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=== Founding of Redwood ===
=== Founding of Redwood ===
Many years ago the cave was rediscovered after years of being dormant. Gummy and Fredrick quickly found the area after meeting up in the nearby town of [[Invictus]]. They immediately knew something about the area was different and set up a small campsite. A few days after the discovery of the area Fredrick noticed the vines around the tents were growing back extraordinarily quickly after being trimmed or cut. Gummy soon took a very keen interest to this phenomenon and decided to study it. In order to study these strange events a more permanent settlement was created and named [[RedWood|Redwood]].
Many years ago the cave was rediscovered after years of being dormant. Gummy and Fredrick quickly found the area after meeting up in the nearby town of [[Invictus]]. They immediately knew something about the area was different and set up a small campsite. A few days after the discovery of the area Fredrick noticed vines around the tents were growing extraordinarily quickly even after being cut. Gummy soon took a very keen interest to this phenomenon and decided to study it. In order to study these strange events a more permanent settlement was created and named [[RedWood|Redwood]].

=== Findings ===
=== Findings ===

Throughout the exploring of the Redwood caves multiple discoveries were made, including the findings of the old society that previously existed an unknown time ago. One of the first discoveries was the various mineshafts surrounding the area, often intersecting with the caves as streams and large reserves of water within them can be a clean freshwater source deep underground. Within the mineshaft's
Throughout the exploring of the Redwood caves multiple discoveries were made, including the findings of the old society that previously existed an unknown time ago. One of the first discoveries was the various mineshafts surrounding the area, often intersecting with the caves as streams and large reserves of water within them can be a clean freshwater source deep underground. Within the mineshaft's there have been roughly 30 rooms discovered so far, around ten of which were made by the first generation while the rest have been of the newer generation leading to a slight information imbalance between the two.

there have been roughly 30 rooms discovered so far, around ten of which were made by the first generation while the rest have been of the newer generation leading to a slight information imbalance between the two.

===== Carvings and Paintings. =====
===== Carvings and Paintings. =====
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===== Religion =====
===== Religion =====
The main and often forced religion among the first generation was the belief of the holy or great four. While it is believed each of the four have their own hierarchy it is important to know that they are as important as kings in politics. It is believed due to the caves properties this place was chosen for the harsh religious ceremonies which happened every few years. The four worshipped gods were as follows, Alo, Elo, Helean, Zexion. What they represent have yet to be discovered however their depicting symbols are in order, a circle with a squiggly line down it, a rounded edge diamond, a wide down facing half-circle, and finally a double ringed circle.
The main and often forced religion among the first generation was the belief of the holy or great four. While it is believed each of the four have their own hierarchy it is important to know that they are as important as kings in politics. It is believed due to the caves properties this place was chosen for the harsh religious ceremonies which happened every few years. The four worshipped gods were as follows, Alo, Elo, Helean, Zexion. What they represent has yet to be discovered however their depicting symbols are in order, a circle with a squiggly line down it, a rounded edge diamond, a wide down facing half-circle, and finally a double ringed circle.

===== Fights and Sacrifices =====
===== Fights and Sacrifices =====
Due to the magical properties which some religious figures learned to tap into a cult like presence around the location was developed on the surface. Disputes between Kings, settled by combat, would happen on the fields deciding the fate of politics, family's and the delict balance of religious superiority. Besides single combat there is also mortal vs giant fights, dragged in chains from mount Zeno and central Arith. Fights ageist giants always led to the mortal dying, never to historical knowing was one beaten. Giant vs Giant fights also happened, ending with the victor giant being released. For mortal giant's a poison called Giant's Fall was used to kill any troublesome Giant's or the winners should the crowds not be happy with the fight. Wars or large scale sacrifices would often lead to overload in the caves output which could result changes in plant life, mining and terrain above and below ground.
Due to the magical properties which some religious figures learned to tap into a cult like presence around the location was developed on the surface. Disputes between Kings that were settled by combat, would happen on the fields deciding the fate of politics, family's and the delict balance of religious superiority. Besides single combat there is also mortal vs giant fights, dragged in chains from [[mount Xeno]] and central [[Arith]]. Fights against giants always led to the mortal dying, never in the known history was a giant beaten. Giant vs Giant fights also happened, ending with the victor giant being released. For mortal giant's a poison called Giant's Fall was used to kill any troublesome Giant's or the winners should the crowds not be happy with the fight. Wars or large scale sacrifices would often lead to overload in the caves output which could result changes in plant life, mining and terrain above and below ground.

==== The Second Generation ====
==== The Second Generation ====
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== Properties ==
== Properties ==

=== The cycle of magic ===
The magic of the Redwood cave is not limitless, it is impossible for the cave to create new energy or lose old energy. The cycle of magic is how the cave is able to maintain the flow of magic despite it being used through the crystals. In the cycle the cave puts its life energy into the plants of Redwood to cause them to grow uncontrollably, the energy of these plants is then recycled back into the cave once they die. This process is not only applied to plants but all life near Redwood, if an animal dies its life energy is then recycled into the plants or other animals and life. When a plant is not fully connected to the ground is in Redwood it is almost impossible for that plant to use any of the caves magic for its properties.

