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Returning to the Flame of Creation on Terra, Solaris Erses consumed most of the flame to combine it's powers within himself, leaving only a small fragment of the Flame, to be safeguarded in a newly created complex on the planet, the Kiln of the Flame, from which Solaris Erses would create all life on Terra, including all animals, beasts, humans and other races of humanoids. Yet, from beyond the walls of reality the Devourer continued to influence activities throughout Existence, manipulating and turning humanity against it's master, corrupting many who turned their backs on the gods, worshipping various different idols and Devourer-inspired beings. This corruption of their creation horrified Erses, and so it was decided that a line of prophets, directly in contact with Him, must be created of his own blood to guide the faithful in the ways he commands, and to wage bloody wars against the corrupted. Thus was created the regal line of Murascaillbach, ending the Age of Ancients, and beginning the Age of Heroes.
This final section of history concludes the first book of the Solar Codex, which is followed by the book of Correctio, which focuses on the Great Reformation and the commandments of Solaris Erses to [[Melevor II]] for the reformation of Grand Order into the Ecclesiarchy.
=== Book II: Correctio ===
The book of Correctio explains the commandments of Solaris Erses to Melevor II for the foundation of the Ecclesiarchy, as well as traditions, virtues and values which the Ecclesiarchy must uphold.
The book starts with a description of the events surrounding the Great Reformation, including the dwindling of religion under the [[Union of Collectivist Council Republics|Union]] of his [[Melevor|father]], the foundation of the Sect of the True Flame and establishing contact with Solaris Erses. The book goes on to proclaim the commandments of Erses to Melevor II as such:
'''I. Reform the Grand Order under Mine own watchful eyes, bring Mine flock closer together under the union of Mine light.''' (Reform the Grand Order from it's old ways, modernising and centralising it under a new hierarchy)
'''II. Correct the Great Error thy ancestors made, there is only One, and One alone.''' (Correct the Great Error, the only God of the Faith is Solaris Erses, all others are Patron Spirits, and apart of Him)
'''III. Honour thy ancestors, and thy heroes, the greatest among men.''' (Honour your ancestors and heroes, for they are the greatest of your people and staunch warriors of Erses)
'''IV. Behold nay further in the ways of the past, but forwards onto the ways of the Flame.''' (Do not look to the ways of the past, or of [[Ceiltean Druidism|Druidism]], but to the ways of the Flame, and these commandments)
'''V. Rich, thy culture shalt be, and richer thy virtues, honour, strength and wisdom foremost.''' (The culture of your people shall be rich, and their virtues richer: honour, strength and wisdom being the greatest of these virtues)
'''VI. By Flame thou shalt be born, and by Flame thou shalt die, thus is the Faithful's connection with Me.''' (All Faithful will be baptised in fire after consuming Elixir of the Sun, as to not burn them, and they shall be cremated after they die)
'''VII. Build not the standing stones of thy forefathers, but grand temples extolling thy virtues and thy Faith.''' (Do not build standing stones like your ancestors, but build temples and churches, showing your piety and Faith)
'''VIII. Love nature and the animals I hath bestowed upon thee, seek them no harm, but live in harmony.''' (Do not destroy nature or kill animals unless necessary, protect nature and live in harmony with it)
'''IX. Be wary of pretenders, I shalt speak to none but thee, divine son of my line.''' (Be wary of those who claim that they can hear Solaris Erses, for He only speaks to the divine blood of Murascaillbach)
'''X. Divine son of Mine sons, thou inherit all of Terra in thy hands, return this world to Me, expel the corruption and fulfil thy duties.''' (Speaking to [[Melevor II]]: you inherit the world, purify it and expel the corruption of the Devourer, bring about the millennia of peace under the Age of Peace)
Through the rest of the book each of these commandments is further described in detail, elaborating on the meanings behind each of them. A sizeable portion of the end of the second book is the Solarian Code of Virtues, which include:
* '''Honour,'''
* '''Strength,'''
* '''Wisdom,'''
* '''Respect,'''
* '''Pride,'''
* '''Preservation,'''
* '''Courage,'''
* '''Mercy,'''
* '''Justice,'''
* '''Hope,'''
* '''Faith'''
These virtues are upheld institutionally under the Exercitus Solaris - the [[Solar Empire of Arith]]'s Solar Army - and by the Knights of Solaris (alongside the Code of Chivalry), as well as being enforced in the institutions of the Empire such as the Imperial Estate, the Consortium Solaris (and anywhere else in the presence of the Solar Emperor). The Code of Virtues is taught through stories of heroes in Solarian churches and temples, and so many devout followers attempt to uphold all of the Virtues throughout their lives.
=== Book III: Regeneratio ===
