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=== Oldtown ===
=== Oldtown ===
"Oldtown", as it referred to as, represents the cluster of the homes and houses built near the hill dominating the Rednan Isles. It includes a small garden and a nearby waterfall. Oldtown stands next to the Black Keep and a path leads down to the Fire of Lore, where visitors arrive, when visiting Redna. The name might be misleading, though. Many new houses are still built in Oldtown when a new citizen wants to settle.
"Oldtown", as it referred to as, represents the cluster of the homes and houses built near the hill dominating the Rednan Isles. It includes a small garden and a nearby waterfall. Oldtown stands next to the Black Keep and a path leads down to the Fire of Lore, where visitors arrive, when visiting Redna. The name might be misleading, though. Many new houses are still built in Oldtown when a new citizen wants to settle.
[[File:Old town picture alt.png|left|thumb|350x350px|A picture of Oldtown, taken from a tower of the Black Keep.]]
[[File:Old town picture alt.png|left|thumb|350x350px|A picture of Oldtown, taken near the Black Keep.]]
[[File:Rednan Temple.png|thumb|The temple located on the eastern island of Redna]]
[[File:Rednan Temple.png|thumb|The temple located on the eastern island of Redna]]
[[File:Rednan community fields.png|thumb|The community fields have continuously been expanded by the local population and are a reliable source of food and income.]]
[[File:Rednan community fields.png|thumb|The community fields have continuously been expanded by the local population and are a reliable source of food and income.]]

Revision as of 14:18, 27 August 2021

Flag of Redna
Motto(s): Ubi pani ibi patris (Where there is bread, there is my fatherland)
The location of Redna on the map
FoundedJune 5th, 2021
Founded byTheodmer
 • TypeTitular Duchy
 • DukeTheodmer
 • Hand of the DukeVortex22
 • Chief BuilderTylxmrd
 • Total7 active residents


Redna is a town located on two islands. It is a duchy in the Kingdom of Elyria and focuses on cultivation as well as infrastructural improvement by supporting community work ethics.



The town of Redna is a settlement situated on two islands, which lie between the continents Gaushan and Koganon. The town of Redna holds the formal title of a duchy in the Kingdom of Elyria and is ruled by its duke Theodmer.

The two islands the duchy consists of were formerly known as the Lyon Isles.

Redna shares naval borders with the Elyrian mainland as well as a neighboring island, which is claimed by Ashina.

The nearest settlement is the town of Everglow, which lies to the west and was founded by a former Rednan resident.

The view on the western side of Redna from its neighboring town, Everglow. The construction site of the Black Keep can be seen on top of the mountain.


The two Rednan isles are surrounded by the sea, which divides the Gaushan and Koganonese continents. They are framed by beaches and riffs of corrals. The western island is uninhabited and consists of one great beach, while the eastern island is mostly covered by grassland and dominated by a big hill, which has its peak over 50 blocks above sea level.

Over than that, the eastern island is covered with oak trees and has a small cave system under the surface. The main town and the castle are built on that hill or in the neighboring flat grasslands. From size, the two islands combined are about as large as the surface that the Elyrian capital, Peachfield, covers.



The grassland that covers the eastern Rednan island is primarily used for farming and breeding animals. Even though Redna lacks ores and other minerals, excluding a few iron or coal ores, it managed to get a stable economy by producing and trading the cultivated products. A market with villagers also allows the Rednan inhabitants to gain more sophisticated products.


Redna mostly trades the products it produces, however, any citizen is free to trade whatever he acquires. Redna is generally really trade-friendly and trades with everyone as long as they are not a direct enemy.

The primary exported and traded goods are:

  • Wheat and Bread
  • Carrots
  • Animal Products (Milk, Wool)
  • Meat
  • Ores and Minerals if available
  • Logs (Mostly Spruce and Oak)
  • Books, Paper and related (made from locally planted Sucar Cane)
  • Emeralds



The town of Redna is affiliated with the Kingdom of Elyria. It holds the title of a duchy and counts as part of it. As a part of the Elyrian nation, mutual military and financial support is guaranteed.

Redna also shares the same allies and enemies as the Kingdom, with some extra unique relations to other towns.

