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=== Prehistory ===
=== Prehistory ===
Before the settling of the city, the lands where it now stand were entirely covered by a Dark Oak Forest, which included a peculiar natural phenomenon: a sand flat, which laid in-land. The sand flat was where the Palace of the Collectivists and the Supreme Council building stand now, reaching all the way down to where the walls of the Red Citadel close off. The sand flat had only one connection to water, that being a small pool to it's south, now the corner of the Supreme Council building, which turtles would congregate round.

A small part of the pool remains in the gardens surrounding the Supreme Council, as some turtles remain to live in the city.

=== Early history ===
=== Early history ===
Upon the discovery of the coastline along where the town of Willowglade sat, the refugees from Pyrrhus led by Melevor immediately decided to settle the lands, forming a small bunker where the fountain on the Pavilion of the Union stands. At this time the entirety of what would become Ard Saileach was covered by a dark oak forest. Gathering resources and riches for a time, the survivors from Pyrrhus remained underground until they could officially make their town a reality.

After gathering money and resources a hill was built on top of the bunker, and named the "Liathdruim" - "the grey ridge", which was to be the seat of the new High King's power and a ceremonial hub of the religion of Ceiltean Druidism. The Liathdruim included a large willow tree in the centre, under which the High King would be enthroned and take court in the open air of his land. Surrounding the hill at the top, were statues of Ceiltean Gods and stones thought to empower the great tree and keep the area pure of any dark forces.

=== Capital of the High Kingdom ===
=== Capital of the High Kingdom ===
With the establishment of Ard Saileach it was only time before the Ceiltean peoples stretched out and claimed more land. This came with the establishment of Rafferty and Carrig, and then the eventual establishment of Doire. During this time the capital under-went major construction efforts, clearing large areas of land of trees, the construction of the famed city walls, the creation of the national road network, the clear of the sand flat and the building both of the Ceiltean National Parliament and the Palace of Kings.

During the so-called "Troubles" in Ceiltea, Ard Saileach remained a neutral and holy ground respected by both sides of the conflict. Housing the Grand College of the Order of the Druids, the city was revered as a holy site used mainly as a grounds for negotiation by both the National Ceiltean Army and the Carrig Defense League.

=== January Revolution ===
=== January Revolution ===
Trouble started to brew in the city as High King Melevor released his critique of elitism: "'''Wealth - A critique of Alathran Elitism'''", which was immediately picked up and praised by intellectuals and academics who resided in the city. The book went down less well with the incumbent government of Dedrich Collins, who resided over a National Conservative agenda, but decided at the time to give the book no attention. With the passing of two weeks the book was being preached on the street corners by formerly mentioned intellectuals and academics, who preached the message of the High King to the masses and which caused various walk-outs of industries across the city. At this point a decision was made by the Collins Government to place the High King under secretive house arrest and to begin censorship and banning of Wealth.

After a few days under house arrest, the High King managed to sneak out information to underground socialist elements in Ard Saileach regarding his condition, which eventually resulted in the skirmishes outside of the Government District and the storming of the National Parliament and Palace of Kings, freeing the High King and overthrowing the Collins Government. During this time the city was provisionally called "Red Saileach" as the Revolution spread throughout the Kingdom and taking over all other settlements including the Lordship of Yangtzeguo.

=== Becoming Melevorgrad ===
=== Becoming Melevorgrad ===
With the establishment of a provisional Government over the former territories of Ceiltea and Yangtzeguo, an ad-hoc committee was established in Red Saileach headed by former High King Melevor, who in turn wrote the Collectivist Charter leading to the foundation of the [[Union of Collectivist Council Republics]] on January 10th 2022. To honour the new Eternal Leader of Collectivism, the Union and the Revolution, the provisional Government voted unanimously to rename the old capital in his honour, leading to the birth of Melevorgrad.

== Geography ==
== Geography ==