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== Realms ==
== Realms ==
Following the defeat of the Devourer at the hands of Solaris Erses and his creation of light, Erses would go on to create Existence and the four Realms of Existence. First creating the Aetherium as a Realm devoted to Himself and His light, Solaris Erses would go on to create the Materium - our Realm of Existence-, Antiterium - which would become "the End" -, and Infernium - or "the Nether" -. To connect them together, Solaris Erses plucked pieces of his golden mane of sunlight and tied the Realms together through threads of this purest light, making ways to travel between them in the form of different portals.

=== Aetherium ===
=== Aetherium ===
The Aetherium was the first Realm to be created, and intended as the home of Solaris Erses, as a place to oversee the coming life in the other Realms. The Aetherium is described in the Solar Codex as " a realm of lush rolling green hills, great green forests, where light always filled the blessed blue skies", which "in the centre of the realm rested a lake with an island in the middle upon which was the open-aired court of the Solar Elk".

Aetherium is home to the first forms of the life, the great Aetherium Elks - large, white-haired counterparts of their Ceiltean Elk descendants -, from which he would take his material form, always appearing as a large, white Elk with a mane of pure golden sunlight. The Realm would forever remain day, as the Sun filled the bright blue skies with even greater light than in Materium, shining down on the green plains, forests and hills which covered the Realm with a quilt of green. While lakes and rivers would be common throughout Aetherium, the largest would be at the centre of the Realm from which Solaris Erses would take court and preside over the fallen heroes of the Faithful.

A large island, surrounded by an even larger lake would be entirely inaccessible to those who inhabited the Realm after their death, only those who had been deemed worthy of great deeds in their lives, or were direct descendants of Solaris Erses himself were permitted to walk upon the waters of the lake, and to cross over into the Court of the Sun. The island would be relatively flat, though filled with tables and seats, and overflowing with food and drink, from which wine would flow from fountains and feasts would never end. In the middle of the island would rest a white and glowing Elk, adorning a crown of pure sunlight, Solaris Erses himself, with whom he would surround himself with the former Kings of the Murascaillbach Dynasty.

The rest of the Realm would be widely inhabited by spirits of Faithful followers of Solaris, living in peace and harmony in the nature of Aetherium without the burdens of survival, always being warm, and constantly fed both by the fruits of the great trees, and the pure waters of the rivers and lakes. The Realm would be entirely at peace, in a constant state of joyous celebration and calm.

=== Materium ===
=== Materium ===
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The book of Genesis begins with a description of the events which brought about the creation of Existence. Prior to the creation of material, two spirits floated through the endless nothingness: Solaris Erses and Magna Devorator (also known as the Devourer). While it was in Erses' nature to create and to build, it was in the Devourer's nature to destroy and to consume. The two entities would engage in brutal combat for an inconceivable length of time, before the downfall of the Devourer following Erses' creation of light and flame, something the Devourer would come to hate above all things.
The book of Genesis begins with a description of the events which brought about the creation of Existence. Prior to the creation of material, two spirits floated through the endless nothingness: Solaris Erses and Magna Devorator (also known as the Devourer). While it was in Erses' nature to create and to build, it was in the Devourer's nature to destroy and to consume. The two entities would engage in brutal combat for an inconceivable length of time, before the downfall of the Devourer following Erses' creation of light and flame, something the Devourer would come to hate above all things.

Solaris Erses would go on, after the defeat of the Devourer, to create the four Realms of Existence: Aetherium, Materium, Antierium and Infernium.The Aetherium was the first Realm to be created, as the home of Solaris Erses, and as a place to oversee all life in the other Realms. The Aetherium is described as " a realm of lush rolling green hills, great green forests, where light always filled the blessed blue skies", which "in the centre of the realm rested a lake with an island in the middle upon which was the open-aired court of the Solar Elk". In Aetherium Solaris Erses would go on to create the first forms of life, the Aetherium Elks - large, white-haired counterparts of their Ceiltean Elk descendants -, from which he would take his material form, always appearing as a large, white Elk with a mane of pure golden sunlight. After populating Aetherium with Elks, Solaris Erses would go on to create Materium, the Realm of Existence which all planets, galaxies and universes reside. Antierium (also known as "the End"), originally a vibrant Realm which - like Aetherium - there was no darkness, though through the War of Existence would become the current state it is today, and Infernium (also known as "the Nether") which was created as a Realm of punishment for those who went against the dominion of Solaris Erses.
Solaris Erses would go on, after the defeat of the Devourer, to create the four Realms of Existence: Aetherium, Materium, Antierium and Infernium. The Aetherium was the first Realm to be created, as the home of Solaris Erses, and as a place to oversee all life in the other Realms. The Aetherium is described as " a realm of lush rolling green hills, great green forests, where light always filled the blessed blue skies", which "in the centre of the realm rested a lake with an island in the middle upon which was the open-aired court of the Solar Elk". In Aetherium Solaris Erses would go on to create the first forms of life, the Aetherium Elks - large, white-haired counterparts of their Ceiltean Elk descendants -, from which he would take his material form, always appearing as a large, white Elk with a mane of pure golden sunlight. After populating Aetherium with Elks, Solaris Erses would go on to create Materium, the Realm of Existence which all planets, galaxies and universes reside. Antierium (also known as "the End"), originally a vibrant Realm which - like Aetherium - there was no darkness, though through the War of Existence would become the current state it is today, and Infernium (also known as "the Nether") which was created as a Realm of punishment for those who went against the dominion of Solaris Erses.

Solaris Erses tied these Realms together through threads of the purest light, making ways to travel between them in the form of different portals. To help govern his new dominions, Erses fractured his great soul into different parts, which grew to have their own personalities and patronages, such as Ymis, Edarr, Rhadohir, Akbris and Gyorr, though these fragments would combine back into Solaris Erses when needed. While Solaris Erses' power is dispensed through all he had created, the Devourer spent his time outside Existence licking his wounds, and regaining strength and creating an army of entities known as Degradatus (or Díghrádaithe), which are described as "detestable creatures of horrific proportion and shape, which were tasked with consumption of Existence and feeding the Devourer".
Solaris Erses tied these Realms together through threads of the purest light, making ways to travel between them in the form of different portals. To help govern his new dominions, Erses fractured his great soul into different parts, which grew to have their own personalities and patronages, such as Ymis, Edarr, Rhadohir, Akbris and Gyorr, though these fragments would combine back into Solaris Erses when needed. While Solaris Erses' power is dispensed through all he had created, the Devourer spent his time outside Existence licking his wounds, and regaining strength and creating an army of entities known as Degradatus (or Díghrádaithe), which are described as "detestable creatures of horrific proportion and shape, which were tasked with consumption of Existence and feeding the Devourer".