Archive:Pitru Punstraia: Difference between revisions

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{{Infobox person
| honorific_prefix = GovernorAltan
| name = Pitru Ermení Punstraia
| honorific_suffix = Altan Emeritus
| image = Filips de goede.png
| alt = alt
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| other_names =
| citizenship = [[Arcadian Altanate]]
| occupation = MayorAltan of Arcadia, of Wahat Almarjan, Farmer, High Priest of Mufijo (Formerly)
| organization = [[Mufijo Faith]]
| known_for = Founding [[Wahat Almarjan]], Compiling the Holy Texts of Mufijo, Writing the Arcadian Constitution
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| predecessor = None – office created
| successor = [[Game_Glider_SKG|Glider I Fraemani]]
| partner = Lady Loja Vrestó
| parents = Lowborn Peasants of Clan Punstraia (Deceased)
| relatives = None (All Deceased)
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===Flight from Ddaza===
In 5 AZ, the Ašvat Hibra devastated several families who lived near Pitru's farm. This would be unremarkable in itself if Pitru himself was not infected, despite living in incredibly close proximity to the deceased. The Ddazan people were outraged, believing Pitru had cast some dark spell to infect and kill his neighbors, or had some secret cure to the disease he would not share. Despite there being no evidence to suggest these rumors were true, the unceasing outcry from the Ddazan people led the elders and magistrates of the tribe to a simple decision. Pitru, had to go.
Now fearing for his life, The future Altan took what little he could fit in small sack, fleeing Ddaza into the surrounding jungle in the midst of a terrible rainstorm. In this forest, Pitru collapsed to the ground and fell asleep, weak and weary from hours of running, only to be awoken by a grand spectacle. Before Pitru were the gods of his faith, Afi - the Sun, Jorb - the Moon, Xamu - the Earth. The three gods, the Setrusi, warned him of a search party out to kill him, prepared to carry out Pitru's execution ordered by the Ddazan magistrates. The gods pitied Pitru and gave him the option to stay and make a last stand for the honor of the Punstraia, or flee with their help to a land where he could be free of the ire of Ddazans. Preferring theto live another day than to join his murdereddeceased relatives, Pitru accepted the gods' gracious offer and was guided out of the jungles, where he collapsed yet again in a large meadow.
===Captivity in Lothridge===
[[File:Malnourished-Hippopotamus.gif|left|thumb|The Malnourished Hippopotamus, hunting bow of the Punstraia Clan of Pitru's birth]]
For the second time in under 24 hours, the exhausted Pitru was awoken from his slumber by the gods. The young man was without a home, possessions, or anywhere to go, now at the mercy of whatever plan the gods laid before him. The Setrusi instructed Pitru to travel south to a city of dual towers, where he would undergo penance and sacrifice to prove his loyalty to them, and to give him vital knowledge for the years to come. The Setrusi further elaborated that Pitru would no longer need their direct guidance once he had reached this city, and that they would guide him through fate rather than instruction from then on. Confused, Pitru accepted, perhaps because he had no other choice. Before they took their leave, the gods gifteddecided to gift Pitru with his family's hunting bow, the Malnourished Hippopotamus, an object he had left at his home in YuvantiyaDdaza. Although lost for two years after the [[Great Alathran War]], Pitru would regain the weapon, retaining it in his possession until his disappearance from Alathra, upon which it became a sacred relic for the orowningcrowning of a new Gižaraša (Lord) of Wahat Almarjan. The bow was the only object Pitru had left from his old life in YuvantiyaDdaza.
