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After successfully creating a Nether portal, Sparky traversed the hostile wastes in search of the ancient netherite debris. Bringing home plenty of this shrapnel from another dimension, he got to work and created his first netherite ingots . When the traders came to town he managed to sell a singular piece for more than his entire tavern was worth. One such trader was none other than a prominent Elyrian general by the name of [REDACTED]. They had come to speak to Sparky about their woes in the battles of the past and present, and Sparky let them air out their sorrows. After the drunken [REDACTED] left, Sparky saw a shadowy purple-blue cloaked apparition lurk behind the Town Hall, however dismissed it as he wasn't exactly sober himself.
Later that night the apparition approached Sparky on the docks. He introduced himself as herald of the God Occidere^. What went on during this conversation is unknown, however the herald had managed to twist his mind into darkness and shadows. Soon after that night, reports came up all over Gaushan and Koganon of a unrecognisable hooded figure that went by the name The_Dominion. They travelled far and wide to the most influential people they could find to pass around The Shadow Tomes, texts that served as a narrative but propaganda laden story of the rise of the shadows and their eventual take over of Alathra.
Not much is known about the whereabouts of the tomes or what happened next, only that after The_Dominion was slain and the shadows expelled from Sparky's body by [REDACTED], the shadows seemed to fall silent once again.
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After realising how much damage had been caused by his almost fanatical actions, Sparky decided to take his amassed wealth and found his own town, a fortress city built with the exact opposite pretence to what his once shadow/planet/god master believed in. It is common knowledge that powered by pure retribution, Sparky managed to gather the materials and construct the Great Egregan Wall in as little as 3 days. Afterwards, he rested and began to build his wealth again from the netherite market, and is currently 4th on /baltop.
Having finished Egregans main infrastructure, Sparky appointed himself Lord of Egregan.
=== Present Day ===