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== History ==
== History ==
The history of the Ecclesiarchy stretches long before it's official establishment, originally starting as the Grand Order of the Druids, which prior to the arrival of Íor Murascaillbach on Terra, the population of the world was divided through the influence of the Devourer, worshipping false idols and moving further from Solaris Erses' vision. For many millennia the story of the foundation of the Grand Order of Druids was passed down through oral tradition, and only recently being codified under [[Melevor]] in the Druidic Annals only shortly before the takeover by the Sect of the True Flame.

=== Pre-history ===
=== Pre-history ===

==== The Age of Heroes and the Age of Nature ====
The details on the foundation of the Grand Order and the context behind it is wrapped in mystery, speculation and lost history, as the story has been passed down through oral traditions for thousands of years and has lost some of it's key components. According to the Druidic Annals - the holy texts of the now defunct Grand Order - the story begins with the descent of Íor Murascaillbach from the heavens after his creation by Solaris Erses and Ymis. Following this Íor built a following of faithful warrior-druids, beginning the Age of Heroes.

The Age of Heroes was a series of long and protracted wars by the warrior-druids of Íor Murascaillbach and the pagans of Western Arith. Though lasting for upwards of 200 years, the series of wars was finally won by the proto-Pyrrhians with the annihilation of the pagan temple which stood on the banks of the Saile river, modern day a part of the [[Solar Empire of Arith|Ceiltean Crownlands in Solaris]]. Though by this time Íor was dead by 75 years, his son was the first to truly settle in the lands and reign over peaceful territories.

The druids and proto-Pyrrhians lived a very peaceful lifestyle, living in nature under a loose Confederation headed by the chief of the Murascaillbach Clan. Under this Age of Nature shrines and standing stones to Erses thrived, appearing all over Western Arith as a result of Druidic wandering and nomad lifestyles. This would end with the rise of the [[Free Cities of Alathra]], whose harsh policies against bandits would drive the money-making thieves into the relatively unsettled and nomadic West of Arith and into direct confrontation with the proto-Pyrrhains

==== The Age of Subjugation ====
War reigned against the bandits and warlords for many decades, but more kept coming into Western Arith, leading to the total subjugation of the proto-Pyrrhians. The natives would be enslaved by their new bandit overlords, forced into endless mining across the iron and gold rich region. The proto-Pyrrhians lived a basic subsistence, with the majority of food, housing and other basic necessities being hoarded by the bandits, who become warlords and began fighting amongst one another.

While the suffering of the proto-Pyrrhians was immense, it would only get worse as the Four Piglins (Pestilence, War, Famine and Death) struck the region igniting a 15 year-long series of events which included multiple famines, droughts, bandit conflict and widespread plague scourging the lands. During this time many of the already small proto-Pyrrhian population perished either due to hunger, sickness or death at the hands of bandit warlords who fought throughout the lands for dominance. The so-called "15 Years of Death" was thought to be a plight inflicted by Ymis and Rhadohir on the bandits as a punishment for the maltreatment of the proto-Pyrrhians, though had the unintended consequence of killing many of the proto-Pyrrhians, who were thought to be immune to the sickness. The catastrophic event ended only after the organisation of a widespread rebellion by the proto-Pyrrhians spearheaded by [[Melevor]] and the establishment of the city of [[Pyrrhus]].

==== The Age of Liberation ====
When the High Kingdom of Ceiltea was created following the downfall of Pyrrhus, religion took centre stage in the new Kingdom, and inspired by the works of other religions throughout the world [[Melevor]] endeavoured to modernise and revive the very ancient, and dispersed, Grand Order. This was done through the codification of the mythos of the Order, which was long forbidden knowledge for outsiders and even non-Druids through the Druidic Annals. The Annals firmly seated the Grand Conclave at the Liathdruim, south of [[Melevorgrad]], and cemented both the positions of King of Kings and Archdruid.

