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===Early Life===
Pitru was born in the city of Ddaza, located in the realm of Yuvantiya, which Pitru has since left behind. He was born into a small clan of religious dissidents known as the Punstraia. In his early years, he was discriminated against due to his family's refusal to adhere to the official faith of the city. Pitru vaguely remembers his parents, two peasants of Clan Punstraia who held no sway or influence within it. His immediate family attempted to lay low and not attract attention, especially given their Punstraia affiliation, something that likely played a part in Pitru and his immediate family's continued survival. Unfortunately for the rest of Pitru's clan, their notoriety as religious dissidents and more bombastic nature would bring about their destruction. At age 15, all of Clan Punstraia he knew of, every grandparent, uncle, aunt, and cousin were brutally killed by a mob after being blamed for a particularly bad harvest year in the surrounding area. Pitru and his family only survived by falsely submitting to the god of the Ddazans, as they had been doing for years before. Although this would save his life, it would be an act which Pitru would have to repent for in his great months long wandering of Alathra. [[File:Clan Punstraia CoA.png|thumb|Coat of Arms of Clan Punstraia|left|234x234px]]
===The Hard Days===
[[File:Clan Punstraia CoA.png|thumb|Coat of Arms of Clan Punstraia]]
With his father now unexpectedly becoming the Sifan (leader) of the severely diminished Clan Punstraia, Pitru became the target of yet more discrimination and threats. he was constantly harassed with weaponry, and carried nothing on him to ensure he could not be robbed. He could not even sleep peacefully, with near nightly attacks on his family's home by disgruntled neighbors and religious fanatics. Pitru's parents were both killed in an outbreak of a deadly disease known as the Ašvat Hibra (Great Reaper) and he was nearly killed by the illness himself. By some miracle, he survived, but not before he was stripped of what little property his Clan had left. By virtue of the fact that all his relatives were now dead, the title of Sifan of Clan Punstraia passed to Pitru, although it became nothing more than another target on his back. By age 22, Pitru had become a farmer on the outskirts of the city and intended to live simply to preserve his shaky safety.
