Archive:Pitru Punstraia: Difference between revisions

changed tenses and things again
(changed tenses and things around since I'm making a new character)
(changed tenses and things again)
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'''Pitru Ermení Punstraia''' also known by his adopted name Senate (Used interchangeably), was/is the former Altan (Religious and Political Leader) of the [[Arcadian Altanate]], a theocratic nation serving as the refuge and authority for all adherents to the [[Mufijo|Mufijo Faith]]. He was/is from the city of Ddaza, a city-state in the foreign realm of his birth, from which he fled after heavy religious persecution and threats of violence. He was/is the founder and former mayor/governor of the city of [[Wahat Almarjan]]. Pitru ruled the infant Altanate for its first 6 monthsyears (6 in-gamemonths yearsOOC), before unexpectedly abdicating the throne (took place at the stroke of midnight on January 1, 2022). Thereafter, he concerned himself with ruling the city he founded, before he abruptly left his adopted home of Alathra forever, to spare his fellow Arcadian citizens from the onslaught of Ddaza, which longed to finally kill off his Mufijo Clan, the Punstraia. It is unknown whether he still lives.
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==Religious Beliefs==
Senate was the leader of the faith of [[Mufijo Faith|Mufijo]], and is known to be the hand of creation to the sun god Afi. He dictated the list of forbidden (Ansolla) and permitted (Consolla) things for the faithful, and was committed to writing down the tenets and Path of Mufijo for the first time in the faith's history, although this laid incomplete upon his diasapperance. Pitru was, at his disappearance, compiling myths and stories into an official holy book, the Mufijoreon, and wished to distribute it throughout Alathra to finally fulfill the divine mission of the Arcadian Altanate: converting as many as possible to the faith of Mufijo. As a key tenet of Mufijo is constructing works for the faith, Senate ordered the construction of the Grand Mosque of Jiba the Wise, which is to be the centerpiece of Wahat Almarjan. The religious duties above were transferred to his former servant, Dr. HugosomviHugosombi, who was ordered by the Altan to complete the manuscripts left behind by Pitru.
== Trivia ==
