Archive:Solar Empire of Arith: Difference between revisions

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{{Infobox country|demonym=Arithinian|regional_languages=Ceiltean, Honseguoan|established_event1=Coronation of Melevor II|sovereignty_type=Establishment|upper_house=The Imperial Estate|legislature=The Imperial Diet|leader_name1=Melevor II|leader_title1=[[file:solarcrown.png|25px|]] Solar Emperor|government_type=Federal constitutional theocratic monarchy|ethnic_groups={{unbulleted list | 78% Ceiltean | 16% Hongseguoan | 6% Ceilto-Willowgladian}}|religion=[[File:Sun.png|25px|]] Solaris|national_languages=Common Alathran|conventional_long_name=The Solar Empire of Arith|official_languages=Pyrrhian, Silvan|capital=Solar Pyrrhus|map_caption=The Solar Pyrrhian Empire of Arith as of March 20th24th 2022|image_map=Wikimap4Solarmap1.png|national_anthem=[[file:icon note.png]] Hymn of the Sun [[file:icon note.png]]
<br/><div style="display:inline-block;margin-top:0.4em;">[[File:The_Light_of_Erses.mp3]]</div>|national_motto=Aetatis Suae Ignis (The Age of Fire)|alt_flag=Imperial Banner of Arith|image_flag=Solar.png|native_name=Solarium Imperium Arithia (High Pyrrhian)|common_name=Solaris|established_date1=March 20th 2022|image_coat=COAimp.png|alt_coat=Imperial Coat of Arms|currency=Solare|flag_caption=Imperial Banner of the Empire|population_estimate=35|population_estimate_year=2022|time_zone=Solaris Central Time|royal_anthem=[[file:icon note.png]] He Commanded [[file:icon note.png]]
<br/><div style="display:inline-block;margin-top:0.4em;">[[File:royalanf1.wav]]</div>}}
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== Etymology ==
The Empire is comprised of three different distinct regions which have their own ethnicities, the Ceilteans, the Hongseguoans and the Ceilto-Willowgladians. These different ethnicities descend from the central Pyrrhian ethnicity, which populated the vast stretches of Western Arith for hundreds of years before breaking into different sub-ethnicities. The terminology of a "Solar Empire" comes from the [[Solaris]] belief that the more devout and faithful one is to the Sun God Erses, the more "Solar" - or Holy - one is. The population of the Empire were infused with previously missing faith in religion following the Great Sacrilege which led to the Second Crusade against Pater Carnis. This was the adopted name of the "Solar Empire of Pyrrhia" before the absorption of the F.C.A. on March 23rd in which the Empire was officially renamed the Solar Empire of Arith.
=== Pyrrhia ===
The Western Realm is comprised of various different distinct regions which have their own ethnicities, the Ceilteans, the Hongseguoans, the Invictans and the Ceilto-Willowgladians. These different ethnicities descend from the central Pyrrhian ethnicity, which populated the vast stretches of Western Arith for hundreds of years before breaking into different sub-ethnicities.
=== Silva ===
== History ==
=== Western Realm ===
The Empire has a history spanning long before it's creation. Before the Great Reformation existed the Grand Order of Druids, who propagated the now defunct [[Ceiltean Druidism]], which the Solar Ecclesiarchy was built upon. The Grand Order was established by the ancient progenitor of the Murascaillbach Dynasty, the direct descendant of Erses, Íor Murascaillbach. Prior to the arrival of Íor Murascaillbach on Terra, the population of the world was divided and either had no conception of true religion or gods, and worshipped only material wealth or pagan idols of flesh.
==== The Age of Heroes ====
The Age of Heroes was a series of long and protracted wars by the warrior-druids of Íor Murascaillbach against the pagans of Western Arith. Though lasting for upwards of 200 years, the series of wars was finally won by the people who would eventually become the Pyrrhians, known as the proto-Pyrrhians with the annihilation of the pagan temple which stood on the banks of the Saile river, modern day Ceiltean Crownlands. Though by this time Íor was dead by 75 years, his son was the first to truly settle in the lands and reign over peaceful territories.
The druids and proto-Pyrrhians lived a very peaceful lifestyle, living in nature under a loose Confederation headed by the chief of the Murascaillbach Clan. Under this Age shrines and standing stones to the gods thrived, appearing all over Western Arith as a result of Druidic wandering and nomad lifestyles. This would end with the rise of the [[Free Cities of Alathra]], whose harsh policies against bandits would drive the money-making thieves into the relatively unsettled and nomadic West of Arith and into direct confrontation with the proto-Pyrrhains.
==== Age of Subjugation ====
War reigned against the bandits and warlords for many decades, but more kept coming into Western Arith, leading to the total subjugation of the proto-Pyrrhians. The natives would be enslaved by their new bandit overlords, forced into endless mining across the iron and gold rich region. The proto-Pyrrhians lived a basic subsistence, with the majority of food, housing and other basic necessities being hoarded by the bandits, who become warlords and began fighting amongst one another.
