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When Serena woke from the attack, she was horrified in how she looked and held back screams of pain. To her, death would be a sweeter fate then the torture she was enduring, so she attempted to drown herself. Instead, the waters healed her completely of her burns and woke up her mind. From that point on, Serena trained herself to use the powers of water to heal herself and then, to heal others. She practiced for years and offered her services as she travelled. This near death experience also unlocked her memories. Serena remembered being trained by their cruel aunt to be a strong, powerful siren. While Remora was granted the power overto soothe dreams and create vivid nightmares, Serena was taught how to take and give back memories. The two sisters would later teach each other how to use these abilities.
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== Personality ==
Despite being a healer, Ruby loves drinking, partying, and getting into trouble. Perhaps the knowledge that she can fix most of her wounds has led her to be reckless and carefree as she jumps into things without thinking. While she has left behind the constant conning, she still enjoys toying with people and trying to push her luck.
== Abilities ==
Siren Voice (Emotional Persuasion, Soothing)
Power Over Minds (Mental Healing, Nightmare Control, Dream Soothing, Memory Removal, Memory Retrieval, Memory Alteration, Dream Interpretation)
Physical Healing
Others To Be Revealed