Archive:Solar Empire of Arith

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The Solar Pyrrhian Empire
Solarium Pyrrhium Imperium (High Pyrrhian)
Imperial Banner of the Pyrrhia
Motto: Aetatis Suae Ignis (The Age of Fire)
Anthem:  The Light of Erses
The Solar Pyrrhian Empire as of March 20th 2022
The Solar Pyrrhian Empire as of March 20th 2022
The Solar Pyrrhian Empire as of March 20th 2022
CapitalSolar Pyrrhus
Official languages High Pyrrhian, Low Pyrrhian
Recognised national languages Common Alathran
Recognised regional languages Ceiltean, Honseguoan
Ethnic groups
  • 78% Ceiltean
  • 16% Hongseguoan
  • 6% Ceilto-Willowgladian
Religion Solaris
Demonym Pyrrhian
Government Federal absolute theocratic monarchy
 •  Solar Emperor Melevor II
Legislature The Imperial Diet
 •  Upper house The Imperial Estate
 •  Coronation of Melevor II March 20th 2022 

Pyrrhia, Solar Pyrrhia, or officially the Solar Pyrrhian Empire is a theocratic monarchy which exists and resides in the Western half of the continent Arith. The Empire is ruled by the religious and political head of state, the Solar Emperor, who is the head of the Solar Ecclesiarchy of Erses, also known as Solaris.

The foundation of the Empire is during the events of Great Reformation, when Melevor II was commanded by the head god of the now defunct faith of Ceiltean Druidism, Erses, to correct the Faith with various reforms and doctrinal rewrites. This was completed with the completion of the holy texts of Solaris, the Solar Codex. At the time, the Empire was still not formed as the nation was under the control of Melevor II's father, Melevor, who upheld strong Socialist beliefs, being the founder of the Union of Collectivist Council Republics. Following Melevor I's death during the Second Crusade against Pater Carnis, Melevor II inherited the Union with many of his enemies already dead. Within days he had proclaimed himself Emperor and reinstated the ancient order of Pyrrhia.

The terminology of a "Solar Empire" comes from the Solaris belief that the more devout and faithful one is to the Sun God Erses, the more "Solar" - or Holy - one is. The population of the Empire were infused with previously missing faith in religion following the Great Sacrilege which led to the Second Crusade against Pater Carnis.