=== Crystals ===
=== Crystals ===
The Redwood cave contains crystals that have mysterious powers when harnessed correctly, while the exact formation patterns of these crystals are unknown the reason the crystals have the powers and properties is known. Once a crystal is formed it is a blank crystal, as it gets older and the surrounding area changes around the crystal, the crystal will take properties from the surrounding area. The properties taken from the area are what end up being the crystals magic that can be harnessed. When put into a weapon the weapon grows incredibly powerful, however the power of the crystals can only be used when they are in the vicinity of the cave.
The Redwood cave contains crystals that have mysterious powers when harnessed correctly, while the exact formation patterns of these crystals are unknown the reason the crystals have the powers and properties is known. Once a crystal is formed it is a blank crystal, as it gets older and the surrounding area changes around the crystal, the crystal will take properties from the surrounding area. The properties taken from the area are what end up being the crystals magic that can be harnessed. When put into a weapon the weapon grows incredibly powerful, however the power of the crystals can only be used when they are in the vicinity of the cave.

=== The cycle of magic ===
The magic of the Redwood cave is not limitless, it is impossible for the cave to create new energy or lose old energy. The cycle of magic is how the cave is able to maintain the flow of magic despite it being used through the crystals. In the cycle the cave puts its life energy into the plants of Redwood to cause them to grow uncontrollably, the energy of these plants is then recycled back into the cave once they die. This process is not only applied to plants but all life near Redwood, if an animal dies its life energy is then recycled into the plants or other animals and life. When a plant is not fully connected to the ground is in Redwood it is almost impossible for that plant to use any of the caves magic for its properties.

=== Outside Influences ===
=== Outside Influences ===
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=== Val Vinea ===
=== Val Vinea ===
''Val Vinea'' is another crystal forged weapon that is in the hands of Gummy. This weapon harnesses the power of vines based off the users emotions when using it. This was the first modern crystal forged weapon to be created causing its look to be more messy then <u>''First blood''</u>. This weapon uses the energy of the cave to create plants to help the user in different situations. The crystal was found when Gummy was going on an expedition of the cave to look for the magic energy he and Fredrick could sense.
''Val Vinea'' is another crystal forged weapon that is in the hands of Gummy. This weapon harnesses the power of vines based off the users emotions when using it. This was the first modern crystal forged weapon to be created causing its look to be more messy then <u>''First blood''</u>. This weapon uses the energy of the cave to create plants to help the user in different situations. The crystal was found when Gummy was going on an expedition of the cave to look for the magic energy he and Fredrick could sense.

== Metals ==
In the cave seemingly normal metals were discovered to have special properties. After months of studying this strange occurrence it was boiled down to being caused by a completely untouched crystal forming inside the pocket of metal. Despite this research it is unknown how the crystal infused bronze was created as there was no logical reason for this unnatural metal to be found in the cave. With current technology in Redwood it is completely impossible to figure out how the strange metal occurred.

=== Bronze Blade ===
=== Bronze Blade ===
The Bronze Blade is an ancient weapon found in one of the first generation rooms, completely buried and blocked off in stone. The bronze blade is made out of metal that is seemingly much stronger then the average bronze. It is assumed to be made by a skilled craftsmen long ago however all of the details on how it was made are unknown. While trying to replicate this weapon metallurgies in Redwood discovered the base material, a bronze packet which had a completely untouched crystal grow inside of it. The sword while seemingly weak strengthens it's wielder considerably, allowing them to dual wield another sword making a terrifying combo. Due to the cave's connection to the blade it can not be effectively used away from Redwood for any long period of time.
The Bronze Blade is an ancient weapon found in one of the first generation rooms, completely buried and blocked off in stone. The bronze blade is made out of metal that is seemingly much stronger then the average bronze. It is assumed to be made by a skilled craftsmen long ago however all of the details on how it was made are unknown. While trying to replicate this weapon metallurgies in Redwood discovered the base material, a bronze pocket which had a completely untouched crystal grow inside of it. The sword while seemingly weak strengthens it's wielder considerably, allowing them to dual wield another sword making a terrifying combo. Due to the cave's connection to the blade it can not be effectively used away from Redwood for any long period of time.

== The Battle of Redwood ==
== The Battle of Redwood ==
As the first great war came to a close one of the last major battles took place in Redwood. Elyrian forces gathered around the surrounding area before the fighting began. Redwood and Lethoian fighters defended Redwood best they could, the death tool was huge on both sides of the war and due to the caves interesting properties, as well as the large scale explosive warfare, lead to massive changes in redwood terrain and the power output of the cave. Surrounding some of outer Redwood springs and new, lush plant life appeared, smaller streams and rivers lead to the northern lake, the red lake, and the sea to the south. Inside the cave massive changes took place do to explosives and the new energy increase which also led to new rooms and mineshafts being discovered.
As the first great war came to a close one of the last major battles took place in Redwood. Elyrian forces gathered around the surrounding area before the fighting began. Redwood and Lethonian fighters defended Redwood best they could, the death toll was huge on both sides of the war and due to the caves interesting properties, as well as the large scale explosive warfare, lead to massive changes in redwood terrain and the power output of the cave. Surrounding some of outer Redwood springs and new, lush plant life appeared, smaller streams and rivers lead to the northern lake, the red lake, and the sea to the south. Inside the cave massive changes took place do to explosives and the new energy increase which also led to new rooms and mineshafts being discovered.