While the codification was still underway, the January Revolution occurred in Ceiltea, bringing about the creation of the [[Union of Collectivist Council Republics]], and while the religion was still upheld by the majority of the Ceiltean population, it became part of the background of everyday life in the Union. The ideology of National Collectivism took the place of religion in the society, which had become secular under the Collectivist Charter, though many religious rituals continued to take place with [[Melevor]]'s attendance. The Druids became sure of the gods' wish for Melevor to rule when the Great Old Ones of the Swamp, [[Mudtown]], who are believed to be spirits in the service of Rhireus and thus knowledgeable, visited the Folkscapital and bestowed upon the Eternal Leader the crossbow of Boogooyaga.

=== Great Reformation ===
=== Great Reformation ===
Towards the latter half of the reign of [[Melevor|Melevor I]], a new religious revival movement came in the form of the Sect of the True Flame. The teachings of the Sect, founded by Melevor I's son, Melevor II, would later become the foundations for the Solar Ecclesiarchy and the reformation of the Order into the Ecclesiarchy, a process which is called the "Great Reformation". The series of events which became the Great Reformation would start with a small number of clergy rallying around Melevor II, who as the heir apparent to the then socialist [[Union of Collectivist Council Republics]], supported the revival of the Faith, and was researching ways for direct communication between himself and Solaris Erses.

=== Great Sacrilege and Second Crusade against Pater Carnis ===
=== Great Sacrilege and Second Crusade against Pater Carnis ===
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== Holy Sites ==
== Holy Sites ==
There are various holy sites throughout Solarian Faith, most prominently the recently discovered Kiln of Creation under the newly formed city of Armenelos.

=== Kiln of Creation, Armenelos ===
=== Kiln of Creation, Armenelos ===
[[File:Kiln1.png|thumb|The Kiln of Creation found at Armenelos]]
The city of Armenelos was originally intended as a fortress-monastery north of Solar Pyrrhus to serve as a defensive bastion and religious sanctuary for the Solar Ecclesiarchy in the case of war in the [[Solar Empire of Arith]], though following excavations and deforestation around the area to make space for buildings and walls, strange objects were found around the site of the construction efforts. These objects came under extreme curiosity of the assigned Patriarch to oversee the city, Henderech, who continued to research any meaning of their symbolism.

After looking through ancient scrolls and different sources, it was discovered that the region of Ceiltea where Armenelos was being constructed had matched the description of the mythological "Cradle of Creation", where all life supposedly originated around the Kiln of Creation at the hands of Solaris Erses. This discovery was shared among the higher-ups of the Faith, and given blessing by Solar Emperor Melevor II to continue excavation around the Armenelos area. Excavation efforts would continue to yield strange items and antiques, though eventually a strange structure would be found at the very edge of the cliff upon which the city was to be set upon.

After a full excavation a large structure was fully dug out made out of impenetrable bricks and block by a door which would not open. Investigations into the mysterious structure continues, but many rumours spreading both within the Ecclesiarchy's ranks and across the wider Faith speak of the structure in the shape of an ancient kiln, and many of the workers at the site swear that it is the mythic and sacred Kiln of Creation, house to the Flame of Creation and that the Flame, an ultimate tool of the creation of life is still sealed inside the ancient structure.

The Kiln is believed to be the place where Solaris Erses stored the Flame of Creation during the first War for Existence, away from the ever-consuming Degradatus and the Devourer, on Terra and returned to after the conclusion of the War, creating the first lifeforms in the area surrounding the Kiln the "Cradle". The Flame of Creation is a tool of immense power which was mostly devoured by Solaris Erses to enhance his creative powers, though a small part was left over and supposedly remains in the Kiln of Creation as a failsafe from the influence of the Devourer. It is also believed that the small emerald on the [[The Solar Crown|Solar Crown]], the "Stone of Terra" was a gift from the Patron Spirit Ymis and discovered underneath the Kiln and the Crown itself was subsequently forged at the Kiln itself by Íor Murascaillbach.

