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==== First Assassinations ====
==== First Assassinations ====
Lothric instructed the Secret Order to carry out an assassination of the Highest Mage, Urbain. Their attempt was successful, and his murder sent a shockwave throughout the capital city as they now began to question the leadership and protection offered by Allanti and Bramd. Shortly thereafter, the Secret Order murdered the entirety of the Scribes, a group tasked with managing the archivation and distribution of knowledge and current events in all of the Kingdom. The Secret Order's attempts to silence Allanti and Bramd became successful. They launched a propaganda campaign against the Royal Family, going so far as to discredit Queen Fina. The assassinations continued, and with the propaganda campaign now running rampant across the capital city, Allanti was weaker than he had ever been since his birth.

== The Ostravan Coup D'état ==
== The Ostravan Coup D'état ==

=== The First Strike ===

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==== Planning ====
Lothric and Boarrir, backed by the now powerful Secret Order, began to stage their plans for a coup. The goal was to remove both Allanti and Bramd from their positions of power, and appoint Lothric as King and Boarrir as Highest Paladin. The Secret Order would follow suit by taking up positions of power within the ranks of government, whether by assassination or resignation. While the plan seemed concrete and fail proof, Boarrir and the Fallen Paladins still had their doubts. Lothric would hold many meetings in the Underground to calm the spirits of those seeking his approval and some of his power. With the propaganda campaign and assassinations reaching new heights, Lothric knew it was time to strike.

==== Capital Invasion ====
Lothric marched the Secret Order to the capitol building, led by himself and Boarrir. The loyal guards of the Order began to form a blockade at the outer gates, attempting to block the Secret Order from entering. Fighting ensued for many hours, with both sides experiencing massive losses. Lothric, still adamant that the plan would work and guided only by his envious nature, continued to fight his way into the capitol building. When he reached the top of the steps, he turned around to see his forces being pushed back by the Order. Boarrir, at the frontlines, was fighting fiercely, but his strength was no match for the sheer number of Paladins defending the King.

==== Lothric's Capture and the Death of Boarrir ====
Secret Order forces began to retreat and surrender, while Lothric stood alone at the top of the capitol steps fighting tool and nail with High Paladins of the Order. He was quickly surrounded and beaten to the ground. The High Paladins dragged him, weak and covered in blood that was not his own, into the inner chambers of the capitol building. After being confronted and interrogated by Bramd, he was left in the middle of the Rotunda to verbally face his father.

Allanti was furious with his two sons. Lothric was now in the custody of the Order, as was Boarrir. Both were subjected to intense interrogation. Boarrir, being weaker than his brother, ultimately confessed to the foundation of the Secret Order and the killings of high ranking officials. The plans were revealed. Lothric refused to cooperate with the Order, and engaged in a shouting match with Bramd, accusing him of corruption. This, of course, was not true.

Boarrir, adamant that his brother would avenge the Secret Order's failing and bring a better tomorrow to Ostrava, confessed to leading the order. This both shocked and surprised Allanti and Bramd, who were convinced that Lothric had been the mastermind behind the plan. In accordance with the Ostravan Doctrine, Boarrir was sentenced to death in the capital square. Lothric was forced to watch.

== Exile to Alathra ==
== Exile to Alathra ==

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=== Arrival ===

==== Discovery of the Kingdom of God ====
Lothric was found guilty of conspiring against the Order, as well as the King. In an effort to thwart future activities and escape attempts from Allantian prisons, Lothric was blindfolded, drugged, and tossed onto a boat headed west across the Great Oceans to [[Alathra]]. Within a few weeks, the boat arrived on the continent of [[Gaushan]]. Lothric, along with other Fallen Paladins, exited the craft and headed west to find shelter. It was there that they discovered the recently war torn [[Kingdom of God]].

==== Meeting Aurelius ====
Lothric and the Fallen Paladins approached the crumbling outer rims of the settlement, only to be met by a young man named Aurelius. The young boy offered the group shelter and food, but only after meeting his family. Aurelius' parents welcomed the travellers with open arms, not knowing their story and why they had just arrived. Lothric lied to the family and said they were travellers from another land.

Throughout the new few days, Lothric spent much time with Aurelius, teaching the boy and his brother to hunt, fish, build, and even fight. One evening, Lothric took Athena and Romulus aside and spoke to them about his great potential, as he had discovered that Aurelius had great untapped power within him. He spoke of wishes to bring Aurelius back to his lands to train him in combat and leadership, but this was a lie. Lothric quickly realized soon after meeting the boy that he possessed powers of the Arcane. Most who received training early on, with the right mentor, could easily become some of the most powerful beings known to man. Lothric, seeing an opportunity to create a new Kingdom of his own in these lands, saw the boy as a threat to his power. He wanted him dead.
== Ostravan Bandits ==

Both fortunately and unfortunately, Aurelius' parents declined the training, as he was undergoing education in the ruined settlement to learn how to repair the city. Filled with great envy of Aurelius and his potential for Fury, he began to devise a plan.
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==== The Ostravan Bandits ====
Lothric and the Fallen Paladins left the settlement and ventured out to set up a camp of their own and plan Aurelius' assassination. Without weapons, they were useless in the potential slaughter. Stealing a boat from the shores of Gaushan, they travelled north to the ruins of [[Xenoarcadia]]. After their arrival, they quickly found supplies and equipment, including hoods that would mask themselves from Aurelius' family. It was here they squatted for some time, training and preparing themselves for the upcoming assassination. While they had been skilled at it back in their homeland, this was new territory, and Lothric was weary of attracting outsiders after such a short time in Alathra.

==== Failed Assassination of Aurelius ====
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The group once again departed, this time south, back to Gaushan. They set up camp far enough away from the settlement such that they would not attract attention from them and prepared to strike. Lothric told the Fallen Paladins that when they were successful in their plot, he would venture east to find a new home for the group. This was to be the start of the Kingdom of Lothric, and the Paladins rejoiced. After the celebrations concluded, the group ventured north to the settlement.

The group arrived at the settlement in the dead of night. All was silent except the light footsteps of the group. Lothric lead the pack through every building, ruined or not, murdering all inside. Aurelius was woken by his brother Morganus, and the two heard shouting outside while the guards attempted to fight off the invaders. They quickly drew arms and ran outside to help their father fend off the attack. As the group started to make their way deeper into the settlement, Aurelius and Morganus were commanded by their father to return home. When they got there, Lothric stood inside with Aurelius' mother on the floor in front of him, gravely wounded. Aurelius and Morganus charged him, but were quickly knocked to their feet by the massive humanoid in front of them.
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== Captivity ==
== Captivity ==