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One of the tools found in the cave has been the half pickaxe, it has stayed the same throughout the first and second generation of miners.
One of the tools found in the cave has been the half pickaxe, it has stayed the same throughout the first and second generation of miners.
=== Historical Culture ===
=== Historical Culture ===
The culture, ways of life and events of the old society are a widely unknown mystery. Through historical artifacts and inferences historians and intellectuals have been able to piece together much of the basic life and hierarchy. This history is divided into two "generations", each further containing separate lifestyles, hierarchy and cultures. The generations are not actual generations but different periods of time.
Deep in the caves, paintings and carvings were discovered all around the walls and floors. These carvings are assumed to be made by the miners that once made a living down in the caves. The paintings can be separated into two generations known as the old generation and the new generation.

==== The First Generation ====
The first generation is most commonly noted for its rigged hierarchy, strong religious beliefs and sacrifices/fights to the death. Most to all of the information on the first generation is found in the few remaining rooms and mind shafts lying beneath Redwood. Theses rooms were bear boned to the core, holding the larger yet still small room made to fit upwards to 20 people, then a guard room room.

===== Guards and mining =====
From what has been discovered the guards also stored and passed out food/ supplies, directed the miners, and counted/keep safe any found minerals. Theses guards had private praying options in the backroom and would often force miners to pray to their chosen deity of the great four, almost always aliening with their benefactor, or ruling lord. Theses guards received their training and education within the temples and holy sects making it incredible important for a ruling lord to choose which of the four they will honor the most as that influences their candidates for various jobs.

===== Religion =====
The main and often forced religion among the first generation was the belief of the holy or great four. While it is believed each of the four have their own hierarchy it is important to know that they are as important as kings in politics. It is believed due to the caves properties this place was chosen for the harsh religious ceremonies which happened every few years. The four worshipped gods were as follows, Alo, Elo, Helean, Zexion. What they represent have yet to be discovered however their depicting symbols are in order, a circle with a squiggly line down it, a rounded edge diamond, a wide down facing half-circle, and finally a double ringed circle.

===== Fights and Sacrifices =====
Due to the magical properties which some religious figures learned to tap into a cult like presence around the location was developed on the surface. Disputes between Kings, settled by combat, would happen on the fields deciding the fate of politics, family's and the delict balance of religious superiority. Besides single combat there is also mortal vs giant fights, dragged in chains from mount Zeno and central Arith. Fights ageist giants always led to the mortal dying, never to historical knowing was one beaten. Giant vs Giant fights also happened, ending with the victor giant being released. For mortal giant's a poison called Giant's Fall was used to kill any troublesome Giant's or the winners should the crowds not be happy with the fight. Wars or large scale sacrifices would often lead to overload in the caves output which could result changes in plant life, mining and terrain above and below ground.

==== The Second Generation ====
The second generation is seen loosening their strict hierarchies, religious standards and death fights / sacrifices. The religious institutions comparable or above kings was slowly weakened as a few ruling lords took over. With the weakening of the religious practices theses institutions turned away from blood and turned to the people.

===== Religion =====
As religion weakened it started gathering more support for the people, and in turn was able to bring more change for the lower classes in society. Rooms of miners got nicer and conditions of mining got safer as well as general life styles started to go up.

===== Hierarchy =====
The Strict hierarchy experienced by the previous "generation" was faded away as possibilities expanded leading to better life styles of all parties involved.

===== Miners =====
Miners life's got considerably better. Bigger rooms, safer tunnels and other small quality of life improvements such as better food and art taking away from the endless dark tunnels which they were used to. They no longer had guards, instead just one person in charge who knew basic mathematics and writing.

== Properties ==
== Properties ==