The supposed "Kiln" at Armenelos continues to be researched, and the even more mysterious words carved into the unbreakable door "'''MAGNI SVNT QVI SANGVINEM PORTANT'''" continue to be questioned by Solarian scholars, including those of the Solar Emperor who is highly intrigued at the carvings which may possibly be referring to his lineage.

=== Liathdruim, Solar Pyrrhus ===
=== Liathdruim, Solar Pyrrhus ===
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== Sacred Items ==
== Sacred Items ==
The Faith has many sacred and Solar items which are regarded as gifts by Solaris Erses, and most of which were bestowed upon Murascaillbach Kings. Many of these items now remain as part of the Imperial Regalia of the [[Solar Empire of Arith]].
[[File:Solarcrown.png|thumb|The Solar Crown]]

=== Imperial Regalia ===
=== Imperial Regalia ===
All of the parts of the Imperial Regalia are regarded as holy relics, each with different backgrounds and origins. They all now serve as the Crown Jewels of the [[Solar Empire of Arith]], and are often in use by [[Melevor II]] during official state functions, prominently worn during his coronation and the establishment of the Solar Pyrrhian Empire, where three of the four parts of the regalia were present.

==== The Solar Crown ====
==== The Solar Crown ====
The Solar Crown, also known as the Imperial Crown of Pyrrhia, or the Imperial Crown of Arith, is a hoop crown with a characteristic octagonal shape, and is the coronation and Imperial crown of the [[Solar Empire of Arith]], being the most important part of the Imperial Regalia. Created approximately a thousand years ago during the mythic Pyrrhian "Age of Heroes", the crown has been used, and continues to be used in the coronation of the Murascaillbach King of Kings, being used most recently to crown Melevor II as both King of Kings and Solar Emperor. The crown is revered as a sacred and holy item of the Faith, being believed to be forged by the progenitor of the Murascaillbach Dynasty, and the son of Solaris Erses, Íor Murascaillbach with pure sunlight from the golden sunlight mane of Erses himself encrusted into the Sun which tops the crown. A heraldic depiction of the crown is used on the Imperial coats of arms, badges, logos and various other insignia in the [[Solar Empire of Arith]] to symbolise the Imperial authority of Melevor II.

==== The Sword of the Sun ====
==== The Sword of the Sun ====
The Sword of the Sun is a golden sword which is used in ceremonies in the [[Solar Empire of Arith]], and often appears alongside the Solar Emperor in his duties as both the Defender of the Faith and as Head of the Faith. Despite being made of gold, which is commonly a weak metal and not suitable for fighting with, the Sword of the Sun remains as strong as it was the day it was forged. Forged by a mythic Pyrrhian King, the Sword was the subject of many conflicts due to it's claimed power of spontaneously bursting into flame, which only those of the Murascaillbach Dynasty could handle without being burned. The flames of the Sword were believed to be pulled directly from the Sun, and so their heat would simply slice through someone if the sword touched their flesh. This rare spectacle has not been seen for hundreds of years, and so the idea that the Sword can do this has fallen into stories and mythology, while zealots within the newly founded Solar Ecclesiarchy believe that the Sword is entirely under the control and whim of the Solar Emperor, and that he can control it's outburts of fire at will.

==== The Orb of Erses ====
==== The Orb of Erses ====
The Orb of Erses is a golden orb surmounted by a Solis symbol, and has been used as a symbol of the authority of the Imperial Dynasty since the descent of Íor Murascaillbach from Aetherium. The Solis represents Solaris Erses dominion over the orb of the world, literally held in the hand of His representative on Terra, the Murascaillbach ruler. It is believed that the Orb itself was given by Solaris Erses to His son Íor as a promise and as a prophecy which remains important to Solarian Faith as a driving force for spreading: "'''Mine son, thou line shalt bring about the Age of Peace, a thousand year reign under the great Solis'''".

==== The Sacred Antler ====
==== The Sacred Antler ====

== Prayers and Hymns ==
== Prayers and Hymns ==