. Greed and intemperance are typically looked down upon. Those who live in the villages typically abhor war and violence, and prefer to avoid contact with outsiders. Jurgs hunt and farm off the local terrain and keep a limited network of trade amongst themselves.

Some Jurgs will choose a different lifestyle once they come of age. A new clan of young Jurgs will form and leave the village, living nomadically for several years. Over this time they will practice combat and fight off brigands, outsiders, and illagers who threaten their people. Jurgen warrior bands will never fight other Jurgs unless absolutely necessary. Eventually, the clan will find a place to settle and build a new village.

Reverence of nature is a vital part of their culture. It is considered unnatural and wrong to revere any man. Jurgs believe that those who scar and distort the earth's face shall be cursed by the gods and are destined to suffer. Jurgs have also little interest in technology and loathe urban places.

Details of the Jurgen religion are a closely kept secret. The names and number of the gods in their Pantheon is unknown to anyone outside of their High Shamans. Tradition holds that the Pantheon created Moria and its lifeforms independently from the rest of Alathra, meaning that Jurgen religion does not usually challenge the beliefs of other religions.

In Jurgen religion, the Pantheon created Moria and all life on it. The gods wish for harmony in nature, and will fight to keep man from harming it. This, according to the Jurgs, is why civilization on Moria always fails. In order for man to create a powerful state, he must abandon his respect for nature and instead attempt to dominate it. In his desire to conquer nature, man offends the gods and invokes their wrath.

In Jurgen folklore, the Giants are said to be the cursed, weakened forms of a race called the Titans. The Titans were nearly indestructible and brought unspeakable devastation to Alathra. No man, beast, or plant was safe from their wrath. The Titans ravaged the earth for millenia before they were finally stopped by the Jurgen shamans. The ancient witch doctors put a curse upon the Titans that would leave them sickly and confused for eternity. It is unclear what magic keeps the Titans in their weakened forms, but the Jurgs pray to the gods that they stay the way they are now.