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Nora ran into her safe haven with tears streaming down her face, she was finally safe.
='''Voyage to a New Land'''=
Nora loaded the crate of eggs onto the back of the wagon and looked through her checklist to ensure all of her supplies were in the back of the wagon.
“Eggs, check. Butter, check. Bread, check.” Nora muttered under her breath. “Blankets, check, Apples check. Dried meat, check.”
“Alright that should be everything I need” Nora thought to herself “Time for goodbyes”
Nora walked inside the house and into the dining room. She gave her mother a hug goodbye, and said her goodbye’s to the rest of her friends.
“I’ll see you all sooner or later! Stay safe!” Nora said to her fellow farmhands.
Nora began walking towards the door to leave.
“Wait!” Her friend partially yelled “We all pitched in and made you a sweater out of a fine wool, we were told its one of the materials for miles.”
“Thank you so much you didnt have to” Nora said happily.
“Well to bad we did” Amy walked forward and presented the neatly folded orange sweater.
“Thank you so much, Ill be sure to visit” Nora said while she took the sweater and walked out the door. Nora got up onto the wagon, waved goodbye to her mother and her friends, and set off in search of farm land.
