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The end of the High Kingdom would come about with the publication of [[Melevor]]'s book "Wealth: A critique of Alathran elitism", which led him to be placed under house arrest, and inevitably caused the January Revolution, out of which the Collectivist Charter was created and the [[Union of Collectivist Council Republics]] was born.
=== Union of Collectivist Council Republics ===
Following the January Revolution, the [[Union of Collectivist Council Republics]] was established as a federal, but centralised, totalitarian dictatorship commanded by [[Melevor]] and his "National Collectivist League".
Governance by the National Collectivist League was harsh, regulating the political life of the nation severely, as the League was the only permitted political party. Economically, the country was forced into isolationism due to the hostile stance it had received from much of the world which saw it as a direct threat to their own economic power with the establishment of Socialism, which the Union had vowed to spread internationally. The economic isolation of the U.C.C.R. grew a culture of economic autarky, which has survived into the modern Empire, as while the Empire has returned to international trading and normalised economic relations with the rest of the world, it remains the foremost producer of i's own needs.
A united culture began to flourish under the Union, as the leadership of the state wished for brotherhood and unity between the different ethnicities which had come together to form it. Under the Union the country had grown both territorially and economically, with the incorporation of Willowglade and the expansion of Ceiltea northwards, and the further development of towns such as Carrig, Doire and Melevorgrad (now Solar Pyrrhus).
=== Great Reformation ===
The Great Reformation started on March 12th 2022, following Melevor the Younger, son of the current Leader of the U.C.C.R, Melevor the Elder, being able to make communication with the highest god of the Ardaithe Pantheon of [[Ceiltean Druidism]]. Melevor the Younger, alongside various Ecclesiarchs and other fanatics and zealots, such as [[Drakkalon Metellus]] formed the Sect of the True Flame, which sought to bring about the commandments and correction of history told by Erses onto them. The commandments and historical corrections which Erses had laid out to Melevor the Younger were codified in the Solar Codex, an easy to read, and accurate history of all of existence.
The Solar Codex brought about major doctrinal and historical changes to the Grand Order of Druids, which more orthodox and conservative elements of the Order, most particularly the Grand Conclave, rejected as nonsense and often caused doctrinal and religious debates at the Grand Conclave, where some supporters of the Sect were seated, at the Grand College of Druids, where many students had flocked to the zealous movement, and among citizens of the Union, as the schism was creating further religious identity within the Union.
The Sect was on an upwards trend prior to the Great Sacrilege, but following the event in which [[Ra'thra]] displayed meat of sacred Ceiltean Elks on the Liathdruim, the meeting rounds of the Grand Conclave of Druids, the popularity of the Sect surged both for their violence, but for their clear action towards practitioners of [[The Temple of Pater Carnis]], many of whom were burnt at the stake during vigilante justice by the Sect.
=== Second Crusade against Pater Carnis ===
While the Union was officially a secular state, [[Melevor]] retained his historic and religious title of King of Kings of [[Ceiltean Druidism]], and a religious man. The Leader was outraged when [[Ra'thra]] appeared before him and the assembled Grand Conclave of Druids displaying sacred Elk meats, and so began discussions immediately with the Grand Conclave, the Ecclesiarchs of the Sect - including his son - and Tartarus of the [[Silvan]] Faith, who had previously declared a crusade against Pater Carnis.
Reaching a unanimous decision, a crusade was declared on March 16th 2022 against [[The Temple of Pater Carnis]]. In the time during the preparation of the crusader army in [[Melevorgrad]] the Sect of the True Flame grew in popularity, recruiting many of the incoming crusaders to their beliefs, holding rallies in public squares, recruitment drives, witch hunts against Pater Carnis practitioners and publicly teaching both pyromancy and Solar magic.
On March 19th 2022, following heavy skirmished on the peripheries of the Union with hired mercenaries who had eventually backed off due to the withdrawal of Eldia from the crusade, the crusader armies left [[Melevorgrad]], embarking to the slopes of [[Mount Xeno]] where the temple was situated. Reaching the location the armies quickly assembled a hastily-built fort which stood between the temple and the ruined city of Xenoarcadia. From this temple a large banner with a yellow sun on it was flown by the Sect of the True Flame, which would come to be the Imperial Banner of the new Solar Empire.
Prior to the siege Melevor the Elder called upon the defenders to give up their arms and to surrender to avoid bloodshed, promising amnesty for all those who left the temple behind. This call was not heeded due to the influence and fear inspired by [[Ra'thra]] on the defenders, who felt forced to stay or else [[Ra'thra]] would enact dark magics upon them. The fighting in the temple would be short, as the poorly armed and low morale defenders were quickly subdued, though fighting broke out in the entrance chamber in a counter attack which led to the fatal injuring of [[Melevor]]. In the end the crusader armies would be absolutely victorious, wiping the practitioners of Pater Carnis from Arith as [[Ra'thra]] escaped to an unknown location.
During the battle [[Melevor]] was fatally injured, and upon victory being secured was carried back to the hastily-built fort overseeing Xenoarcadia. Under the large flag which flew over the fort he passed away from his injuries, officially naming his son, Melevor the Younger his successor. In the days prior to Melevor the Younger's ascension to leadership of the Union two of the major individuals upholding the National Collectivist system were mutually eliminated by one another. First Secretary of the National Collectivist League, Dedrich Collins, was murdered by remnant forces of the Carrig Defense League, while Ronan Carrig was burned at the stake by overzealous members of the Sect. This gave way for Melevor the Younger to eliminate one further obstacle to his dreams of a religious Empire replacing the Union, the Folkscommissar of State Security, SaturnDevouring, who took poison upon hearing of the Leader's intention to burn him at the stake for heresy and calling Erses a "false idol".
Following the elimination of the final Old Guard of National Collectivism, Melevor the Younger consolidated the position of the Sect by officialising it as the new state church, the Solar Ecclesiarchy of Erses, completely disbanded and banning the former Grand Conclave of Druids and [[Ceiltean Druidism]]. From here Melevor the Younger would pen letters for important dignitaries, officials within the Union who supported him and religious representatives inviting all to come to the renamed Palace of Kings on March 20th 2022 for his coronation.
=== Proclamation of Empire ===
During Melevor the Younger's coronation as Melevor II, he not only was crowned King of Kings of the Solaris Faith, but also as Solar Emperor of the newly established Solar Pyrrhian Empire, which would replace the [[Union of Collectivist Council Republics]]. The new Empire was established as a theocratic absolute monarchy, with Melevor II as the absolute monarch and religious leader of Solaris. The proclamation of Empire additionally established and renamed institutions, the state currency, anthem, the new flag of the Empire and abolished all National Collectivist directives and laws.
The name of [[Melevorgrad]] was entirely forgotten, and referred only as "Solar Pyrrhus" in the proclamation, indicating the position of the new state that the name Melevorgrad would entirely be forgotten and never recognised as the official name of the capital. Various individuals attended the coronation of Melevor II, such as [[Leuvis George Krieger]], [[Arctan1]], [[Zephyrus]], [[Izzy Blu]], [[Drakkalon Metellus]], Theil, Grimurian and Arthur Carrig among others.
== Geography ==