  • The most notable allied town is the town of Qarth, a trade estate that redirects people who want to live there to Redna.
  • Everglow is another town allied to Redna. Their founder EC was a Rednan citizen once.
  • Judea, as long as it is ruled by GoodVibes, though a part of Elyria, is an enemy of Redna, as a result of the personal behaviour of GoodVibes towards Redna and its residents.
  • The county of Greenfrost has especialally good trade and diplomatic relations with Redna and its inhabitants are seen as friends of the Redna.


Redna generally seeks to develop and prosper by its own means and not by seeking conflict. This does not hinder Redna from offering military aid to Elyria if needed. Redna generally thrives to expand on its infrastructure, to provide a better way of life for its citizens. In the last while, Redna witnessed a lot of insecurities and destruction in connection to the Great War, so it wants to provide a safe haven for anyone willing to join the community and participate in making Redna a better place.

Future Plans

Rednas immediate attention lies in ending the Great War, as well as focus on internal matters. There is a lot of infrastructural overhauls planned, which are hoped to be realized in the near future.

Plans include a town hall, a shrine for religious satisfaction of the inhabitants of Redna, as well as a small library, which will be publicly accessible and seeking to store and provide knowledge from all over Alathra.



"Oldtown", as it referred to as, represents the cluster of the homes and houses built near the hill dominating the Rednan Isles. It includes a small garden and a nearby waterfall. Oldtown stands next to the Black Keep and a path leads down to the Fire of Lore, where visitors arrive, when visiting Redna. The name might be misleading, though. Many new houses are still built in Oldtown when a new citizen wants to settle.

A picture of Oldtown, taken near the Black Keep.
The temple located on the eastern island of Redna
The community fields have continuously been expanded by the local population and are a reliable source of food and income.

The Black Keep

The Black Keep is the castle of the local Duke Theodmer, which is in construction at the moment. The castle will reign on top of the mountain, that dominated both islands.

It will include a throne room, garden and other facilities, which partially will be open for the public. Lately, the Gate and front walls, as well as one tower have been completed. The Black Keep is the first of many infrastructural projects, some of them still in planning.

The Fire of Lore

The Spawn of Redna is reffered to as the "Fire of Lore". It resembles a small, roofed campfire with benches and seats around. It is often used as a meeting point fot discussions and trading. The Fire of Lore lies in the center of the two islands, which makes it easy to reach any point in Redna from there.

The Temple

The temple is a structure left over from times where the Islands of Redna were not in Elyrian hands. It is located on the uninhabitated, western island of the duchy. Even though it serves no real purpose at the moment, it is clearly a sophisticated peace of architecture and could be reppurposed in the future, especially as Redna plans to improve on its religious offerinngs.

The Community Farms

The community farms are fields of wheat, which are maintained by the Rednan population and is used by the community as a whole. As long as the wheat is resowed, anyone is allowed to harvest the fields and profit of the bread that he can make from it. The community fields where a initiative to fight hunger and its burdens in Redna and have been used not only by Rednan, but non-residents too.

Villager District

The villager district is a market with villagers, located near the community farms on a hill. It was built with the help of Skoop and EC (also see: The settling of Villagers) and allows residents of Redna to trade their goods independently from other players. Two iron golems patrol the area and make sure that the villagers are not hurt.

The main goal of the villagers is to trade for enchanted books and similar. There are also some ways to gain emeralds, which allows Redna to export some of them if there is a excess from trading with villagers.


The Town of Redna is a secularized and multicultural realm. It does not force its residents to follow certain cultural or religious practices, though different religions and cultures are still practiced. The majority of the inhibitants are human. Redna strongly supports participation in the local community and believes that most things should be shared if possible. This resulted in the creation of the community fields, which can be used by anyone, as long as the seeds are resowed after harvest. In general, Redna does not strive for riches or power, but stability and long-term growth for the town and the local residents.



Redna was founded by Theodmer on the continent of Orientem (Acquendavia) near a huge mountain called the Drake Hill. It started as a farming village so that no visitors or residents had to hunger in Rednan lands. Alder was the first to build a house in Redna. He had to rebuild it three more times because of many different reasons. While Alder was building his first house, people from Jotunstan came to warn Theodmer about Redna’s situation.

