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== History ==
The history of the Solar Empire can be traced alongside the history of the majority ethnicity of the Empire, the [[Pyrrhians]], of which the Imperial Dynasty originate from as well as most of the Empire.
=== Pre-History ===
The Empire has a history spanning long before it's creation. Before the Great Reformation existed the Grand Order of Druids, who propagated the now defunct [[Ceiltean Druidism]], which the Solar Ecclesiarchy was built upon. The Grand Order was established by the ancient progenitor of the Elchsdringen Dynasty, the direct descendant of Erses, Íor Elchsdringen. Prior to the arrival of Íor Elchsdringen on Terra, the population of the world was divided and either had no conception of true religion or gods, and worshipped only material wealth or pagan idols of flesh.
==== Pyrrianor ====
The Pyrrhians originated from the great island of Pyrrianor, far west of Alathra, on another face of the six faces of the world, and thus gained their name as "Westmen" or "Men of the West". Much history of this time is lost, though it is believed that the beginnings of a Pyrrhian Empire was in the making, as colonists had been sent to settle parts of the coastline of Arith. For further unknown reasons the Pyrrhian homeland of Pyrrianor was sunk, causing the Pyrrhian people to migrate into Western Arith, lead by the ancient progenitor of the Elchsdringen Dynasty, the direct descendant of Erses, Íor Elchsdringen, first King of Pyrrhia.
Coming into Arith after the sinking of their homeland, the Pyrrhian peoples were given gifts by Solaris Erses including the location of the Kiln of Creation and the jewels and gold to create the [[The Solar Crown|Solar Crown]] as a religious crown alongside that of the Pyrrhian Kingdom. Like much Pyrrhian history and mythos, much of this has been forgotten and faded into the past as a result of the loss of the King's Tome, a book which chronicled important information and history of the Kingdom and which was believed to be lost during the Age of Subjugation.
Prior to the arrival of Íor Elchsdringen in Alathra, the population of the world was divided and either had no conception of true religion or gods, and worshipped only material wealth or pagan idols of flesh.
==== The Age of Heroes ====
The Age of Heroes was a series of long and protracted wars by the warrior-druids of Íor Elchsdringen against the pagans of Western Arith. Though lasting for upwards of 200 years, the series of wars was finally won by the people who would eventually become the Pyrrhians, known as the proto-Pyrrhians with the annihilation of the pagan temple which stood on the banks of the Saile river, modern day Ceiltean Crownlands. Though by this time Íor was dead by 75 years, his son was the first to truly settle in the lands and reign over peaceful territories.
The druids and proto-Pyrrhians lived a very peaceful lifestyle, living in nature under a loose Confederation headed by the chief of the Elchsdringen Clan. Under this Age shrines and standing stones to the gods thrived, appearing all over Western Arith as a result of Druidic wandering and nomad lifestyles. This would end with the rise of the [[Free Cities of Alathra]], whose harsh policies against bandits would drive the money-making thieves into the relatively unsettled and nomadic West of Arith and into direct confrontation with the proto-Pyrrhains.
==== Age of Subjugation ====
War reigned against the bandits and warlords for many decades, but more kept coming into Western Arith, leading to the total subjugation of the proto-Pyrrhians. The natives would be enslaved by their new bandit overlords, forced into endless mining across the iron and gold rich region. The proto-Pyrrhians lived a basic subsistence, with the majority of food, housing and other basic necessities being hoarded by the bandits, who become warlords and began fighting amongst one another.
While the suffering of the proto-Pyrrhians was immense, it would only get worse as the Four Piglins (Pestilence, War, Famine and Death) struck the region igniting a 15 year-long series of events which included multiple famines, droughts, bandit conflict and widespread plague scourging the lands. During this time many of the already small proto-Pyrrhian population perished either due to hunger, sickness or death at the hands of bandit warlords who fought throughout the lands for dominance. The so-called "15 Years of Death" was thought to be a plight inflicted by the minor spirits, Ymis and Rhadohir on the bandits as a punishment for the maltreatment of the proto-Pyrrhians, though had the unintended consequence of killing many of the proto-Pyrrhians, who were thought to be immune to the sickness. The catastrophic event ended only after the organisation of a widespread rebellion by the proto-Pyrrhians spearheaded by [[Melevor]] and the establishment of the city of [[Pyrrhus]].
Thus was unified that great race of men, longed disunited and spread across the large areas of Western Arith. Long had they been oppressed and mistreated by their brutal overlords, which collectively as a people they vowed would never happen again.