Archive:Nintyler: Difference between revisions

Changed all instances of Bertram to Nin aside from sidebar, reflecting nickname.
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m (Changed all instances of Bertram to Nin aside from sidebar, reflecting nickname.)
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'''Nintyler,''' commonly known as Nin (''given name Bertram Redsteele'') is a fisherman living in Egregan. He was banished from his homeland due to an incident.
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==Life Before Alathra==
===Early Life===
BertramNin was born to parents Gustav and Elia Redsteele in a town far north of Alathra, though BertramNin can't recall the location or name. BertramNin was the third of four children. He has two older siblings; Viktor, his older brother, works in the mines, and Mathilda, his older sister, works as an apothecary. The family would later welcome his younger sister, Vivi, who would become a cleric in the local church.<br><br>
From an early age, BertramNin took to fishing, taught by Gustav, a fisherman in their town. He took to it quickly, enjoying the smell of the salty sea air and the generally relaxed work they did out on the water. He would help Gustav catch and process fish, as well as any other goods they caught along the way. In the evenings, his mother Elia, a homemaker and expert cook, would prepare a meal for the family, and they would dine together. The importance of family was often emphasized in the Redsteele household, dinner being one of the prime examples.
===The Redsteele Tradition===
One day, at the age of twelve, BertramNin noticed a well-worn sword poking out of the chest at the foot of his parents' bed. Knowing none of his siblings were warriors, he asked Gustav what the sword was for. Once they were on the water fishing, Gustav began to explain the tradition of the Redsteele clan.<br><br>
For hundreds of years, the Redsteele family contained powerful warriors, serving as respected knights for their king. However, in each generation, only one child would become a notable warrior, and that child would be a child of the previous Redsteele warrior. Gustav, the second of six children, was the warrior of the previous generation. He originally expected Viktor to be the next warrior, given his immense strength and willingness to get his hands dirty. However, given his mild, jolly nature and aversion to violence, it seemed unlikely he would take up the mantle.<br><br>
Given Mathilda's career choice and Vivi's kind nature, it was also unlikely either of them would be the one. This left BertramNin as the most likely candidate. Fishing was not as easy as it seemed; fish would often put up a fight, requiring strength and technique to wrangle, which BertramNin had learned well by that time. With this in mind, Gustav asked BertramNin if he wanted to train with a sword, to which BertramNin agreed.
===Training and Guarding===
Soon after that conversation, BertramNin began training with Gustav after fishing. These training sessions would run until dinner was called. His training focused on the sword and, eventually, shield. His skill with the sword became apparent, quickly exceeding Viktor's and making clear BertramNin would be the next Redsteele warrior. This carried on until he was sixteen, at which point he was old enough to become a member of the town guard, a small, informal militia tasked with the defense of their town. He would fight in skirmishes when requested, protecting the people of the town from brigands.<br><br>
This changed when war came to their nation. A kingdom to the east initiated the attack, leaving the army of their nation in disarray. The king called for reinforcements from the towns, including Bertram. His participation was largely limited to smaller skirmishes, given their distant location from the frontlines.<br><br>
However, the tide of the war changed, and the invaders began pressing south towards BertramNin's town, where the guard was tasked with defending them from the onslaught of the kingdom's main force. Despite overwhelming odds, Bertram stepped up, rallying the guard and guiding them to defend the town. Under his direction, they held off the main force long enough for the knights to arrive, and by combining their forces, they were able to drive back the enemy forces.
===Noble Plot and Exile===
BertramNin's actions in the war caught the attention of Cuthbert Wardyworth, the king of their nation. Bertram was summoned to the capital to appear before the king, much to the excitement of him and his family. This would likely result in him becoming a knight, officially becoming the next Redsteele warrior.<br><br>
Upon arrival, he met with the king, as well as the council of nobles. The nobles' snobbishness and disdain for commoners was well-known to the townsfolk back home, and it was clear they could barely contain their disgust at BertramNin, one such commoner appearing before them. The knights consisted primarily of the second and third sons of nobles, with very few commoners. The king announced that BertramNin would be inducted into the order of knights, despite the nobles' protest. The knighting was to take place one week after this first meeting.<br><br>
Unseen to BertramNin, the nobles began plotting a scheme to get rid of him. They decided to assassinate a lower noblewoman they didn't care for, planting evidence to indict BertramNin. The plan worked, and BertramNin was accused of murder.<br><br>
The trial was held on the day he was supposed to be knighted. The court was run by the same nobles, and BertramNin could tell by their sinister grins they were in on it. Unsurprisingly, he was swiftly found guilty, unable to provide any defense. Final judgment rested in the hands of the king. The standard penalty for murder was execution. In a surprising twist, however, King Cuthbert decided instead to sentence BertramNin to exile, citing uncertainty about the case.<br><br>
He was permitted to return home and gather his belongings before leaving. He was forced to say goodbye to his family, who was certain he was innocent and would fight to get him back however they could, as well as promising they would see each other again soon.<br><br>
After packing his sword, tools, and fresh cooked food from his mother, he left the kingdom, likely never to return, and with some sense of bitterness hanging over him.