Setting off from the pristine hills he had found himself in, Pitru travelled south, encountering the great [[Acquendavia|Acquendavian]] city of [[Lothridge]]. AlthoughHe heimmediately maderecognized anit attemptas tothe evadecity beingof the dual seentowers, fearingbut thisdecided foreignto landtry into whichsneak heinto hadthe beencity takenafter to,seeing guards uponat the Wallsgates. ofUnfortunately Lothridgefor caughtPitru, sighthis years of Pitruisolated wasin suddenlythe shotjungle withdid annot arrowteach inhim the leg,skills immobilizingnecessary Thestealth guardsinto camea downwell-defended fromcity, and he was theirpromptly postssighted and tookcaptured himby intotwo theLothridge cityguards. The officers in Lothridgeguards mistook Pitru as a [[The Kogongi People|Kogongi]] andwho decidedhad toescaped sendthe city, and sent him to re-educationthe campsschools established by the Acquendavians to strip him of a culture he, in reality, knew nothing of.[[File:River Draxi in the Autumn (Shaders).png|thumb|314x314px|The river known to Pitru as the Draxí, in the autumn]]
The experience in this institution was agonizing for Pitru, mostmade especiallyall becausethe worse in that he could not communicate with anyone, speaking only DdazanArcadian (laterat Arcadian)that upontime hisknown arrivalas in AlathraYuvantiyan). As the Acquendavians attempted to "educate" the culture out of the Kogongi within the school, Pitru was left alone, neither practicing nor understanding any of the customs the teachersinstructors taught to be sinful"wrong". After about 42 months of enduring and witnessing constant brutalizingabuse onand harassment of the partinmates ofby the Acquendavians, Pitru finally made attemptsbreakthroughs toin learnlearning the Kogongi speechlanguage, ofalbeit hisfragments fellowas tormentedthe inmates.Kogongi Although the languagetongue was generallybanned forbiddenfrom by the teachersuse in the camp,school. Pitru eventually learned some scattered Kogongi, andHe succeeded in communicating some general information about himself to other inmates., Inwho, in their kindness, these Kogongi inmates helped Pitru to learn more of the Kogongi language, instilling a deep sense of gratitude to the Kogongi within him. These Kogongi spoke of a vibrant and peaceful culture across the sea from Lothridge. Intrigued, Pitru bided his time to try to escape to this homeland of the Kogongi., Oneleaving nighthis fate in the hands of the Setrusi, whenjust thoseas guardingthey had told him to. One night, the school's guards had become drunk for some sort of celebration, finally allowing Pitru slinkedto slink away into the night, reaching a river by dawn. Although he had tried to bring some of the Kogongi inmates with him to help guide Pitruhim to their homeland, they were separated and ultimately captured by the Acquendavians. The Acquendavians continued to search for him throughout the night, but Pitru was able to hide in a river that he titled the ''Draxí'' [drɐˈçi], named in Arcadian from the flowers bountiful on its banks. When he believed the coast to be clear, Pitru once again made haste towards the coast. Upon reaching a small bay, he found an abandoned boat, which he made use of to row far frominto the coastwater.
Upon sailing out to the sea, however, Pitru's tired state and lack of sleep became quite apparent. Phantoms from the sky dove down to harass him as he rowed. Not well experienced with boats, Pitru wasseemed helpless in his predicament, fully expecting to join his mother and father in the afterlife. However, like a beacon in the distance, Pitru noticed a large landmass on the horizon. He rowed towards it with great haste and difficulty, landing near a small fishing village. Going north, Pitru made his way through the Forests of Cotona, happening upon the city of [[Kais Kogong]]. Desperate for food, Pitru hiked towards the recently established town, not yet knowing he had found the Kogongi people his fellow inmates had told him of.
===Beginning a New Life===
As he arrived in the town, Pitru was greeted by a man in a toga. Noticing Pitru's sorry state, the man took him into his house to let Pitru rest and recover from the harrowing journey from Lothridge. When the man began to speak Kogongi, Pitru felt a great relief, finally able to understand an average person in the unfamiliar land he found himself in. The man said his name was [[Game Glider SKG|Glider Fraemani]], a Kogongi man who helped found the anarchist [[Kogongu|Federation of Kogongu]] in the very city Pitru stood. Over a drink, Pitru shared his journey from Lothridge, and gave vague hints to his foreign origins. As Glider shared similar experiences in the Acquendavian "schools," the two strangers became fast friends. Hours after his arrival in town, the druid Vasya made a routine visit to Glider's home. She quickly noticed Pitru in the corner of her eye, and the two greeted, with Glider explaining the situation Pitru found himself in.
Over the next few days, Pitru would ingratiate himself to these de facto leaders of the Kogongi,. yetPitru decided he wanted to settle in Kogongu, but still longed to farm as he once had in Ddaza, rather than livinglive in the burgeoning Kais Kogong. PitruEventually, eventuallyhe decidedcame to approach the Kogongiup with a proposition. IfPitru told the Kogongi that if he would be allowed to found a town on the sandy Arcadian Peninsula north of Kais, he would swear to stay loyal to the Kogongi and secure their hold on the peninsula. The Kogongi had little objection to the idea, and quickly agreed, sending Pitru north with Glider. uponUpon arriving at the tip of the peninsula, Pitru found a suitable spot for a home and began building. He then a held a small ceremony, declaring the town of Wahat Almarjan, and himself as its Gižaraša (Lord). Soon after, Glider left south, and Pitru finished his home and plans for the mosque. The gods had been good. Pitru had a home once more.
===Becoming a Leader===
