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===== Rhadohir =====
Rhadohir is a major Spirit, and the only daughter of Solaris Erses. She is the Spirit of the underworld (Infernium), death and darkness and is entrusted with inflicting curses and retrieving the souls of those who die under dishonourable circumstances or commit great crimes against her Father. Rhadohir takes the form of a great spider, manifesting as the worlds' most terrifying creature in goliath size, often spinning her webs around those who she is bringing back to Infernium with her. The spiders which roam the world are thought to be offspring of Rhadohir. Rhadohir is an outcast of the Solar Cohort due to her dark nature in direct contrast to her Father, though there have been some rare cults, particularly those centred around death and assassination which worship the monstrous spider.
==== The Solar Entourage ====
The spirits of the Solar Entourage are the less powerful of the, in total, 10 Exaltatus. These Spirits, while being fragments of Erses, are not direct descendants Erses and Ymis. They serve them faithfully in the occupation of elemental and skill-centric patronage.
===== Arasil =====
Arasil is a minor Spirit. He is the Spirit of travel, transport, trade and sport, protecting those who use the roads and granting stamina to those participating in sports. Arasil serves as the patron of both travelling merchants and athletes, not only for protection and patronage both on the road and during sporting events, but also for success in business. Arasil takes the terrestrial form of a Horse, which represents the stamina, speed and travel that he is patron of.
===== Thygohr =====
Thygohr is a minor Spirit. He is the Spirit of flight and flying creatures, lord of all birds, he is skilled in espionage and scouting. Thygohr serves as the patorn of those flying with an elytra, and those assigned to scouting duties in armies. Thygohr takes the terrestrial form of a Falcon, which is most known for it's keen eyesight from far distances.
===== Raenar =====
Raenar is a minor Spirit. She is the Spirit of food, scavaging and hunting, mistress of the wild hunt. Raenar serves as the patron of hunters who are seeking food for their families. The only forbidden creature to hunt is the Elk, in reverence and respect to the Solar Elk Solaris Erses, doing so will inflict great misfortune and curses. Raenar takes the terrestrial form of a Wolf, which represents the hunt, which some believe she does on cold and windy nights as the wind howls and the hunting party moves across the sky.
===== Rhireus =====
Rhireus is a minor Spirit. He is the Spirit of knowledge and wisdom, patron of many different institutions of education in the [[Solar Empire of Arith]]. Rhireus is the patron of many academics and aspiring students, alongside scientists and other researchers who seek his gifts of knowledge and guidance. The Great Old ones of the Swamp, who live in [[Mudtown]], are believed to be minor spirits with the patronage of Rhireus for their great knowledge and wisdom. Rhireus takes the terrestrial form of an Owl, representing his knowledge and success.
===== Gyorr =====
Gyorr is a minor Spirit. He is the Spirit of the forge and metals, acting as the patron to many blacksmiths and soldier who use his abilities to ensure that their metals arestrong and do not break in the face of combat. Many blacksmiths have created great weaponry and armour under the blessings and guidance of Gyorr, and so it is tradition to have a large statue of the god facing an anvil for good luck. Gyorr takes the terrestrial form of a Monkey, representing his craftiness and skill with his hands.
===== Akbris =====
Akbris is a minor Spirit. She is the Spirit of culture, festivals and celebration, and is also in control of the darker aspects of these such as vice and addiction. Akbris is the patron of a large portion of the Pyrrhianpopulation who are consumers of large amounts of alcohol and have many festivals and celebrations throughout the year. Akbris takes the terrestrial form of a Bee, representing the Spring, joy and celebration through honey.
== Realms ==
