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After hearing that Nora snatched up the butter, eggs, and loaf of bread, and swiftly rushed out of the little store. “Thanks Milo! You’re the best.” Nora half yelled as she ran out.
After hearing that Nora snatched up the butter, eggs, and loaf of bread, and swiftly rushed out of the little store. “Thanks Milo! You’re the best.” Nora half yelled as she ran out.
Nora headed home, put up her coat, and set down what she had gotten from the store. Nora sat down next to the dwindling fire on the hearth. She took off the cloth wrap around her hands and made herself a small breakfast while waiting for her parents to get up.
Nora headed home, put up her coat, and set down what she had gotten from the store. Nora sat down next to the dwindling fire on the hearth. She took off the cloth wrap around her hands and made herself a small breakfast while waiting for her parents to get up.
=='''An Evening in the Forest'''==
Nora ran frantically through the forest as the sun slowly hid just beyond the horizon.
“Emmett! It's getting dark!” Nora yelled.
Nora received only the soft whistle of the wind as a response. With the darkness beginning to envelop the forest it became difficult for Nora to see more than a few feet in front of her.
“Emmett!” She called out once more “Please! It's getting dark!”
All Nora received was a deafening groan in the quiet forest. She turned around, but there was no source to the noise. Once again she heard another groan behind her, even louder than the last. She ran away from the source as far as her little legs could carry. After running for what felt like years, she tripped. She heard the deafening groan another time behind her, and then again, and then an eruption of deafening groans all behind her, and all seeming very near. In front of her, there was a faint glimmer of magic.
“Help!” Nora cried out into the darkness.
In a flash, the glimmer of magic disappeared from her view and the groaning ceased. Nora got up and started running again, now she could see the lights of her house.
Nora ran into her safe haven with tears streaming down her face, she was finally safe.