Redna was located in Acquendavia and not joining them would result in its destruction. Kangy helped Redna realize the situation and suggested possible solutions. He was named a friend to Redna and was promised to have a statue in the hall of legends. Theodmer spent months planning and talking to people. He made friends and learned who is hated or liked by whom. This helped to build stable relationships with the rest of Alathra and gain some friends outside the own walls.

Joining Elyria

Threatened by the situation, Theodmer entered negotiations with the Kingdom of Elyria, asking to join it as a vassal. Redna was refused at first, but further negotiations bore fruit: Redna was accepted as a part of the Elyria.

This decision, however, was connected to terms: Redna had to move to the island where a dead Ashinan town called Lyon once stood before getting conquered by Elyria. Redna was given funds and resources to rebuild, and the first thing that was built on the island was wheat fields again so that nobody had to hunger.

Settling on the island

After the fields were done, a builder hut was constructed in the middle of Redna which, to this day, serves as a place where rednans can find building materials to build their houses. Many people started to settle in Redna.

Most notable of the first settlers was EC, who was named a lord after his unconditional helps to build the land. Most of the new settlers built their houses and became a part of the land.

Redna was also superb in terms of relations with other nations, towns and people. It’s reputation along with the generosity of Duke Theodmer was slowly but steadily recognized by many people.

Accession of Jotunstan

The town of Jotunstan which was once lead by Kangy, who helped Redna in it's earliest days was invited to join Elyria. Theodmer negotiated with Kangy about their accession by the Fire of Lore. The second island along with funds and resources was offered to Jotunstan so that Redna and Jotunstan could be neighbors. This, however, was a risky choice. Jotunstan's accession had the possibility to offend Lydoneia and Kogongu and potentially lead to a war between them and Elyria. Redna used all it's influence to nullify the possibility of such wars happening and ensured Kangy. The Altar of Choices (aka the Altar or the Altar of Decisions) was built for the day Kangy would state his decision. When the day came, Jotunstan refused to join Elyria, thus eliminating the possibility of being neighbors with Redna.

The Settling of Villagers

Skoop had generously offered Redna two hundred villagers, and they had to be carried. Duke Theodmer and Lord EC went to Qarth to carry the villagers to Redna. Qarth was on the westernmost continent, so the villagers had to be carried between continents. Theodmer and EC sailed for months and managed to bring them to Redna without many casualties. This led to the construction of a reliable market with villagers which offers goods in exchange for emeralds.

The Ship Theft

Some months after the villagers were carried, a visitor named GoodVibes came to Redna. He went directly to the ship that Theodmer and EC sailed on for months without even responding to the greetings of the local folk. Boarded it and then stole the ship. This was the first thing to be stolen from Redna and a headhunt was called for GoodVibes. His last words before dying was "I thought you wouldn't notice". His head was brought to Redna and was mounted on a spike in front of the Black Keep. GoodVibes would keep doing shady things such as scamming or trespassing after this incident and always hated Redna. He was named an enemy of Redna after he scammed Theodmer upon being offered a trade to improve relations.

The Calm Before the Storm

After all that has happened, Redna went into a period of prosperity and development. New houses were built, new residents joined and upgrades were made. The twon prospered and developed relations with other towns and people.

The Great War

There was bloodmoon the night Elyria declared war on FoA. Rednan citizens were not aware aside from Theodmer. Most of Redna was not able to go to war but those that were went to participate.

Since Entente was built and Elyrian forces were outnumbered five to one, the war drained Redna's resources and money, thus slowing the pace of development. It was a major hit to Redna's economy even though Elyria won at all fronts.

Fields were not providing enough wheat to supply for the war so Redna collectively had to eat less to sustain the warriors. After the battles were won, Redna was in the brink of an economical crysis. The fields were expanded and ores were sold so that Redna could continue the developement.


The islands of Redna are constantly changing and evolving. At the moment, Redna puts a lot of effort and resources to improve the local infrastructure and beautify the island.

For this, Redna is getting help of the local resident and Chief Builder Tyler, who has proved to happily and efficiently work for the improvement of the town and its surroundings.