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The gods pitied him and gave him the option to leave his homeland, and instead walk through a fissure in realms to a new, safer place. They also bestowed upon him the name "Senate", a word translating to "of the divine" as a way to disguise him from any enemies and show his value to the gods. With no other options, Pitru accepted the gods' gracious offer and was ushered through the fissure by the divine of his faith.
===ArrivalEarly Time in Alathra===
[[File:Malnourished-Hippopotamus.gif|left|thumb|The Malnourished Hippopotamus, hunting bow of the Punstraia Clan of Pitru's birth]]
Senate awoke in a field of low grass and sparse trees. He looked around, hopefully safe from his enemies at last, seeing a blue sky and beautiful nature of a new land: Alathra. The gods came to him once more and promised to uphold his current safety, but only if Senate could survive a punishment for his renouncing of his faith to save his own life. Pitru would stay in this realm, Alathra, for the next 6 years. After serving this penance, as long as he respected the authority and will of the gods throughout it, he would be able to return to his home realm of Yuvantiya and retire to the small farming life he had attempted to start up before his exile. Although he was ill-prepared, Pitru was imbued with a will to survive and persist, resolving to set out into the foreign lands that now surrounded him.
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===Beginning a New Life===
As he arrived in the town, Pitru was greeted by a man in a toga. Noticing Pitru's sorry state, the man took him into his house to let Pitru rest and recover from the harrowing journey from Lothridge. When the man began to speak Kogongi, Pitru felt a great relief, finally able to understand an average person in the unfamiliar land he found himself in. The man said his name was Glider Fraemani, a Kogongi man who helped found the anarchist Confederation of Kogongu in the very city Pitru stood. Over a drink, Pitru shared his journey from Lothridge, and gave vague hints to his foreign origins. As Glider shared similar experiences in the Acquendavian "schools," the two strangers became fast friends. Some hours after his arrival in town, the druid Vasya came to Glider's home, requesting some materials for a construction project in the town. She quickly noticed Pitru in the corner of her eye, and the two greeted, with Vasya being particularly happy to see a potential member for their Confederation. Over the next few days, Senate
Through his travels, Senate reached the land of Koganon and encountered a man by the name of [[Game Glider SKG]]. Game Glider was one of the founders of the nearby nation of [[Kogongu]], and, in his kindness, offered to help Senate become a resident. While Senate liked the idea of once again becoming a citizen of a nation, he also had his own vision for a society and preferred to make his home on a peninsula not far from the Kogongi capital at [[Kais Kogong]]. With the approval of the other Kogongi, Senate joined the nation of Kogongu and founded his own town, which he named after an Oasis of Coral in the vast sea surrounding the peninsula. This village, Wahat Almarjan (Axatu Marǧejá in Arcadian), would have a rocky start. After constructing his home and receiving help from Game_Glider in building the beginnings of a mosque for Senate's faith of Mufijo, Senate entered a long period of simple living. During this time, Senate would farm and pray peacefully and did not interact much with his fellow Kogongi for months on end. Senate also began using his old name of Pitru once more, after he learned of his homeland's grim fate.
===Becoming a Leader===