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Thus was unified that great race of men, longed disunited and spread across the large areas of Western Arith. Long had they been oppressed and mistreated by their brutal overlords, which collectively as a people they vowed would never happen again.
==== Old Pyrrhia ====
[[File:Pccr1.png|thumb|The proclamation of the P.C.C.R, the first Pyrrhian nation-state]]
With the creation of the city of Pyrrhus and quick development thanks to the direct oversight by [[Melevor]], it was not long before an official Pyrrhian nation-state had been formed. The new state embarked on a campaign to consolidate its position through forming friendships both on the continent of Arith, and also around the world. Before the start of the First Great Alathran War, Pyrrhia had officially signed treaties with the Kingdoms of Arith, the Federation of Arith, the Fossores Republic and the young Arcadian Altanate. With the declaration of war upon the Federation of Arith by the Kingdom of Elyria and the formal creation of the Alathran Entente, Pyrrhia joined the war on the Entente's side. The war, infamously, was very short and created the circumstances by which the decision was taken by the leadership of the state to enact scorched earth policies in order to leave the city with nothing to be taken by the enemy, believing that if they had let the city be captured this would violate their vow upon the establishment of the city. This left the city of Pyrrhus in disrepair and created the ruins that the city is today.
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[[File:Ceiltea.png|thumb|A Ceiltean banner placed on the spot that would eventually become the centre of Ard Saileach]]
==== Ceiltea ====
Following the victory at Pyrrhus the decision was made by Melevor to relocate the Pyrrhian people to a new area in the West. After embarking along the then roadless Arith, after many deaths and many days of walking, crossing rivers and hills, the Pyrrhians arrived at the land which would become the four provinces of Ceiltea. The High Kingdom of Ceiltea was marked with the foundations of cities, though fairly unremarkable, the Ceiltean High Kingdom saw the settling of Ard Saileach, Doire, Carrig and the now defunct town of Rafferty.
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The end of the High Kingdom would come about with the publication of [[Melevor]]'s book "Wealth: A critique of Alathran elitism", which led him to be placed under house arrest, and inevitably caused the January Revolution, out of which the Collectivist Charter was created and the [[Union of Collectivist Council Republics]] was born.
==== Union of Collectivist Council Republics ====
[[File:Uccrpavil.png|thumb|A graphic of the Pavilion of the Union during the 1 Year Anniversary of the U.C.C.R.]]
Following the January Revolution, the [[Union of Collectivist Council Republics]] was established as a federal, but centralised, totalitarian dictatorship commanded by [[Melevor]] and his "National Collectivist League".
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A united culture began to flourish under the Union, as the leadership of the state wished for brotherhood and unity between the different ethnicities which had come together to form it. Under the Union the country had grown both territorially and economically, with the incorporation of Willowglade and the expansion of Ceiltea northwards, and the further development of towns such as Carrig, Doire and Melevorgrad (now Solar Pyrrhus).
==== Great Reformation ====
The Great Reformation started on March 12th 2022, following Melevor the Younger, son of the current Leader of the U.C.C.R, Melevor the Elder, being able to make communication with the highest god of the Ardaithe Pantheon of [[Ceiltean Druidism]]. Melevor the Younger, alongside various Ecclesiarchs and other fanatics and zealots, such as [[Drakkalon Metellus]] formed the Sect of the True Flame, which sought to bring about the commandments and correction of history told by Erses onto them. The commandments and historical corrections which Erses had laid out to Melevor the Younger were codified in the Solar Codex, an easy to read, and accurate history of all of existence.
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The Sect was on an upwards trend prior to the Great Sacrilege, but following the event in which [[Ra'thra]] displayed meat of sacred Ceiltean Elks on the Liathdruim, the meeting rounds of the Grand Conclave of Druids, the popularity of the Sect surged both for their violence, but for their clear action towards practitioners of [[The Temple of Pater Carnis]], many of whom were burnt at the stake during vigilante justice by the Sect.
==== Second Crusade against Pater Carnis ====
[[File:Death of melevor1.png|thumb|The death of Melevor I in the fort overseeing [[Xenoarcadia]]]]
While the Union was officially a secular state, [[Melevor]] retained his historic and religious title of King of Kings of [[Ceiltean Druidism]], and a religious man. The Leader was outraged when [[Ra'thra]] appeared before him and the assembled Grand Conclave of Druids displaying sacred Elk meats, and so began discussions immediately with the Grand Conclave, the Ecclesiarchs of the Sect - including his son - and Tartarus of the [[Silvan]] Faith, who had previously declared a crusade against Pater Carnis.
