Archive:Redna: Difference between revisions

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=== Flag ===
The local Flag of Redna resembles a golden dragon on a black background. The flag remained from the times where Redna was still an independent nationtown nearin the nationcontinent of Acquendavia.
The standard Elyrian Flag is used as diplomatic flag and the local flag is rarely used. However, the cape of the Rednan duke, Theodmer, shows the Rednan flag.
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=== The Black Keep ===
The Black Keep is the castle of the local Duke Theodmer, which is inunder construction at the moment. The castle will reignsits on top of thea huge mountaincliff, that dominatedoversees both islands.
It will include a throne room, garden and other facilities, which partially will be open for the public. Lately, the Gate and front walls, as well as one tower have been completed. The Black Keep is the first of many infrastructural projects, some of them still in planning.
=== The Fire of Lore ===
The Spawn of Redna is reffered to as the "Fire of Lore". It resembles a small, roofed campfire with benches and seats around. It is often used as a meeting point fotfor discussions, diplomacy and trading. The Fire of Lore lies in the center of the two islands, which makes it easy to reach any point in Redna from there.
=== The Temple ===
The temple is a structure left over from times where the Islands of Redna were not in Elyrian hands. It is located on the uninhabitated, western island of the duchy. Even though it serves no real purpose at the moment and was partially destroyed before the town of Redna was founded on the islands, it is clearly a sophisticated peace of architecture and could be reppurposed in the future, especially as Redna plans to improve on its religious offerinngsofferings.
=== The Community Farms ===
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Around the island, the waters near the coast are populated by turtles and squids, as well as many kinds of fish. Some dolphins have been seen too. As corrals are technically animals, they as well are part of the rednan fauna, forming reefs near the coast.
==== Mobs ====
The unclaimed parts of Redna are roamed by many mobs during the night. These include standard mobs like [ Spiders], [ Skeletons], [ Zombies] and [ Creepers], however, sometimes there are special mobs spawning, such as [ Giants] and [ Skeleton Horsemen]. These only affects the (by Towny) unclaimed western isle, so Rednan citizens do not normally come in contact with the mobs. Redna is spared by airborne mobs like [ Phantoms].
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Redna was also superb in terms of relations with other nations, towns and people. It’s reputation along with the generosity of Duke Theodmer was slowly but steadily recognized by many people.
=== '''Accession of Jotunstan''' ===
The town of Jotunstan which was once lead by Kangy, who helped Redna in it's earliest days was invited to join Elyria. Theodmer negotiated with Kangy about their accession by the Fire of Lore. The second island along with funds and resources was offered to Jotunstan so that Redna and Jotunstan could be neighbors. This, however, was a risky choice. Jotunstan's accession had the possibility to offend Lydoneia and Kogongu and potentially lead to a war between them and Elyria. Redna used all it's influence to nullify the possibility of such wars happening and ensured Kangy. The Altar of Choices (aka the Altar or the Altar of Decisions) was built for the day Kangy would state his decision. When the day came, Jotunstan refused to join Elyria, thus eliminating the possibility of being neighbors with Redna.
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Skoop had generously offered Redna two hundred villagers, and they had to be carried. Duke Theodmer and Lord EC went to Qarth to carry the villagers to Redna. Qarth was on the westernmost continent, so the villagers had to be carried between continents. Theodmer and EC sailed for months and managed to bring them to Redna without many casualties. This led to the construction of a reliable market with villagers which offers goods in exchange for emeralds.
=== '''The Ship Theft''' ===
Some months after the villagers were carried, a visitor named GoodVibes came to Redna. He went directly to the ship that Theodmer and EC sailed on for months without even responding to the greetings of the local folk. Boarded it and then stole the ship. This was the first thing to be stolen from Redna and a headhunt was called for GoodVibes. His last words before dying was "I thought you wouldn't notice". His head was brought to Redna and was mounted on a spike in front of the Black Keep. GoodVibes would keep doing shady things such as scamming or trespassing after this incident and always hated Redna. He was named an enemy of Redna after he scammed Theodmer upon being offered a trade to improve relations.
=== '''The Calm Before the Storm''' ===
After all that has happened, Redna went into a period of prosperity and development. New houses were built, new residents joined and upgrades were made. The town prospered and developed relations with other towns and people.
=== '''The Great War''' ===
There was bloodmoonblood moon the night Elyria declared war on FoA. Rednan citizens were not aware aside from Theodmer. Most of Redna was not able to go to war but those that were went to participate.
There was bloodmoon the night Elyria declared war on FoA. Rednan citizens were not aware aside from Theodmer. Most of Redna was not able to go to war but those that were went to participate.
Since Entente was built and Elyrian forces were outnumbered five to one, the war drained Redna's resources and money, thus slowing the pace of development. It was a major hit to Redna's economy even though Elyria won at all fronts.
