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== Erses ==
Erses is the sole God of the Solar Ecclesiarchy, differentiating from the old ways of [[Ceiltean Druidism]], which worshipped the now "Patron Spirits" of Erses. Erses is often referred to with many different epithets, titles and attached names, such as: Solar Elk, Great Lord, Solar Father, Great Elk, Sun God, or God. Solaris Erses is the greatest being in all of Existence, creator and father of all things, who divided his spirit into different fragments which each have different patronages either of elements, life or skills.
=== Solaris Erses ===
Erses (officially Solaris Erses) is the sole God of the Solar Ecclesiarchy, differentiating from the old ways of [[Ceiltean Druidism]], which worshipped the now "Patron Spirits" of Erses. Erses is often referred to with many different epithets, titles and attached names, such as: Solar Elk, Great Lord, Solar Father, Great Elk, Sun God, or God. Solaris Erses is the greatest being in all of Existence, creator and father of all things, who divided his spirit into different fragments which each have different patronages either of elements, life or skills.
Solaris Erses
Solaris Erses often takes the form of a large Aetherium Elk, of pure white fur and golden sunlight mane, and whose earthly lookalikes are believed to be descended from the Aetherium Elk, the first life-forms ever created by Erses, and thus treated with reverence, respect and with piety in the Faith. Solaris Erses is the direct father of Edarr, Udros and Rhadohir, and husband to Ymis, while also being the progenitor of the other Spirits among the Exaltatus. It is also believed that Solaris Erses fathered the Murascaillbach Dynasty as the perfect humans to lead the Faithful forward in line with His vision.
While Solaris Erses is the sole God of Existence, he focuses in areas of treaties, oaths and rightful kingship. Solaris Erses is often portrayed as not only a divine and majestic King of Creation but also a warrior and a master craftsman, often working alongside his son Edarr and Gyorr the god of the forge.
=== Patron Spirits ===
The Patron Spirits are fragments of Solaris Erses' spirit and in total are 10 spirits called the Exaltatus. The Patron Spirits are divided into two categories: the Solar Cohort, and the Solar Entourage, with the Cohort being the more powerful of the categories and referred to as Solaris Erses' direct family, the most powerful among them being Ymis, Solar Consort, with whom Solaris Erses sired three children. Ymis and the children of Solaris Erses, Edarr, Udros and Rhadohir, are believed to be the most powerful of all the spirits and second only to Solaris Erses himself, though they pale in comparison to His might and power.
==== The Solar Cohort ====
The spirits of the Solar Cohort are the more powerful of the, in total, 10 Exaltatus. Among them sits Ymis, Solar Consort and Mother Nature, with whom Solaris Erses fathered three children, and who are the parents to all the other of the spirits of the Solar Cohort. It is thought that the reason the children of Erses and Ymis are members of the Solar Cohort is because of their immense powers and capabilities inherited from their parents' combined powers.
===== Ymis, Queen-Solar Consort =====
Ymis is a major Patron Spirit, and the wife of Solaris Erses. She is attributed the title of Mother Nature for her role in the creation of the other major Patron Spirits, their children, those who sit in the Solar Cohort. Ymis is the Patron Spirit of healing, home, and nature, often being looked towards for family members, healing during war and being the patroness of marriages. Ymis' appearance is that of a humanoid looking tree with emerald green leaves, similar to that of an Ent, who are credited as being offspring of Ymis and Erses.
===== Edarr =====
