Archive:Redna: Difference between revisions

Changed the Name of the country Redna is in to "Estea"
m (changed population number)
m (Changed the Name of the country Redna is in to "Estea")
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| mapsize = 250px
| subdivision_type = Country
| subdivision_name = [[EasternKingdom Elyriaof Estea]]
| subdivision_type1 = Continent
| subdivision_name1 = Gaushan
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=== Location ===
The town of Redna is a settlement situated on two islands, which lie between the continents Gaushan and Koganon. The town of Redna is the official capital of theEstea (formerly Eastern Elyrian Kingdom), which is ruled by Theodmer and part of the Great Elyrian Empire.
The two islands the duchy consists of were formerly known as the Lyon Isles.
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The town of Redna is affiliated with the Kingdom of Eastern ElyriaEstea. It serves as a capital and is part of the Elyrian Empire. As an autnonomous part of the Elyrian nation, Redna swore to defend Elyria in times of war, and signed a non-agression pact with the rest of Elyria and its kingdoms.
Redna and Eastern Elyria is free to choose allies and enemies independently from the Elyrian Empire. Current diplomatic relations include.
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=== Becoming the capital ===
After negotiations with the Elyrian Emperor ShermansWorld, Rednas duke Theodmer was allowed to name himself king. He was given territory to rule including Redna as a capital and the nearby town of Everglow as vassals. In a great coronation ceremony, Theodmer was crowned the king of Eastern Elyria (later renamed to Estea), with about twenty people attending the cornation, many of them presenting gifts to the new king afterwards.
The islands of Redna are constantly changing and evolving. At the moment, the economic situation has stabilized and Redna puts a lot of effort and resources to improve the local infrastructure and beautify the island.
For this, Redna is getting help of the local resident and Chief Builder Tylxmrdmutual_, who has proved to happily and efficiently work for the improvement of the town and its surroundings. Redna looks towards a bright future and hopes to accomplish all the goals it has set, so it becomes a propering place of peace and wealth in Alathra.
