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Through the rest of the book each of these commandments is further described in detail, elaborating on the meanings behind each of them. A sizeable portion of the end of the second book is the Solarian Code of Virtues, which include:
* '''Honour,''' (Respect your opponent or competitor in all fields, be they duelling you, or running a competing business. Regard those who stand up for themselves with great respect, and they shall do the same onto you)
* '''Honour,'''
* '''Strength,''' (Be strong, and show your strength, use it as a way to keep peace and stability, a people cannot thrive if they are not strong and able to defend themselves)
* '''Strength,'''
* '''Wisdom,''' (Be wise, do not let emotions overly guide your decisions, make calculated and strategic decisions based on the situation)
* '''Wisdom,'''
* '''Respect,''' (Like honour, respect all opponents and fellow practitioners of the Faith, do not seek to do harm to practitioners unless they have violated the Solar Commandments, and always respect their person and property)
* '''Respect,'''
* '''Pride,''' (Be prideful of your people, your nation and your Faith, Solaris Erses has bestowed upon all those who follow Him true strength and wisdom, pride is a weapon to be used against the deceitful and Faithless)
* '''Pride,'''
* '''Preservation,''' (Preserve the past and the present, protect ancient ruins, species of animals and beautiful landscapes, but do not fear to renew them, creating better things where they once stood)
* '''Preservation,'''
* '''Courage,''' (Show courage, banish fear and misery from your heart, do not run if you are threatened, do not run if you are insulted)
* '''Courage,'''
* '''Mercy,''' (Show mercy onto your fellow practitioners, show mercy onto those Faithless who show that they have the ability and sensibilities to be converted)
* '''Mercy,'''
* '''Justice,''' (Ensure that justice is delivered upon those who have wronged you, or have wronged fellow practitioners or the Faith as a whole, do not rest while the wicked continue scheming)
* '''Justice,'''
* '''Hope,''' (Look always to the future hopeful for a better tomorrow, have an optimistic outlook on life, His light will shine through all clouds)
* '''Hope,'''
* '''Faith''' (Above all be Faithful, loyal and devoted to your lords, the Solar Emperor and to Solaris Erses, Faith and piety is one of the greatest virtues and will be rewarded in Aetherium)
* '''Faith'''
These virtues are upheld institutionally under the Exercitus Solaris - the [[Solar Empire of Arith]]'s Solar Army - and by the Knights of Solaris (alongside the Code of Chivalry), as well as being enforced in the institutions of the Empire such as the Imperial Estate, the Consortium Solaris (and anywhere else in the presence of the Solar Emperor). The Code of Virtues is taught through stories of heroes in Solarian churches and temples, and so many devout followers attempt to uphold all of the Virtues throughout their lives.