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Specz would leave the Farlands, and with it leave his disgusting family and wife. The Powers would soon torment him about visions with his life forever. He traveled the world, slaying monsters and driving evil from the innocent. As a result, he was often in pain and would spend his spare time recharging for his inevitable battle. Specz wouldn’t find true friends until Alathra. When he went to investigate Ra’thra’s storm in Haven, he met his true friends, Lady Remora, Aurelius of Haven, Baaki of North haven and Llull Ancane of Wok, this was until Llull was swapped for Rynnth. And so, he stayed in Alathra. Residing in Kais Termina and meeting good people on the way.
===Becoming a Leader===
This peaceful and static state of affairs continued until Pmak, an ethnic Kogongi not part of the nation of Kogongu, joined the town. Pitru eventually constructed a wall when threats of war against Kogongu were made, and Wahat would begin to grow, along with Pitru's dedication to his faith. Game Glider joined Wahat not long after, with Pitru naming him as Lead Architect. Pitru, Game Glider, and Pmak were then each visited by one of the Three Gods of Mufijo in their dreams, who instrcuted the three to found an independent theocratic homeland for the followers of Mufijo, and to name an Altan to lead it. The gods also bestowed the title of Mumba upon the three avatars of the gods. The Three Mumbas eventually got the approval of Kogongu to form their Altanate, and Pitru, being the founder of the town and the only one of his people who stayed faithful to the gods, was named as the Altan. Pitru rules as an absolute monarch, with the two other Mumbas acting as the only check on his power. Wahat has drastically expanded, and the Grand Mosque of Jiba the Wise finally resumed construction under the supervision of Glider. Senate has in recent times has conducted diplomacy with the nearby town of Atolia and the nation of Elyria and has constructed several buildings in Wahat to improve the happiness of the residents, such as the first ever Dunkaccino's.
==Political Beliefs==