Archive:Solar Empire of Arith: Difference between revisions

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The entirety of the Empire resides in Western Arith, with the largest and most populous region being the Crownlands, also known as Ceiltea. The Crownlands is between the two rivers of the Saile and the Darach and is covered mostly by forests and plains. There is a small plain to the east of Solar Pyrrhus along the coastline which leads to the ruins of the town of Rafferty and the internal border between the Crownlands and the County of Willowglade. South of the Crownlands is the Duchy of Hongseguo, which is comprised mostly of forests, rivers and mountains. The region is the County of Willowglade, which is characterised by its sand beaches and many islands, but which is undergoing terraforming to turn the lands green and lushious. The Ceiltean Crownlands and the Duchy of Hongseguo are separated administratively by the Darach River while the city of Hongseguo is settled on the Hongse River.
The Empire is home to many different forests and different types of plant life including dark oak trees, birch trees, oak trees, jungle trees, bamboo and large mushrooms of both brown and red varieties. While Ceiltea formely had a jungle (which had been cut down to make way for mass farms) and now has only, a dark oak forest and a birch forest, Hongseguo has only birch and dark oak forests. The over-abundance of dark oak nearby, with Solar Pyrrhus being on the site of a former dark oak forest, has led to the wood being highly popular for furniture and buildings within the Crownlands, and throughout official government buildings in the rest of the Empire. The fauna of the Empire includes the diverse range of cows, pigs, horses and parrots, with other species such as wolves being introduced from the lands south of Hongseguo as pets.
===Administrative Divisions===
The Empire is divided into different administrative duchies, with even more internal counties and baronies. Within the Ceiltean Crownlands the County of Doire and the County of Carrig exist, though the Count of Carrig has been granted the additional title of Duke of Ceiltea, to oversee the overall development of the Crownlands.
== Religion ==
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=== Consortium Solaris ===
The Consortium Solaris, also known as the Court of the Solar Emperor is the inner council of the Emperor. The Consortium consists of his key advisors in all matters, such as the Archchancellor, High Lord Ecclesiarch of the Inquisition and Ministers of different Imperial Ministries. The Consortium takes court in the current and temporary residence of the Emperor, the Sandhof Palace of Kings.
=== Government ===
The government of the Empire is headed by the Archchancellor, appointed by the Emperor. The government consists of Ministers and their respective ministries and staff. The government consists only of twothree Imperial Ministries as of MarchJune 23rd21st 2022, those being the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Relations, Imperial Ministry of Labor, and the Imperial Ministry of LabourCulture. Policing activities are enforced through the Solar Inquisition, which is handled through the Solar Ecclesiarchy, and Army activities are enforced through the Solar Army (Exercitus Solaris), the official Imperial Army, and so respective ministries for these are not required.
==== Imperial Parliament ====
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The Empire's most strenuous relationship in the world is with the [[Free Cities of Alathra]], which it shares half the continent of Arith with. Following the Arith Crisis in which the Solar Empire was defeated at the joint hands of the F.C.A. and the League, the Empire has agreed to maintain only minimal diplomatic communication with the F.C.A, refusing F.C.A. diplomats to enter Solar Pyrrhus, not establishing direct communication and only meeting within the Arith International Zone. Despite this, the Empire and the F.C.A. maintain cordial relations and co-operate at times to ensure the safety and security of the continent of Arith and to uphold the Treaty of Arith, particularly around spheres of influence.
Through the rest of the continent of Arith the Empire retains good relations with [[Mirenirenic]] and [[Mud Town]], the latter of which is very close both to the Ceiltean Crownlands of the Empire and is diplomatically close to the Empire.
=== Gaushan ===
The Empire maintains good relations with two powers on Gaushan, primarily the Legion, which is fellow practitioner of the [[Solaris|Solarian]] Faith.
Following the establishment of Solar Empire words of well wishes were sent from the new [[Elyria|Elyrian]] capital of Ehrenhal to Solar Pyrrhus, and were reciprocated. In a following meeting between Solar Emperor Melevor and King Aldrich a non-aggression pact and a general establishment of good relations and friendship was agreed upon by both Elyria and Solaris. Through the Arith Crisis and beyond it the two powers have retained good relations with a planned increase in them from the Solarian side, with the creation of an embassy in EhrehalEhrenhal.
The Solar Dominion of Eldia is another state on Gaushan which retains good relations with the Empire both prior to and following the Arith Crisis, through which Eldia provided recognition of the Empire and supported it's cause against the F.C.A. Following the Crisis Eldia was reformed along the lines of Solarian doctrine and began it's path first as the Legion and now as a Solarian theocracy. The Empire views Eldia as it's most important ally and as the gateway for spreading Solarian Faith internationally, rather than being confined to Arith.
