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Lady Irithil was canonized by the Ecclesiarchy after the sudden and surprise conversion and baptism of Lixionit V of North Moria at the Accenderatus in Solar Pyrrhus. Lixionit claimed he had a dream where he witnessed the events of Saint Irithil's life and had set sail for Pyrrhus to find the truth. Following his petition to canonize his city's patron, the Ecclesiarchat convened and decided upon it as Lixionit had proved his piety and righteousness before the Lord by getting baptised publicly.
=== Saint Skrumpus the Charitable ===
Saint Skrumpus, also known as Father Skrumpus, is the Patron Saint of Brumalia, one of the two large Solarian holidays celebrated in commemoration of the victory of Erses over the Devourer. It is said that Skrumpus was an early Ashinan worshipper of Erses who started giving gifts in his home town on the festival of Brumalia, and has since started gift-giving to the world. It is said that Father Skrumpus prayed to Solaris Erses for speed and agility, so that he could place presents under the Brumatrees of all towns and houses, and which was granted to spread joy and cheer among Erses' people. Skrumpus' gift-giving tradition in Ashina has since exploded all across the Solarian world as a new Faith-wide tradition, and even beyond.
=== Saint Ermias the Peaceful ===
Saint Ermias was a soldier that fought during the Great Alathran War, defending the Federation of Arith - now the Free Cities.
After seeing many of the soldiers he fought alongside either die or leave the military forces, Ermias was deprived of any hope he had left. The night before the siege of Savage Crow, five beautiful angels visited the soldiers campsite. Stopping by every soldiers' tent, they asked if they were able to represent all five of the Lords Virtues. However none of the remaining soldiers could display all five.
As the angels stopped by the last tent, Ermias stepped out and was shocked by their beauty. Ermias was the only soldier to show fulfilment of all five Virtues, responding positively to the Angels' questions.
During the day of the siege of Savage Crow, the day of Brumalia, Ermias was tasked with leading a ship against one of the Elyrians ships. After the Elyrian soldiers managed to board the Federation's ship, Ermias remembered the angels visit. Knowing he is under protection of them, he jumped in between both sides' fighting soldiers, convincing the remaining Federation soldiers to drop their weapons and to show faith in the Lord Solaris Erses on this holy day in remembrance of Erses, and Saint Skrumpus.
As both sides agreed to stop the ruthless fighting, they dragged their ship by the anchor onto a nearby island. Ermias and the Federation soldiers agreed to follow the Elyrians back to their nation, the Elyrians swearing to protect Ermias with their lives. For this reason, Ermias has been canonised as a Solarian Saint as Ermias the Peaceful, for bringing the sweet release of peace onto these two warring, and usually hostile peoples.
== History ==