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'''Ferb Frebius''' - creator of the title and founder of Eastwatch. Stayed in rule until assasinationassassination.
* Built the north wall and North Gate
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* Began positive diplomatic relations with other Prospit leaders
* Wrote the controversial Frebius Manifesto, excerpts of which can be found at [[The Library]], which denounced industrialist advancements in fear of the destruction of genuine ways of life
* *Assassinated soon after publication of the Manifesto on Dec. 21st
'''Phin Frebius''' - Ferb Frebius' only legitimate son, the second Lord Frebius
* Completed construction of Ferb Bridge in honor of his father's life
* Continued diplomatic relations and goals set by the first Lord Frebius
* Declared independence from Cathynir
*Created the nation of Sethorien, existing in northeast Prospit as the largest active Prospit nation.
*Rose the rulers of Fare-Sesso from the dead (figuratively) and united Sethorien and Fare-Sesso to create Fare-Unire - do-unite in italian - as the largest nation on the continent.
**Expanded Fare-Unire by personally travelling to nearby towns and winning over their favor, including them into the nation
**Won the siege of Temal, a USNET state in [[Koganon]], with no intentions of breaching the Koganon Compact (no foreign colonization) by keeping the land. The land was sold to Arcadia for the total of $40,000, the promise of the land being put to use in a way best benefiting all of Koganon, and the backing of Arcadia in the rest of the USNET - Unire war