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====The Town Hall====
The town hall sitswas a stone brick building that rightsat at the end of the main street. The building is a stone structure that looks through the street. Inside it hashad rows of chairs that point to a stage. LocatedAbove abovethe ischairs was a brokendispenser trap that was oncemechanic, thought to havebe beenan usedassassination to assassinate people at one timetrap. Right outside ofOn the townroof hall iswas a guillotinedog structure.that Locatedbelonged onto the roof ofThePit_, the Townoriginal hall is the last standing reminderfounder of the original builderNoTown, ThePit_,but asthe hisdog dogssadly sitswent ontomissing lookinga overwhile the island awaiting his returnago. The Town Hall was ordered to be torn down recently by the order of HansJG05, the current leader, (insertof name)Nowhere. itIt remains ana emptybarren lot for the time being, but will be put to usegood in the futureuse.
[[File:2296EC8F-F0F0-45CE-BC32-59F4B9759354.png|thumb|The last sign of ThePit_ (His dog)]]