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== Geography ==
== Geography ==
Pacitta has many geographically important places, be it Political Geography or Physical Geography. Some of these places include:

=== Physical Geography ===
=== Physical Geography ===
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==== Westeros Region ====
==== Westeros Region ====
The Westeros Region is the region of town outside of the walls of Braavos, and around Starry Lake. It was the area that Fulkien seeked to build his town in, but Mcats8's plans proved to be better than his and so he decided to build all of the main areas in New Pacitta in Braavos.
The Westeros Region is the region of town outside of the walls of Braavos, and around Starry Lake. It was the area that Fulkien seeked to build his town in, but Mcats8's plans proved to be better than his and so he decided to build all of the main areas in New Pacitta in Braavos.

== Economy ==
New Pacitta's Economy is very basic. The industries make very little money, but for how small a town it is, it is very impressive.

=== Industries ===
Industries that New Pacitta Makes its wealth from are:

* Mining - Most of New Pacitta's income is from mining. Different minerals and metals are sold for high prices and earn lots of money.
* Agriculture - New Pacitta's Agriculture Industry is comprised of several different things; Wheat, Potatoes, Leather, Beef, Wool, and Sugarcane. These together build a strong agricultural system that works hand in hand with trading. Wheat is used to breed cows and sheep that produce wool, leather and beef, sugarcane is used to make paper, leather and paper are combined to make books, which are sold to villagers. Wool is also sold to villagers.
* Trading - Trading is about 2/3 of New Pacitta's Economy. It provides the materials needed to Mine and Farm, as well as Logging. it has advanced New Pacitta's technology, Government, and entire Economy.
* Logging - Logging is a industry that completely works with trading. Wood is made into sticks that are sold to villagers for profits.

=== Imports/Exports ===

==== Exports ====

* Wood
* Paper
* Wheat
* Potatoes
* Iron
* Diamonds
* Gold
* Redstone
* Coal
* Lapis
* Emeralds
* Horses

==== Imports ====

* Stone
* Andesite
* Diorite
* Jungle Wood
* Flowers
* Netherite
* Saddles