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==== Irraih ====
'''‘Knowledge seeker,’ ‘To seek knowledge is to seek truth’ -''' Those within the order that have risen above their basic studies and have chosen a discipline are referred to as Irraih, meaning ‘seeker of knowledge’ in the old tongue. These individuals make up the vast majority of the Order of the Eternal Seal, and upon deciding on a field of study, Irraih will receive a cord to be worn around their shoulders or neck in a color representative of the discipline of their choice. Unlike Tien, Irraih are bound to one field of study until they achieve mastery over their subject, and while they are permitted to change their field at any point in their studies, any previously attained “mastery” will not carry over upon their attendanceascendance to the rank of Tien, and they must once again pass tests of achievement and mastery to be acknowledged as such. Upon mastery of a subdiscipline within their field of study, or the passing of certain trials of achievement and mastery, Irraih will be granted their first golden ring. Upon consecutive mastery of multiple subdisciplines, more golden rings may be earned until the title of Tien is achieved, with these golden rings being reforged into the first of their golden mastery chain links. Irraih are to be referred to by their given name, which may or may not be preceded with the title of Acolyte, or Learner. Often the clothing of the Irraih will reflect the field in which they have chosen to study, appearing far more practical than the robes of those considered to be masters within the Order, as the Irraih will often be required to work in the field during their studies. Irraih will typically reside in the care of a Tien of their discipline who will serve to guide them in their studies and present tests of achievement upon milestones in their progress.
==== a’Turas ====