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Following the elimination of the final Old Guard of National Collectivism, Melevor the Younger consolidated the position of the Sect by officialising it as the new state church, the Solar Ecclesiarchy of Erses, completely disbanded and banning the former Grand Conclave of Druids and [[Ceiltean Druidism]]. From here Melevor the Younger would pen letters for important dignitaries, officials within the Union who supported him and religious representatives inviting all to come to the renamed Palace of Kings on March 20th 2022 for his coronation.
==== Proclamation of Empire ====
[[File:Coronation.png|thumb|The Coronation of Melevor II as depicted by an artist]]
During Melevor the Younger's coronation as Melevor II, he not only was crowned King of Kings of the [[Solaris]] Faith, but also as Solar Emperor of the newly established Solar Pyrrhian Empire, which would replace the [[Union of Collectivist Council Republics]]. The new Empire was established as a theocratic absolute monarchy, with Melevor II as the absolute monarch and religious leader of [[Solaris]]. The proclamation of Empire additionally established and renamed institutions, the state currency, anthem, the new flag of the Empire and abolished all National Collectivist directives and laws.
The name of [[Melevorgrad]] was entirely forgotten, and referred only as "Solar Pyrrhus" in the proclamation, indicating the position of the new state that the name Melevorgrad would entirely be forgotten and never recognised as the official name of the capital. Various individuals attended the coronation of Melevor II, such as [[Leuvis George Krieger]], [[Arctan1]], [[Zephyrus]], [[Izzy Blu]], [[Drakkalon Metellus]], Theil, Grimurian and Arthur Carrig among others.
=== Eastern Realm ===
=== The Unification of Arith ===
== Geography ==
The entirety of the Empire resides in Western Arith, with the largest and most populous region being the Crownlands, also known as Ceiltea. The Crownlands is between the two rivers of the Saile and the Darach and is covered mostly by forests and plains. There is a small plain to the east of Solar Pyrrhus along the coastline which leads to the ruins of the town of Rafferty and the internal border between the Crownlands and the County of Willowglade. South of the Crownlands is the Duchy of Hongseguo, which is comprised mostly of forests, rivers and mountains. The region is the County of Willowglade, which is characterised by its sand beaches and many islands, but which is undergoing terraforming to turn the lands green and lushous. The Ceiltean Crownlands and the Duchy of Hongseguo are separated administratively by the Darach River while the city of Hongseguo is settled on the Hongse River.
==== West ====
The entirety of the Empire resides in Western Arith, with the largest and most populous region being the Crownlands, also known as Ceiltea. The Crownlands is between the two rivers of the Saile and the Darach and is covered mostly by forests and plains. There is a small plain to the east of Solar Pyrrhus along the coastline which leads to the ruins of the town of Rafferty and the internal border between the Crownlands and the County of Willowglade. South of the Crownlands is the Duchy of Hongseguo, which is comprised mostly of forests, rivers and mountains. The region is the County of Willowglade, which is characterised by its sand beaches and many islands, but which is undergoing terraforming to turn the lands green and lushous. The Ceiltean Crownlands and the Duchy of Hongseguo are separated administratively by the Darach River while the city of Hongseguo is settled on the Hongse River.
The Empire is home to many different forests and different types of plant life including dark oak trees, birch trees, oak trees, jungle trees, bamboo and large mushrooms of both brown and red varieties. While Ceiltea formely had a jungle (which had been cut down to make way for mass farms) and now has only, a dark oak forest and a birch forest, Hongseguo has only birch and dark oak forests. The over-abundance of dark oak nearby, with Solar Pyrrhus being on the site of a former dark oak forest, has led to the wood being highly popular for furniture and buildings within the Crownlands, and throughout official government buildings in the rest of the Empire. The fauna of the Empire includes the diverse range of cows, pigs, horses and parrots, with other species such as wolves being introduced from the lands south of Hongseguo as pets.
==== East ====
===Administrative Divisions===
==== West ====
The Empire is divided into different administrative duchies, with even more internal counties and baronies. Within the Ceiltean Crownlands the County of Doire and the County of Carrig exist, though the Count of Carrig has been granted the additional title of Duke of Ceiltea, to oversee the overall development of the Crownlands.
The Empire is administered through different duchies, the current two being the Crownlands - or Ceiltea - and Hongseguo.
==== East ====
== Religion ==
=== Solaris ===
Religion is one of the most important factors within the Empire, as it is a theocracy with a church which has it's teachings taught at school, and enforced by the Solar Inquisition. Potential reformers or atheists or other denominations are pursued by the Solar Inquisition and often burned at the stake for heresy. The Empire is the sole nation which follows [[Solaris]], and contains many of the holy sites of the religion, such as the Solar Capital of Pyrrhus, and the Solar City of Armenelos, where the Kiln of the Flame of Creation is tended to.
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All other religions within the Empire are banned or suppressed, though some that are able to co-exist with the Solar Ecclesiarchy have been permitted to exist in one form or another, after being co-opted by the Ecclesiarchy and used as examples of remnants of Erses' influence prior to Terra straying from His vision.
=== Silvan ===
== Politics ==
